Gen in 3S huh? secret character maybe
remember that post i made about people finding their way onto the 3s boards and not realizing it.
empty jump throw is legit. dont diss empty jump throw, that’s the only way i do damage.
a.) you play till your out of money or till you physically/mentally burnt out
b.) blunt strike = drunk strike > third strike
I try not to use online as the end and be all to measure ones personal skill nor do I take any games will full seriousness. However, as crummy as 3Soe can often be I consider it to be much better than most fighter’s online. Input lag is big for me and I cannot adjust as well as other players. Particularly when a big part of your game is dedicated offline.
3Soe giving me the option to have rollback over input delay makes me want to play this game online more so than any other fighter. The frustration seems to stem from intense lag or extreme rollback situations where things like parrying/red parrying on reaction, teching throws, or delay during combos can really drastically alter your game.
Everytime I come across ‘OMG it’s a duck’ online and I pick Q he automatically picks Akuma and tatsu’s me to death. Knowing full well offline that can be very difficult to reversal and parry consistently even with a good connection online makes it near impossible to counter online. Chip to death = sadness.
yeah that’s ok though because he’s a massive scrubbly bubbly.
just pick hugo and do low fierce all game. SHARK ATTACK.
I’ll try to counter this using our matches as examples. See it has nothing to do with skill level or wins and losses. Especially with the guys who’ve been playing for a while. Ask any player who loves this game and has been playing for years even after its poularity declined why they continue to play as much. The overwhelming majority would propably say IMPROVING.(and its the G.O.A.T lol)
Cant improve against guys who use tactics that only work online, like constantly mashing tatsu and wakeup Kongou Kokuretsu Zan. Playing offline you wouldnt do any of that past the 3rd or 4th match cuz of how hard i’d punish that shit. you gotta block tatsu mashing cuz red parry and reversals arent as easy online. You were so used to getting away with it against online scrubs you had to change your approach correct? Win or lose best matches are played when you know you have an opponent thats trying to out think you and exploit your weaknesses
The number of guys who still play this game regularly continues to dwindle. thats bad enough. but when you got guys who post in this section also who abuse lag and then claim their good and then hearing other people say they are godlike too…
These one charcater specialists who are high on the ranking boards??? Suspect. (unless you are Sandybags lol)
strip away the shit they can abuse online what do you have…not a will to improve. Hi Louis
Makoto, Urien and Dudley are there somewhere. The rolbacks make the dash look like a teleport.
Wesker teleports everywherE!
What’s worse is when you throw them, you dash in as they quick roll and you’re right on top of them and you do a Meatie, and their throw beats it or they mash cr.LK into whatever and it beats whatever you do. Shoto’s and Twins players LOVE doing that all day.
Definitely true with Makoto/Urien but Dudley’s love using empty Duck and Roll and grab you. That’s super high level Dudley shit online, that and j.HP than as you land EX SRK.
PS: I love the fact that I brought out everyone’s inner DSP when playing online
Question: How are my Stomp videos that different from what Dark Syde Geoff does?
Sorry for 3 posts in a row.
even though you are an ass and I do not like you, I will defend you here and say that hold dat sounds bitter and I honestly don’t think you would have any problems beating him. no offense to you, hold dat, but you have a ways to go even though you are a decent player. I just never had a problem beating you, and if you are somehow referring to me in your post then that’s laughable, since I doubt you ever got a round on me. and I play Necro specifically, and me and sandybags play one on one (I am one of the rare players he likes fighting online in a one on one room)… we tie out. and his hugo is amazing.
this room is moronic, and I was moronic for posting anything in my defense. I forget I am not talking to intelligent adults here but mostly dumb immature kids.
man, guys like you and poe make coming back here for a moment worthwhile.
Most players here have not a clue of what they talk about. and my head is getting sore from slapping it so much.
yet, someone like you makes perfect sense of the situation and well… just uses common sense all the way around.
Oh fuck, he’s defending me now. I did something wrong!
Honestly Artayes; you are one of the worst lag-abusers on GGPO. The absolute worst. No question.
If you knock Artayes down he’s GOING to do either of these three things: Wakeup Super, Wakeup electricity, wakeup throw. All of which are gdlk online.
The funny thing he told me is that he usually plays lamer offline… Let’s let that sink in for a second.
lol… I just love the handful of players bitching over and over about online. DON’T PLAY ONLINE! simple…DAMN
it’s like you morons hate on it, but in reality are super obsessed with it. talk about fucking weirdos.
I hate sf4, but you will rarely see me talk about it. let it go… this is best players who played ONLINE thread… man you guys suck so bad. and the sad thing is you guys do not realize how incredible dumb and annoying you guys are… and that’s the fucking truth… lead by that moron ryan. sad…sad
lmao… thanks for further proving my case. its so funny, Loius, of how badly I used to beat you on ggpo to where you got scared of playing me. its not surprising AT ALL to see you bitching of these things.
perhaps, loius, that you are truly the most bitter of all.
That was quick.
ROFL at you just not getting the point. Holy fuck it’s like screaming at a deaf person.
ARTAYES… the ultimate online warrior.
i really do hope you go to a tourney someday…its now my dream. I think you have deserved some real shit talk to your face.
…Artayes just said “hold dat has a ways to go”.
I’m done here, this thread’s fuckin’ dead to me now.
its really funny too because artayes is fucking awful at 3rd strike. Like he really sucks balls. I was always trying to not be so mean but i think its the only way now.I hope you stop coming on srk and stick to gamefaqs and the ggpo chat. I hear they like your type there.
ps. sorry to put you guys on blast but ive talked to hispanic jap and sandybags about you and they said you sucked too. lol
in fact, sandybags even liked a post on page 5 that was talking shit about you. you are retarded.
oh, wow… he does. so does 90 percent of all 3s players.if I can beat him, and apparently I suck, then he DOES need improving. use common sense, dude.
so I guess all the players beasting online would just suck offline, huh? lol that’s far from the truth, but you guys believe anything you want. I am truly done here, so stop trying to bait me back.
ADIOS panpi.
SRK will truly be a better place without you. you contribute nothing to this forum or the 3rd strike community.