Excellent players you played online

Haha. Yeah Everdred’s posts are usually a bit more credible and legible. So I’m assuming there as a small inebriation factor.

i used to play on ggpo and supercade… there was this guy who was incredible with dudley not sure a 100% but i think his username was sharkwithlazers something like that… anyone here played him recently? i dont think he plays on psn or xbl…

question: do you take me seriously?
by the way when will you be back? Oro misses you.

yea it’s always ggs man. Sandybags lobby was… lol

shhhhh shhhhh. that was just a nightmare. and it’s over now. ggs

I think there’s a stigma about 3SOE. I think that stigma is: If you’re better than someone you’ve beaten, then they’re not good. Kind of harsh when you’re going against 12-year vets. I think someone on this board said Johannito was good… Whoever did, you are a damn lie. That dude does nothing but guessing. Surewin though… That guy is pretty scary.

You’ve never played Surewin offline. All he does is guess!

But if a person isn’t good, then they aren’t good… what do you expect said player to be praised for? On the other hand, people like artayes, JR, dyne who get praises by noobs online

winners are determined by who can mash parry the best.

if you mash/guess parry and actually expect it to come out online, you are courageous

a true champion in my book

i can grow my dreads back now… if that means anything

credible and legible…
im none of the above!!!

That may change things. People are less likely to guess parry offline. I mean, I will on occasion but it’s only in non-risky situations. All these online guess parries -__-

guess parry is not hard to punish

you see this dude guess parry forward on his wakeup or something, you know what to do next time around

unless he’s just really smart. in which case it wasn’t a guess, he’s just in your brain

there are just plain stupid parries and there is playing online style parry baiting.

watch 90% of ggpo matches and you will see probably 2-3x as many parries as you will in an offline match between good players. because things that are 100% of the time punishable offline become magically parryable since you can’t reversal them consistently online.

it’s also not an issue of it being easy or hard to punish. it’s an issue of shitty shit play that people get away with because it’s online. no one who plays offline wants to tard themselves up in order to dominate other tards online. and no one who plays offline cares what online players think of themselves. because they live in their own world with their own version of the game. they just get tired of hearing them labeled ‘good’ when they play something that looks nothing like 3S.

let me ask you guys something since you guys seem to know EVERYTHING- the scene, the abilities to judge a players’ worth, who plays online only,etc,

who in the fuck plays explicitly online? online is to branch out with other players, keep your game up, and play when there is absolutely no one else in person to play atm.

these so-called online warriors that ONLY exist online seem non-existent to me. I have played a few of the great 3s players on and offline, and there is very little difference in game play between their online and offline play. and get better connections or stfu. all you little girls do is bitch and moan.

lol if you are the same wargreymon on xbox, which is pretty obvious, then I guess you are one of the noobs who talks shit on better players instead of ‘‘praising’’ them? I remember beating you with basically double perfects while surfing the web and eating a sandwich.

its so easy to throw people’s names under the bus that are being talked badly about by others (who 99 percent of the time are fucking wrong about them) for ‘‘brownie’’ points, instead of learning about these things yourself. fucking sheep

and all this ‘‘guess parrying’’ you guys seem to know everything about…well…that is simply not the case most of the time… it is predicting the same boring ass thing over and over from your opponent and knowing when to parry and how to punish it. I’m guilty of this to at times, and get punished when I am. if you guys can’t learn simple 3s, well, sf4 awaits you…sadly.

It’s like looking at a piece by Hieronymus Bosch while wearing the wrong prescription glasses.

that’s a nice metaphor but does not explain shit. I played offline with some excellent players earlier and then played online with a few excellent players with great connections. very little difference if any. I have old tv (no hd or bullshit) for my xbox and a great connection. just got to find others that do as well.

if you noticed when you played me I rarely parried your Makoto. I think your Mak is good but you should work on being a little ‘‘less’’ random. even though I know Mak players can win off of it, its best to tone it down slightly and concentrate on how to find a way to connect your hit confirms and combos. not a diss toward you, since your pretty solid…but like when you faced sandybags…a lot of that stuff got you in serious trouble. make Hugo come to you always. even though I don’t particularly care for Mak since she can get random ass wins and I really respect Hugo players, I feel he has got you up a creek without a paddle in that match up, when it should favor you on paper. if you keep him back with med kicks and can manage to stay out of the corners, you will fair much better. and any parry you can get to land you a choke does not hurt either.

FFS just stop posting. Why the fuck do you care if we know your bad? Everyone knows your bad. Stop fucking posting essays.

I played you. You are BAD. Terrible. You abuse lag to get your victories online and you use that to justify you being good. You are not good. If you honestly think your good then POST SOME FUCKING OFFLINE MATCHES YOU DUMB FUCK!

the internet is serious business