Excellent players you played online

Someone mentioned 3S Arcade mode… I’m not gonna lie. The computer is fucking amazingly on point… I know I should just go agead and learn the actions but it’s rather fun to try to out poke the computer… It’s not easy…
There’s somethings about online that are unforgivable sins, but overall it’s a fun experience and allows adaptation to other players styles.
hahahadouken: send me a friend request? (cpt egregious) Salty run backs all around!
I wonder if inevitable death is on these boards. That guy is really fun to play. He’s aggressive as hell and… Well, it’s just fun.

Yeah man, I was susprised to see chai grab sfxtekken. We played on release day and that fool played like he already put in 40 hours. :frowning:

And neiman is pretty sick. He has a very unorthodox style with extremely on point zoning skills.

Yeah I used arcade mode and do nothing but Ken’s hit confirms. I didn’t try to manipulate the match because well, you’re playing against the computer. :frowning:

So I just tried as hard as I could to get my Kara srk and hit confirms on point.

Offline your hit confirms feel like you have a full second before needing to piano. Online - not as much. It definitely helps though.

lol… fuck it, it’s just too easy…

walk himself back into the corner? strong fierce, short short?
sorry there’s nothing sick about neiman, bro

neiman has slick reactions.

I knew this thread was subjective when I first clicked and posted. But what does it truly take to be good? Because according to this thread everyone who is good, seems to suck in another persons mind. I mean, let’s face it, we are not our Japanese counterparts but I’m sure we can have a little confidence in our abilities, no?

bro, s

bro, shut he fuck up. I’m the Japanese’s counter part.

its mostly just artayes and dyne

Haha. I guess the diplomatic approach has been squandered by a single dander post. :slight_smile:

I want Dander to be my 3S Mentor.

… Then I can say “The student has become the master.”

Aw damn dude, you will be missed. Makes sense though, why let mircrosoft screw you on capcom’s scam.

I tip my hat to your fine quill work sir. :rofl:

But good god, this thread got ugly… even uglier.

I only get stomped to death by Alex, tatsu’d by Akuma, and mixed up by Ibuki online

offline I am the best

in addition to others already mentioned, i really enjoyed watching/playing against kickassguy’s ryu, mexiran’s q, and korcotan (sp?) and tenkensouijoro’s hugo.

edit: forgot about ha-dou-ken and stephen1’s elena. all ggpo of course. :slight_smile:

lots of good players online thanx for some shout outs the funnest ppl to play online for me are my old chinatown fair friends and many of the posters in the 3s forum and so forth. like u can have fun playing ppl but it can get sour quick since its online. so its fun to get serious when u know its a great connection but if its so so then if u take it serious then its really easy to get mad about it.


I thought it was just me who was quite perplexed.

Everdred’s post makes plenty of sense to me. But I did wonder if he was drunk.

neutral jump roundhouse for 20 seconds

Best players I’ve played on ggpo:

NGUdad and