sounds like your buddy isn’t much of a buddy. ;p ryan was never my buddy, he is just straight up lying on me to “prove” I suck, which he seems insistent on doing. but even though playing 5star would end up in you losing badly, it would still be a grand experience just to fight him.
When I lose against him, I don’t lost terribly. I do lose convincingly, but not terribly. When I beat him, though. I rape him.
the only reason I care so much to respond to this clown is because people like him ruin the 3rd strike boards. this is the only central place for the 40 people in america who still care about the game. Its sad that a lot of good players dont post anymore or participate in discussions because of people like him. It makes me mad. I care about 3rd strike a lot and it is actually a big part of my life thats not online. (can you believe it?)
artayes…please stop responding to me. go play xbl.
good shit. can I ask you something, since you seem to be one of the few rare reasonable players here?
who does playing online means you have to prove yourself to others to so many, yet they dismiss online as it sucks and you can’t prove yourself on there anyways?
does that make sense to you? and why do I, or any other great players, have to play to “prove” yourselves? why can’t you just play for fun and hope to be good along the way?
listen here, boy. I have fought and clawed my way for 3s to get recognition since it came out.
I fought and petitioned for two of my home arcades to get 3s in, and me (and my 3s buds) succeeded. I traveled in my car with several other players to travel to tourneys and get the scene bigger.
I wrote Capcom with over three thousand signatures to request 3s to be put on the current consoles. I hosted over 10 3s tourneys in arcades, and many online.
I have posted 3s everywhere in video game sections for many years. always promoting it and helping the scene grow stronger. I held 3s marathons at my home and got the entire eastern USA more invested and interested in 3s.
If anyone who has been posting for many years throughout Capcom/video game forums, would know this. You are just some sorryass newbie on the scene that thinks they are the shit and have done a lot in little time.
your weaksauce, and lets end this now between us, because you know NOTHING about my passions for 3s or what I have striven to achieve for it. all you seem to do is talk bad about other players which you got no business with in the first place.
and to be realistic, there are far more than 40 people who care for 3s. its just on SRK, where all the flamers and trolls live, the 40 players you refer to are pretty much all unfortunately the bottom of the barrel.
i think 3 or so times there have been maybe 8+ people when i was there at doylestown for the one h2h cab. up to like maybe 10 or 12. when someone gets up there’s a moment where some people are thinking “ill follow the order we’re following, my turn comes up soon” and then someone just ignores the order and sits down and everyone just waits because they don’t care too much.
I got a question for you. Why would somebody who claims to play for fun, meet people and hope to get good along the way get so blindingly upset by what others people say about him on a forum frequented by 15 posters?
I play online because I have no choice.
Fuck Hawaii.
I wish I knew about leviathan the year I moved here.
It is definite. DEFINITE. that playing online is COMPLETELY different than offline. I can admit that, but I believe that there are three types of people in the 3s community.
A. Offline. Online when drunk or horny.
B. Online. Online when drunk or horny. Offline with friends who never spent more than 1 hour with the game and boast those wins online as offline competition.
C. Online. Prefers offline yet has no local competition what so ever. No maintained machines within a 60 mile radius. No social networking of any kind that may wish to have anything to do with third strike or game of preference.
I believe I fall into C. I learned to play 3s online, but within the first 2 years of playing I stuck to having long sessions with a small group of people on ggpo.
AC Slayer is one of them. Look my video of how he tried to teach me to play within the first couple of months playing. He steezed on me hard. REAL HARD, but I continued to try.
I learned about hit confirms and played IN ARCADE MODE, because i had no means of acquiring 3s on a different platform. While I would practice these as well as Kara throws and Kara srk in arcade mode I found it to be incredibly difficult to do online. I can CONFIDENTLY say that my hit confirms online can only be good as 60%. The frames dropped are usually the most important ones to pay attention to in order to confirm yourself before pianoing tthe preferred buttons. Online is extremely hard to get used to, but not impossible.
I am extremely grateful for the time I spent on ggpo. I met 3 people (2 of whom aare still close friends to me) and AC slayer. That nigga made me cry whenever we played, but his tough words TAUGHT me things and encouraged me to get better. There was a time where I was extremely ill and had to stay in a hospital for weeks. The other two friends called my employer to try to see if I was still okay. One of them even purchased me my first TE stick which I still use and CHERISH today.
I would much rather play offline if I could find people that preferred to as well. Third strike has heart. A THIRD STRIKE PLAYER REQUIRES HEART. That is why all of us pull up our defense mechanisms when we are tried in the slightest -to defend our time we have sacrificed to get good at the game. Online or offline. When time permits and I finally find myself back home best believe ill be hitting up southtown and game center on an almost daily basis.
I don’t remember much of the names that amazed me online, but I will try my best to name a few.
AC slayer
And Metric.
Metric may not remember this,but he played on ggpo a few years back with his Gouki. After a punished attempt of my faulty jump attacks he would tatsh and reset. J then asked him “isn’t it more damaging to just fierce srk?”
His reply was in these words, "resetting is more fun ;)"
That shit had me mindfucked for the longest. Then I realized how deep ONE jab can be in this game.
Wow. I wrote more than I wanted to. Rofl I will stop. Sorry
If you already did all of that, and are still vying for recognition on these boards you can have it:
Good shit.
I appreciate what you did/do/will do for the 3s community but you have to realize that there will be discrepancies between what makes any player a good player and what makes him a bad player. A big part of that, within a community, is peer recognition. Now I’m not saying the community has it right when they collectively decide what makes a good player good and all that but you are in Rome calling Cesar a bitch, and he has proved through the decided means that he has the right to throne. At least over here in SoCal. What you are experiencing is the hush hush concept of East coast versus Best Coast that was happening way back when 3s was as hard as everyone in this thread. West Coast consistently raped and on top of that, we were lucky enough to have players be willing to fly to Japan, the motherland of 3s, and represent for us. They accomplished great deeds in a way that is difficult for anyone, if anyone, to argue against. When they returned we hailed them as greats and now you are living in the time after the war.
You’re asking how can you prove yourself to be good online, which is the only way for your skills to reach us, if we constantly say that online is garbage? Well…that’s a tough one. I’ve actually been working on an answer for that for some time now. I actually moved from offline meet ups, to the cheaper, in all aspects, online version of the game and get no recognition where I used to get much. Maybe some, but definitely more than a little. I had all my links down, there wasn’t a single hit confirm I couldn’t hit, not a single combo in the game I couldn’t execute and option selects for any situation outside of full screen jump ins and I even had some of those. But online ruined me. I played for so long and now I can’t even react to Dudley’s overhead. OE is a curse, ggpo isn’t any better, it just more consistent because our computers are better than our xboxs.
I don’t believe someone that comes from an online background can hang with the offline portion of the community. I just don’t see how it’s possible unless the online players have everything memorized and at that point it isn’t even the same game, it’s sf4. I can’t believe anyone has done that with this game so I can’t believe that any strictly online players will beat strictly offline players. Besides, I don’t even think it’s possible with 3s. That’s why we narrow our opponents otions with “footsies” or the with baits. It’s just not happening. I’m not hating on you, I empathize with you but you have to understand how big a part of this game personal conditioning is. You get used to a timing, practice it for 4 years and it works perfectly. Get on a game of the same name and are told to fuck yourself because this is how the combo goes now. It’s gonna take a whole 'nother set of years to get it back to where it was and even then it won’t be the same. Especially not if you jump from one to the other, to a third game or version of the same one (arc, ggpo, oe) or a fourth game. It’s just difficult and most of us don’t even have that much time or the attention span.
The only way you’re ever going to get to prove yourself is if we go over there, you come over here or we all go to japan.
I vote for the latter. I have been saving up my flyer miles so I can get out to the east coast or to one of the majors holding 3s sometime in the coming months or years.
I don’t even remember what this post was supposed to be about soooooo…COCKS.
It does actually work…
that is honestly a very good question. I guess I feel I need to defend myself too much. I don’t know. I do get blindly upset, that’s a good way to put it. I guess also that most of the players that say it have been cool one on one and have usually lost to me. it just sucks to see a thread like this that is supposed to be positive and then your name is mentioned in a negative way because someone is bitter about losing to you online.
Me and hispanicjap, eatabletech, muraltag, sandybags, frantastic have all gone back and forth.
THESHENDIII complimented my Necro and wanted be my friend online. THESHEND, that’s a high honor. I have 4000 plus wins in ranked and only 200 something loses.
I know I don’t suck, especially now, when I win 80 percent of my games, part of that against incredible players.
Cruise, Dyne, AC Slayer, Augumon, Bars and Hooks are all amazing on ggpo. I was not even thinking of them.
-Cruise kicked my ass at first. near the end, we pretty much evened out. His Urien is still the best Urien I have ever seen online.
-Dyne is a parry wizard. nuff said. its hard to mix up your game enough to win. especially when you are using Necro and your opponent has Dudley how can parry and combo you into dizzy extremely easily.
-AC Slayer- hated this guy at first because he was using Yun and whupping my ass, he is amazing. Then he switched to Necro and was just as beastly. we evened out in the mirror match though.
-Blaq- another guy that could never give me respect. I finally started beating his Necro towards the end, and he switched to Ken which I beat harder.
-Bars and Hooks- we played and evened out alot. a few of our last matches on ggpo, he beat me, but avoided giving me rematches for awhile. we met in the finals in the ggpo tourney and I won. karma but best Q player I have ever played against.
-Augumon- amazing and annoying yang. He is deadly. beat me in the finals in a ggpo tourney. he beats me overall, but our matches were always a little too laggy. always high ping but we still played and it wasn’t that horrible.
Cruise and Dyne fucking suck, bro. Hate to break it to you.
Actually Dyne sucks. Cruise might be ok, but he is waaaaaay too commited to every set up and attack he does for me to take him seriously. When I watch him play it’s like watching some dude run through training mode routines. It always looks the same. We were supposed to play at the local community college sometime ago, but I was off that semester.
thanks alot. 3s is the only game I regularly play now, when I can. I love it.
I agree with a lot you say, but you are almost referring to me as an online player. I’m not. I play mostly online over here now because the scene is lacking and I have no true comp anymore. but I still play offline when I can and still beastly as ever.
I’m an offline player since sf 2 FIRST hit the streets. I was a young teen who walked to the mall and arcade to play it almost everyday. I was always driven to play and get better and then moved to sf3. its so incredible that I had to drop sf2 for it and glad I did. sf 3 gives me all the options I need for a fighter, and nothing has surpassed that. whats truly sad is we all are quick to call out who sucks and hate on other players (whether they are new or old players) instead of appreciating this gem of a game and trying to encourage everyone to play it.
I would love to go to Japan. I hope to one day and we will all go play 3s with the 3s gods themselves… in person!
well… if neither of them have improved since a year ago, then yeah, I would wreck them hard now, but mind you, any matches on ggpo have been nearly a year ago for me.
quick poll: who has spent more of today arguing about this than they have playing 3S
“not me”
I almost forgot chaitea and neiman. My bad.
Chai scares me.
both these guys are great. played Chai a lot online a few months ago and we went back and forth. really nice guy.
neiman is a really nice guy if memory serves.
both class players.
played a couple hours of 3S today, followed by CvS2. both offline with a buddy. it was good stuff. I think everyone can agree that the enjoyment of these games is why we’re all here. and I suspect everyone here prefers offline if they can get it. I know I do.
I’d rather play online 3s than any form of the modern day fighting games though TBQH. so it’s all relative I guess!