"Excercises" to get better?

Me and my friend are stuck as we are the only people that really play this friend in our group. So obviously we build off of each other but then we get to a point where our skill increase plateaus with us having even skills.

At this rate we’re not getting any better (not good enough to goto local arcade, yet).

So what kind of excercise routines can we do to get our game better? (Reading the current threads on SRK can only help us to an extent)

What team/groove do you guys use?

well, are you guys playing on sticks? are all your supers hitconfirmed/AA? no random dps? playing more footsies then you are jumping? Is your execution on point? and are you at the point where you know your friends play style?
If you answer yes to all then hit the local arcades and see what you can do. I’ve got friends who played most of the time between themselves and got to the point where they can keep up with top players. If they can, so can you.

That’s your problem. You get better by playing other people. If your friends aren’t playing it, you have to go to the local arcade. So what if you lose? You’ll learn what it is that you have to work on.

play the best people you can, as often as you can.

and make sure you aren’t losing games because of your execution.

i remember i first started playing the game those ppl at local arcade raped the shit out of me, so i just go there training whenever there’s not much ppl there and just play cpu. but obviously that’s just the first step in getting better, you have to do research, watch match vids, play tons of different ppl to gain experience. learn what normals can do, combos, link supers. if u get all these down you can beat most ppl at ur local arcade

Right… but if your are worried about losing money just Watch… take pointers.

Look for the guy with the most wins… :annoy:

A variety of competition is usually a plus and learning from losses.
But a simple exercise is to watch some match vids then pick out some scenrios from the matches. Go into training mode and program the computer to attack you in a sequence of patterns. Then test different defensive and offensive strategies or find out what moves will beat out others (like RC moves). Of course your execution has to be on point. But all in all it’s a decent way to help build reflexes and condition certain responses to certain situations.

If you have execution problems (like I do), training mode definitely can help with that to a degree. Just move your character around, pretend you are playing footsies, then go in and do your combo. Once you can consistently do the combo at the exact moment you want to do it, then you know you have the execution down on it, and it’s just a matter of not choking when you’re under pressure.

I’m still learning the game, but in my experience I learn a lot more from playing people that are better than me, and if I lose try to figure out what I did wrong and what I can improve on. You have to be willing to lose though, and not be easily frustrated.

Yea we do play on sticks, we would need to get completely accustomed to the arcade sticks though since they feel completely different (either those Sanwa “square” sticks or the standard sticks which I can’t do QCFx2 at all).

I use X-Arcades btw, although there’s no use complaining about that, i guess i’ll just have to keep playing with them until I get used to it(although it sucks to lose since it’s like 1.33 a game).

lol thats expensive for a 7 year old game, worry about doing things on your own stick before worrying about arcade sticks that is used by everyone. its just a matter of “adjustment”

I’m Surprised no one mentioned the Japanese guide for cvs2 that book is good to figure out block strings and safe moves vs not so safe moves…but you can’t take everything thats there literally its more of a reference point but knowing certain frame adv/dis advantages can greatly improve your knowledge of the game which always makes you a better player imo

Isnt that book downloadable?
If its not where online can i find it?

or http://cvs2.idiomendeavors.net/

here you go:woot:

No english translation?
Cant figure much from that.

all u need is the numbers u don’t have to be able to read it to understand it

it’s a frame data, not a fucking paragraph to teach you how to play the game.

Ur post wasnt fucking necessary seeing as how MGS already said it was fucking frame data a post above u!!!

Actually, GO to the arcade, play a few games to get to know people, then, ask if any of them would be willing to spend some time with you on a home system either at your place or theirs, that’s the most cost effective way of playing with a pro. Someone will definitely be nice enough to say ‘Ok’, maybe he’ll ask to bring along another friend so that he’ll at least get some competition while he’s spending time with you, but then, you have a match to watch and analyse so still no loss for you. Make friends and invite them to go play at home with sticks = good money saving practice.

But you’ll eventually go to the arcade sooner or later, so be mentally prepared for that. And your stick problems, sigh…that one you’ll really have to get used to in the arcade.

ok fellas enough of that shit…dream killer if you wanna ask some questions or get some games going feel free to get at me…i’m in nyc also and wouldn’t mind playing a few i’m not the greatest player but i’m pretty decent and have been able to deal with some of the best also located in nyc which is why i even said any of this…

dan ur good shit i don’t even see why you felt like you needed to make that post …just keep wrecking fools…ur sig team is the shit