This is true.
Hahaha this thread just keeps getting better. There’s more I want to say, but I’d like to reflect a little more first and see what other people write, because I actually found several of these posts to be very insightful… especially yours, N0M0reFunland… a shocking blend of philosophical insight, compassion, and realtalk rarely seen on SRK
I will add, though, that I meant to mention Everdred 3S’s Remy in my list of good players. He doesn’t rape me or anything but I mean… it’s Remy lol and playing him has definitely forced me to explore the limits of my patience.
I analyze my game tremendously.
when a few other players say I suck, especially the ones here, you just don’t understand the beatings I gave them.
okay, maybe those dyne matches were terrible. I don’t post vids of me, so there only a handful online. and me and dyne were playing for fun, I know dyne is a beast at 3s, I have been playing this game when most of you were pissing your panties, so I don’t need you ryan or anyone else to tell me otherwise.
you know,ryan, reading your posts, you are just a really cocky guy. I was just defending myself. I know where I stand in 3s. I have played in 3S tourneys and traveled to many different states for 3s.
and ryan, I don’t care where you placed. you have no facts to back up you would beat me, and I really don’t care. you can have your ass riders tell me otherwise that you could beat me, then doing it themselves, but at the end of the day, I love 3s and enjoy the many friends that are not only beast at 3s, but friendly nice players, so I don’t need you assholes’ opinions or really nothing to do with you. good day
lag tactics, son, you don’t know shit about me. I hate lag. try to avoid it best I can. if I use certain tactics that work in lag so be it, but otherwise I avoid it like I usually avoid assholes like you. we had a lot of specs and it did get laggy, but that shit happens. we still try to entertain though, despite the few haters like yourself talking shit.
and fyi, I play to better myself, always will, because I just love the game. and metric was scared to play me. I tried many times to play him but he always had an excuse.
and I know players like you, metric, are outraged that I am mentioned by others and you are not. I guess because you aren’t that good, and the way you play with only top tiers and not that well doesn’t help you any. so you have to come in like some of these other players and throw insults. dumbass kids
I liked this post just because he makes me look fucking amazing by comparison. No one is going to remember my feud with Tebbo and Aku now because of you. Thank you fuckface.
you hit this dead on the head. I am telling you, Poe, and you know me. so trust me when I tell 90 percent of the players that say I suck, I have beaten with Necro. take that how you will. that’s what makes it WTF…bitter ass bitches, man.
you know, I don’t normally post much in these topics on SRK, because as you can tell, most of the people here are thrash. they talk mad shit but can’'t back it up. that, to me, is the very definition of an online warrior.
I never realized what the fuck your problem was, did you get your nuts cut off in an accident or something, because you are seriously the biggest bitch ever.
what’s so hard to understand? re-read it, and stop getting so wasted if you can;t keep up.
Are you twelve years old?
Were you trying to be clever by “not” bringing attention to that feud you created and can’t let go of?
what feud. i love you man. you’ve mellowed out finally. like you got married or something, i dont know.
I stopped playing online unlike some people…
well that makes pretty much perfect sense.
3S groups are pretty rare I think so that’s great. whether you joined it or started it, doesn’t matter, keep it going. spread the gospel.
Haha. This thread is fucking bizarre. It’s a weird mix of deep hatred and community love. Everything is kinda backwards, alternate universe kinda stuff.
Why does he keep saying I’m scared? I can’t tell if he doesn’t know from the screen shot I posted that I’m SKZ, or his ego totally blocked it out. Either way, I’m fascinated. I don’t think anybody would be outraged from not being mentioned by players that don’t know how to play the game. I aim to get the respect of players better than me, not worse. Do something interesting already, this thread is getting stale again.
you were definitely scared in those matches. you ran the whole time,and after about 6 hours on ggpo, I was not in the mood to chase you every match… but at the end was great, I had enough of it already and beat you, then you quit.
I hope you have improved, because that shit would never fly now. Nice Yun player are rare anyways, most of them are assholes like yourself.
what I thought was really sad is when you kept trying to convince me that you play like the top Japanese players. but what is even sadder is you kept that screenshot after a whole year and had it easily available to post.
if I was So bad, you wouldn’t have kept that screenshot. that kind of rests my case right there. and you can’t talk shit on me anyways when 90 percent of your game is run away and spam tactics.
Pretty sure I didn’t speak a word to you, well I take that back… I said “cool.” You rage quit after that last game and told me I was garbage and was only winning because I was spamming, not running away. Sigh, I was really hoping this would get interesting. If you’re going to lie, at least go big or go home. 6 hours for 12 games, the norm for Artayes.
lol I’m not lying. I never quit. you quit after I won in a close third match. say what you want, but I know what happened. I played a ton of players before you already. you were just some annoying yun player that ran away and said Japaneses players do this and you play like them. if its not interesting for you, then fuck off. simple, right?
sigh, back on topic plz. artayes #1
Early candidate for thread of the year.
Was that before or after the 12th straight win?
I feel like spamming/lag abuse/whatever is only really tough on bad connections. If I’m on yellow or better in OE, it’s not really hard to deal with that stuff. Mixup games, dive kicks, Akuma in general, Alex stomps, those are hard to deal with on red connections where you don’t know what the hell is going on and aren’t seeing startup frames. the rest of the time, seems okay. I can buy that Elena is better online for instance, but I’ve played against a lot of Elenas and I don’t think she becomes really good. her mixups aren’t impossible to stop online so long as the connection is decent. maybe they’re a little better.
it’s like when people complain about Akuma tatsu but they lose to it offline too. Or people think JR Rodriguez is bad but he does well in Evo every year. or general online Urien complaining. there’s a lot of stuff that gets labeled “online tactics” and I’m not convinced. Or the thing about Dyne guess parrying a lot. But it works, right? If someone keeps guess parrying and keeps guessing right, I think that gives you feedback that what you’re doing isn’t optimal. make them pay for guess parrying if you think that’s what’s happening.
it’s not so much the rating of the connection. it’s the inconsistency and jitter in the actual match.
that’s not how the game plays. even on a really good connection this stuff still happens. it just happens less often.
online is simply a different world. it’s the wacky world of 3S. there’s no argument.