you hit some stuff on the head. BUT online and offline are very close in comparison when you find someone with a solid connection to yours. so many players bitch about it, but in reality, if you have a great connection and your opponent has great connection then 9 out of 10 times its going to be very close to playing offline.
I have played in more tourneys than anyone here., just not in the last 5 years. I have traveled through many states JUST to play in 3s tourneys. I played at many great arcades with other great players for many, many years.
Online play was very new for me but very exciting. If I do things online that seem like online tactics, whatever, then so be it, but that’s not my intent. I go with what works and it varies between opponents and who they play with, etc.
for example, its hard as hell to fight good online akumas. so many tatsus and dive kicks, etc to deal with.
Ibukis can be irritating online too, but like I said, if you and your opponent both have good connections then it shouldn’t be much of a difference than offline play.
basically, players are going to find any excuses for their loses they can. Most of them anyways. Flashmetroid’s excuse when I beat his Yun in the National Florida Championship was that he was “tired” (even though it was like 8 pm lmao).
it doesn’t matter if its in person or online. Players Always had excuses in the arcades for why they lose, or on home console (they always blame it on their stick). so its human nature for online players to blame it on ONLINE.
this guy knows his shit. very impressive. I wish more had the insight that you do. or just plain common sense.
Am I the only one that finds this humorous? He’s been traveling and competing in tournaments for many many years at many great arcades, yet he managed to avoid coming to socal, the american pinnacle for 3s competition. Let me know when you come down to socal so we can play for money, you can pick any character you want to fight against.
I told myself I wouldn’t post, but Artayes is comedy gold.
Back to the original thread topic for a moment,
Shoutouts to neiman, surewin and CafeEnrique. These are a few more guys that force me to level up when I fight them. (incase anyone is still looking for tough players to face)
good matches last night, even though you seemed a little annoyed near the end. keep working at that akuma and look forward to playing you again. and get a mic.
I’m thinking about it… lol…who were you using? and I will look for you on xbox and lets try to get some games in.
It’s worse than anything in 3S. At least in 3S I can parry out of unblockables with the right timing. Against Seth it’s like 6 ways to parry and you gotta guess right, oh and you might have to tech a throw.
P.S.- Came back from Ryan’s place earlier today. Just wanted to say great games to them. It was tough to try and catch up with these good players but I had a lot of fun playing. Ryan is scary to play against; counterpokes into Super like a fiend, and he rarely even played Chun last night.
yea man was too much fun. you guys gotta come around again soon. too hungover today tho lol. Its crazy how much more fun playing the game offline is. I really feel bad for you guys who dont have any other option than to play online.
I love playing offline but I have greatly surpassed everyone in and around my area. Majin gives me good comp, but its not his main game, and he is not always around when I am. but shout out to him on beating Justin Wong in Final Round.
I have to play online to find better players. I enjoy fighting better players that are cool guys, and players around my skill is fine too. newbs are fine thrown in the mix, I always encourage new players. I have a great connection and so does a few others I play with, so its pretty much like playing offline and with great players.
one of my friends lives in Cal, so I will hopefully be able to go there soon. I will play some games with you guys, but I smoke, not drink. ;p
I mentioned Everdred’s Remy in a follow-up post already, right? Like a week after I started playing, he also perfected me with Sean he… can’t do that anymore though
I just uploaded to YouTube, via the 3SOE upload thing, which I’ve never used before (I hope it works, if not I am going to start recording matches with my computer and uploading them myself), of me. vs chaitea007, whom I mentioned before… Chun vs. Akuma, first round was a double KO, second round ended in him trying to chip me out with SAII and I somehow hit him out of it with a weirdly timed ground fireball and then I ended up winning.
Artayes, instead of going to SoCal, you should come to NYC and money match MutantXP in a Necro mirror that would be amazing. And while I am not hopeful you can get up here anytime soon, if you ever can or find yourself nearby, I would totally help set that up for you.
Semi-on topic stuff:
I was about to make a big post about this yesterday, and after writing it for a few minutes, as a 26 year-old adult who needs and maybe more importantly wants to focus on more important stuff than bullshit pissing contests on SRK, an adult with many passions and opportunities in life who has realized just how closed-minded many people on SRK, in the FGC and just on planet Earth really are and who has direct personal experience that proves to him without any doubt that his view on this matter is correct, I was just disgusted by the idea of spending another second arguing about online vs. offline for the 26,000th time on freaking SRK, this time in the 3S board no less where I’ll be lucky if ten people even read every word of my post… but if others are debating it, I’m going to chime in with my 34546 cents…
For me, personally, with my particular talents and psychology and attitudes, experiences and limitations and internet connection and location and arcade stick and all of that shit… offline play is definitively not very different from online play. In both SF4 and 3S, I was able to take my game, after many many hours of playing exclusively online, into the offline world with much more success than I ever would have imagined. SF4 online is utter ASS compared to 3SOE online… 3SOE green bar connections on my tube TV feel 99.9% flawless to me. The monitors they use at Next Level in NYC have a very small amount of lag. Most people have no idea that they lag. A few people can feel it, including me, and those of us who dislike it always played on the SF4 arcade machines until Henry shut those down (which really bummed me out) instead of on the consoles even though each game cost a quarter… I bring those monitors up because I think that playing green bar, tube TV 3SOE online matches is actually superior to playing 3SOE offline on those monitors that have lag 90% of players have no idea exists. The second time I played 3SOE offline, literally the second time, after many many hours of playing it online, I was extremely competitive in both tournament and many casual games against pretty big name players… I’m not dropping their names because I don’t want to look like a douche and because it’s not going to convince anyone anyway. I had the exact same experience with SF4…
There are all kinds of reasons why some people might struggle to play online vs. offline - maybe the way we use reactions is different, maybe some people can adjust to lag while there are equally skilled players who cannot, maybe you can’t get fired up when you aren’t face to face, or you crack under the pressure of the crowds at tourneys, maybe your internet connection is ass or you’re playing on a TV with a quarter of a second of lag and either because you’re perma-tripping on shrooms or because you just have a genetically inferior brain when it comes to time sensitivity, you can’t even tell…
All I know is that it is definitelynot true that offline and online have to be entirely different worlds. I have experienced it myself. I’m only writing this in case there’s someone reading who is feeling discouraged by all of the talk that you can’t develop into a strong player online or whether it’s even worth playing online… believe me, the answer is yes. Keep playing.
Speaking of utilizing online to its maximum benefit (e.g. tube tvs, only good connections, hopefully having good internet)… I see soooo many complaints about 3SOE’s ranked mode… WHY DO YOU PLAY RANKED??? My brothers, WHYYYYYY? Any system that doesn’t allow you to continue to play the same person over and over or give you any solid control over who you play is so clearly inferior… everyone who complains about 3SOE sucking and says more than two words about ranked matches is completely discounted IMO… same with anyone who complains about lag and doesn’t play on a tube TV (which is, from what I’ve seen, almost everyone who complains about lag).
I can only speak about Seth via the Akuma match-up, which is not one of Seth’s better ones, but from everything I’ve seen, Seth isn’t even close to as powerful as Chun or Yun. Even after all of the bitchly damage nerfs that Capcom has unfortunately made to the whole cast and Akuma in particular what seems like a dozen times by now, many characters can still obliterate Seth in two combos, whereas Seth has to guess right like six times to win a round. He’s really good, but to say he’s way beyond Chun, who has not just one but like four of the best pokes in Capcom fighting game history, ridiculous kara throws, and, of course, a super that does nearly 50% damage and can be combo-ed after most of the above ridiculous normals and followed up with either more juggle damage or a crazy mix-up plus more meter gain… or Yun, who it seems can build arguably the best super in the game by whiffing normals for about five seconds, make you whiff something with an ambiguous dive kick and then hitconfirm into said super for 50% damage, juggling after the super which can practically build him an entire new super already, and then mix you up again right after… no, it’s just not even close.
ill agree to disagree because that is one of the most bullshit statements ever lol.
arguing about online vs offline is pretty stupid anyways. if you dont like online then dont play it. if you love online then you can stay in your room all night drinking mtn dew and playing vs weird people. In my experience there are too many freaks online.
Thing is buddy; that 3S online is like 4th Strike. It’s a different game. It’s practically MUGEN. It’s not like other fighters online where an input would drop, or it’s just hard to tech throws, or shit like that. If you play KOF13 or even SF4 you’re going to notice those things, and runaway tactics and mashing become real problems online.
The way online -GGPO particularly- works with 3S is entirely different. It was believed that because GGPO was not optimized for 3S (which runs at 60 FPS) that weird shit happens because of un-optimization due to lack of obtaining the source code for 3S. Well, 3SOE came out and it’s actually worse than GGPO 3S. It actually feels more like Supercade than anything else.
To get to the point: 3S online is an entirely different game. Shit that absolutely does not work offline in any way shape or form suddenly works and morons online that figure out one or two tricks think they’re gdlk as a result. Suddenly wakeup attacks that are easily beaten out or punished are safe, suddenly Dive Kicks have a million plus blockstun advantage, tatsu on all the shoto’s become amazingly good and top tier online strategy, dash and throw look like teleports and etc.
Bottom line is this: Online 3S is not legit and it is not a substitute. You can learn matchups, sure, but you’re not getting as much as you would offline. For god’s sake stop playing online. Even if you find one person near you who plays 3S and is decent at it, play that dude and have fun with it. Because you are getting so much more out of that than a year of playing online dudes.