Excellent players you played online

Don’t play offline. And if you do, try your hardest not to learn from it. I swear to you, it was like I was formatting neural hard drive. Got to Ryan’s and instead practicing my links, I had to relearn them. Piece of shit OE.

…people shouldn’t even have to face these types of struggles when playing 3S. “Maybe the way we use reactions is different”? Uh, online 3S and pretty much any lag makes you throw your reactions out the window and 90% of the game turns into guessing. Adjust yourself to lag? Okay, but now try readjusting yourself back to arcade timing after a while of just playing with that lag. Not many people can fix their timings up that quickly, especially if they familiarize themselves with one specific timing for too long. Online is garbage.

They’re different. Level up, play on arcade for a good while, then play on GGPO or OE or whatever. You’ll feel the difference. It is frustrating.

I couldn’t even bother reading the rest of your post because it was too long. We don’t need someone trying to do their best to be Deviljin Jr. here…

deviljin shoutout.
needs more bolded words with colors and stuff.

dive kicks are so good online yeah

like why are they so good, it doesn’t make sense

you can’t parry them because LOL bad connections, and you can’t do anything after blocking

if you had told me that my hardest online matchups would be Akuma and Yang when I bought OE, I wouldn’t have believed you. it’s so silly.

No offense Poe, you’re a good guy, but this is utterly wrong.

I’m not trying to slag anybody’s skill level or anything, I’m just trying to explain why some see online as fine and some don’t. Honestly at the lowest skill levels online appears the same as offline. Mostly because we the player are not yet aware of all the intricacies involved in the game. Nor can we detect how online play corrupts the gameplay yet. As you get better and level up small things become noticeable. You start to take more notice of lag spikes and how they throw you off. You begin to really understand the differences between green bar and yellow bar connections. As you get better still you begin notice how in connections you previously felt were perfect are in fact not. You understand how any type of latency changes how you play the game, how any rollback can change a win to a loss. In these types of games any variable can skew the outcome of the matches. This is why the top level players do not view online as legit, because online even in it’s best state introduces negative variables that impact how the game is played and potentially it’s outcome.

That’s not to say online doesn’t have it’s place, or that you can’t become a great player on the back of online play. (Wolfkrone)

I appreciate you calling me a “good guy” :slight_smile:

I was typing out another big post about this, but I was mostly saying the same stuff all over again. You see, I mostly agree with all of your points, ShinAkuma204. It’s just that I think that good online experiences have a lot of value. Instead of belaboring every point, I just want to make sure I clarify a few things…

  1. I am well aware of how experienced and skilled in 3S some of the anti-online posters are. I respect all of that, and I really do respect your opinions about online play as far as they apply to you as individuals. If a guy tries online 3S or any other game and doesn’t think it’s worthwhile, then I respect that. 2. I was not at all arguing that the results of every online game, especially as you get more than arm’s length away from the best connections possible in that particular game, are going to be the same as they are offline. But if I mess up an anti-air that I know I would hit most of the time offline and it costs me the match, then I realize that that’s what happened and it’s no big deal. I see no reason why a player can’t take the occasional online win or loss with a grain of salt or why that kind of thing has to ruin the whole experience. 3. I do not believe that any player can achieve his competitive potential in any fighting game that I’m aware of exclusively through online play. But as you pointed out, some of the best players of today either play the vast majority of their games online or, in the case of the Japanese players, spend large amounts of time playing online even though they have the easiest, best access to high level offline play in the world. I don’t see how that can be reconciled with the idea that online play is as unrecognizably different/crappy as some people say it is.

But now we’re getting back to points that we’ve all been over a thousand times, and that says to me there’s not much else to say haha

I’m not trying to deny that sub-par online situations (and I’ll admit, I am probably biased by what I feel must be a pretty ideal online experience, some aspects of which, though, are due to things within my control) are not comparable to offline play. I’m not saying that online offers everything. But I think it’s also wrong to say that online is a “completely different world” or that results online never mean anything and that it’s generally worthless. Many people see a lot of value in online play (and I know you yourself ShinAkuma204 acknowledged that it is valuable), and just because some people don’t like it doesn’t mean that all of those people are clueless. There will always be tremendous value in offline play, but the gap has IMO closed tremendously and I hope and expect the trend to continue.

It’s real easy to say it’s closed tremendously from way over there.

Also, what is your website about? Does it have anything to do with fighting games? Because I like fighting games. If it does, does it have anything to do with 3rd strike? I like 3rd strike. I heard that if you can manage to press forward or down at the right time, you can parry anything in that grab. One time I tried to parry Gigas but I missed it by a nano second. I will get it next time.


People saying 3SOE online, or online in any fighter really, isn’t that different is tripping balls. If you add a delay to any game that requires constant, precise execution and reactions that a player has rehersed under lagless conditions and then try to play from tha experience with the delay, you get shit. Online is automatically worse than offline, no argument.

is that like a combination of ganbaru and kanpai ?

online and offline have no difference when you’re not very good at the game. because you can’t take advantage of a lot of shit thats possible anyway. once you can better do that, you know how annoying online is by comparison.

not that i always can reliably. but hit confirms off some harder stuff, yes. and limited red parries. not at all impossible online as long as the connection is really steady, but your chances drop even more of getting it consistently. so your confidence gets destroyed and you start playing like some kind of weird zombie street fighter. dont look for hard hit confirms, dont try to red parry. its easy to miss minor adjustments, punishes, etc. it’s just not what a game like 3S was made for. sf4 by comparison i dont think it makes much of a difference lol.

Not just hit confirms and red parries but simple things are just as bad.

Dash in throw is one of the most annoying online tactics to me. Its not winning or losing a match. It’s fucking some guy doing dash in throw to me 5 times a round.

shotos speciallly ken are notorious to do that… :coffee:

i haven’t played on xbox live in like a month now. my subscription expired and i’m not sure if i want to renew. might just sell my xbox. who knows…

yeah. online destroys a lot of the nuance in the game. and in 3S nuance is what actually makes all the difference when two strong players play.

yeah dash in throw offline, after one or two times you’re going to be looking for them to dash after certain things. and as long as you’re looking for it, you can catch it pretty easily. online with any kind of lag at all, you’re losing some input time for smoothing + frames missing and it becomes much more difficult to consistently react to.

if you’re playing online to win, you’re going to turn into a shitty player. playing online to practice and try some things out with the help of a friend is what it’s for imho.

Online play does offer useful things like matchup experience or becoming accustomed to multiple styles of play. Other than that however it’s pretty worthless. Input delay, lag spikes and rollbacks turn every game into an abomination of it’s true self.

Just because people play online, even in Japan, doesn’t mean they feel it is optimal or even indicative of anything. It’s good enough to practice.

7 years ago Capcom released CCC2, a collection of Capcom classic games emulated to work on the PS2. This came with Super Turbo which was going to be used at Evo. Some people thought it was perfect, but top players felt it had input delay. It in fact did have input delay, 4 frames. Japan players cancelled money matches, people hated the game. The moral is this game only had one aspect of what online does to a game, input delay. It didn’t have rollbacks or lag spikes, and top players still felt it to be unplayable at a competitive level. Online is no different.

Look at the Topanga league. The first round is played online but the championship round is played offline. If Japan, a country with some of the world’s fastest internet and one of the smallest landmasses, won’t play online exclusive you know something has to be wrong.

Online is great to play for fun or even a bit of practice, but beyond that the experience is too different to take seriously. This is why people feel it’s a completely different game, because it is, or at least too different to play it like you normally could.

I don’t see why so many of the “good” players in this thread have such a hard time adjusting to both play styles. Online & offline are different yes, shit that works in one doesn’t work in the other. So knowing that, why can’t you accept it as a game that needs to be played differently depending on the setting?

I’m not saying I’m the best player because I’m not. …but I can play competently both online and off. I understand that as an online chun if I want to land super I need to use the back fierce hit confirm instead of the low mk one because it doesn’t work online. At the same time, I understand what tools I gain when I play offline in exchange for tactics that don’t work as well as they do online.

there’s a very distinct difference between adjusting and not enjoying.

there’s effectively one version of the game. it was made to run on one specific setup. cps3 with a 15khz monitor. anything else is not the same version of the game. everyone can adjust to different versions but if you have the option, there’s absolutely nothing compelling about playing an inferior version of the game.

For some people, it’s not so much “adjusting to online tactics” as it is “my shit won’t come out because of lag/delay”. That was MY biggest problem with online 3S. Could I still beat scrubs? Of course. I didn’t feel good about it though because I had to force myself to not think about reactionary shit, which was a good portion of…well, it’s a good portion of a lot of players’ styles.

onilne 3S. shits…& giggles. that’s it. Rip Fun Arcade.


Got one of the best Gens on psn without a doubt -.- friend of mine.Also got a mean MSS on umvc3 .

For me, it’s “that should’ve not worked” Such as every time I “miss time” (in quotes because I didn’t miss time shit, online is just garbage) a parry, or get fucking thrown even when I’m HAMMERING LP+LK. Goddamn especially the throws are driving me nuts, it’s always the same goddamn setups, c.lk, s.lp, walk up throw, or c.lk, clk, walk up throw, or sometimes something even more ridiculous like empty jump throw or walk from like sweep distance and throw. Stupid.