2 frame s. jab, which let’s me do my ultimate tactic of
dash, close jab, s. fierce xx Shinku HADOOOOOKEN!
2 frame s. jab, which let’s me do my ultimate tactic of
dash, close jab, s. fierce xx Shinku HADOOOOOKEN!
should’ve saved that shit for nationals.
i fear it’s power :sad:
i think kyo has a 2 frame CLOSE standing jab, correct me if i am wrong
edit: oh nvm the question was low jab my mistake!
lotta characters have 2 frame jabs…when they’re upclose and standing…and most of them are duckable by most characters.
vega should be on that list.
I shoulda known all this shit. Keepign hearing random things form that man for like years(months)
Can we get 20-30 please?
Ironically I found this thread
At work while I’m fighting off being sick lol…Good read. Fun too actually–suprised how much I did know, saddened by some things I didn’t. Awesome anyways.
he still isn’t finsihed! imma go cough on him
I actually had a vid on my PC of the Kim overhead combo. Was posted by this guy: http://www.neoempire.com/forum/showpost.php?p=19849&postcount=200 but I cant seem to download it again and the dude rarely posts now.
Yamazaki can low jab xx dust xx slash after his f+mp.
The glitched Bison headstomp is extremely useful, but there is a very simillar and more effective way of doing it.
“Do a headstomp and pick “any” direction to fly and hold it, then after steps on the dude and pops up to the apex “TAP” any direction again.” Note that i said “TAP” and not “HOLD” because if you hold a direction after the stomp the glitch doesnt work.
From 1p or 2p side
Stomp, hold Left and then fly Left screen
Stomp, hold Left and then fly Right screen
Stomp, hold Right and then fly Right screen
Stomp, hold Right and then fly Left screen