"Excercises" to get better?

I’ll hit u up on AIM.
Thanx for the help man.

All u need is to do is watch vids of DAN, RAi, AO,and Otaku playing CVS2.:lovin:

While you definitely will want to step up to the Arcade and practice there, there are definitely a lot of things you can do to prepare.

As far as exercises go, a basic rule of thumb is that you should have the ability to consistently execute all of your top 6 or so characters moves, and B&B (on both sides of the screen). You should also be able to utilize all aspects of your main groove.

Without knowing more info, that’s about all I can say.

It’s highly recommended that you go practice at the arcade, but it’s always worth it to practice execution in your own time. Consistent execution will help no matter how good or bad your strategy is.

If you’ve got great execution than the only thing left to do is practice against good competition (at the arcade).

haha…true videos do help initially but after you get your basic style and skill set down don’t try to emulate other players improve on what feels natural to you…unless its something completely stupid…like doing power dunk with rock… the guide is a good way to find out what moves your character has that can’t be punished…the way i dissect it is…anything its -4 or almost 100 percent safe(if blocked) …save lvl3 supers and such anything on the plus side is obviously safe more ppl should play this game…especially in new york…but thats just a hope at this point

what’s the meaning of team “co-flow”?

when i got nobody to play with at home i play againts cpu evil iori

how is that suppose to help you get better? its a CPU figure out their flow, then wait and punish their shit. a good example is Ken, he does a dp of each punch in order.

that guy is a troll, dont get baited.

omg i say when i got nobody to play with ( NOBODY TO PLAY WITH ) you guys are pathetic man read the sentence.

Play survival mode and try to beat it on hard.

Then practice anti airs / record Cpu jumping in.

training mode.

Put the cCPU on Ramdom guard. practice hit confirm. like short short super with ken hit/ short short standing short funk kick blocked.

Practice guard break/ working guard crush. Cpu guard all.

Learn counter pokes… ken’s c.mp counter cammy’s far standing rh.

If you can Anti air.
punish/ counter poke/+ ground game you will be on your way.:wonder:

Akuma is really annoying to fight in boss battle.:sweat:


i don’t have to read your sentence, read the thread title :rofl::rofl::rofl:

cpu akuma is cheap and annoying, cvs2 evil iori feels more human.

playing evil iori helps me in attacking decision strategy. choosing the best thing to do in right time espacial with n groove

I did really good fighting in an arcade for the first time. lol.
All i got to say is know ur pokes.
Know how to play the game.
And know ur links.
Cause i play C-Vega, Chun, Cammy.
Vega is my battery, i loved chun for like alot years now, so i know everything about her, and i feel real comfortabible with Cammy. But not all that comfortable.
But i love CvS2.

but what if your not playing c groove there arent any real links (some in N groove)…

to submitter: do you want to become great or just good… if you just want to be good then get 2000 points on hard mode and your done… if you want to really be competitive in this game then put up the money and take some ass kickings its the only (and I mean ONLY) way to become a great player… ask any great player how much he thinks he has spent on cvs2 in the arcade id be surprised if any of them said under $150 (not counting any earnings from said matches or tournaments)

but since you did ask for advice I will give you the secret to cvs2… there are actually 2 secrets

  1. its all about pokes , timing and distance … know and be completely comfortable with these concepts , no fancy strategy just the basic tools that every character in every groove has, and most importantly this knowledge is helpful at all times in the match… you cant pull that deadly Sak custom if you meter isnt full … and even when it is full if you still need knowledge of distance

  2. in C,A,and N groove you have rc … this evens the playing field against good k and p groovers and it makes any character more of a threat , all I can say for s groovers is that you should be offensive and do random dodges into pokes make them think that any offense might be a mistake , then once they get patient you get bold and throw or walk up dp or charge ( s groove is a challenge but there are some decent vids)

these are the base to any great players game if you dont have these things you will not be a great player… if you do have these things you will be a great player

usually by the time you have mastered the basics you know a couple of combos and and have learned stratigies , but its the basics that put you in the position to use those punishing techinques

$150 to get good? I doubt it. I bet they’ve all spend upwards of $400-500. Especially since most of the best started when the game was new and usually $.50 a play. Man those were expensive times.

It’s still $.50 where I’m at…:sad:

because that team does “fantastic damage” which was the name of an old el-p album who was a member of co-flow also known as company flow. A group that set the standard for indy rap back in the mid 90’s. but i guess it doesn’t really mean anything just a way for me to short hand my team when talking amongst friends instead of saying ryu rock sagat or whatever i say co flow.

Honestly, the only exercise you can do to get better is to play other people. Too much training mode stunts your ability to adapt and makes you an easily readable player. This isn’t to say that Training Mode doesn’t have its benefits, but activating on an active, thinking opponent is different from a Dummy character set to Auto Guard.