Excellent players you played online

No one baited you, you fucking retard.

Ok guys…who baited him?

Come on, fess up!

that’s either a lie or they are just telling you what you want to hear. I have great games with those guys and I doubt they would do something like that. both are class players unlike yourself and we go head to head any given night. nice try, asshole.

and if I am sssooo bad, then why does a so-called top player like yourself even argue with a scrub online?? LMAO
you go join gamefaqs, etc, dumb fuck

if you guys don’t know what this means are how obvious it is, then you are just plain stupid, but that’s no surprise.

dasboot42 is the best player ever in umvc3. ps3 version

i dont give a fuck about you. you are nobody. just some online warrior who acts super hard online. I bet youre a quiet shy type in real life. Ive met plenty of people like you.

Also you should learn some better ways to shit talk.

you go join game faqs lololol… are you 13 yrs old?

Ok guys, who doesn’t know what the meaning of the word baited is?

Come on, fess up!


how about them rollbacks?

Stop trying to bait him.

I don’t give a fuck about you either. you came in here running your sorry mouth off, so why don’t you shut it up already?
I am no online warrior, you little bitch. I have been playing SF since you were shitting your diapers and sucking your daddy’s tit.

I play online purely to meet more players and a new experience, I don’t give two fucks about some random ass Cal bitch made player, I know enough of those. I don’t need to prove myself to some pathetic dude that has nothing better to do then diss on other players and make up shit about what other players said about them. truly fucking sad

and how pathetic to say you went and talked to the very players I said I even out with/good matches with. if you truly don’t care about me…then WHY do that?
even though we both know in actuality you didn’t do a damn thing and its even sadder you’re lying about it, but the amount of time your dumbass must of taken to think of that must of been astonishing.

lol, was this directed at me?

Man, I’m kinda like the quiet shy type IRL, but at least I don’t talk mad shit. :tup:

Definitely dude. RYAN FUCKING




yea this is boring now…


sanchaz1… lol no not to you. i think youre in the completely wrong area of srk bro.

Ironically my name is Ryan. God, such an uncool person.

good. shut that lying bitch up for good! NEXT!

what a little weasel to lie about sandybags and jispanicjap saying that. even you butt humpers of his must think that, right?

“Discussion in ‘Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike’ started by Qubster

Oh god…I’m an umvc3 player, not a 3rd strike player. This is just like youtube.

Yo…ignore function doesn’t actually work.


One time, I was at Denjin and I was up next to play 5star. I sit down, get ready to drop my quarter in the machine and my buddy tells me that 5star wanted to speak with me before the match. So I get up and walk to the other side, (h2h cabs) and ask him what’s up. He looks at me with this super confused look and asks “What?”

My buddy sat at the machine and I had to wait another turn.

Life’s tough bro.

To this day I wonder what it was that he wanted to tell me. I had to wait like 10 mins!