Excellent players you played online

the urien was me. gg man

I think we played a couple of weeks ago. You beat me like 10-3. In my GGPO days I would have put up a better fight, but I can’t play as much anymore. You’re strong though. GGs.

I like Yuuki and Nicako more than most american players I’ve played online. But I hate yun.


Yeah man, no problem :slight_smile: we can definitely play soon. For a while, I was playing more SF4 again, just because (until a few days ago, at least) it was “the game” to play, but I started playing more 3S again like a week ago and it was just like… "“search you feelings, Poe… you know it be true.” lol It’s just hard to want to play SF4 if there are remotely good 3S games to be played. And now SFXT is out, and the main reason I played SF4, it being the #1 or #1b game in our scene, has at least temporarily disappeared, so I’ll probably be back to playing 3S most of the time. And yes, I have developed quite the rape habit these days. It’s really fun to run into someone that I remember thinking was a big challenge a few months ago and just… well, you know :wink:

But damn, people really hate on you haha seems like the GGPO days gave birth to octuplets… but they aren’t cute wittle humans that popped out of GGPO’s well-lubricated, floppy vagina… they are SRK forum flame rivalries with Artayes! LOL

Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell when people are A. trying to be mean and actually think a player is not good B. trying to be mean but deep down they would admit that the player they say sucks actually is good C. not trying to be mean at all/trying to provoke people for fun. So, I’m probably gonna stop participating in all of that, having stated my opinion already (and I think it’s a pretty well-qualified opinion for someone who hasn’t been consistently hardcore for the last 7+ years, which at this point is like ten people… but it feels pointless to even talk about qualifications because people both say and believe whatever the fuck they want 99% of the time).

You know what drives me nuts about a lot of people in the FGC? And I’m not saying that this is necessarily the case with comments about you or with other players, but it is so frustrating and honestly sad when people judge players so hard because they’ve seen them lose a few matches or whatever. Those people literally have no skills of judgment, they don’t understand how competition works or how the world works. Like people saying JR sucks. Again, I can’t always tell how serious people are, but like when JR beat Tokido in SF4 at Evo 2010, there were dozens and dozens of posts talking about how JR sucks. LOL! That is of course the natural reaction people should have after a guy beats the most celebrated Akuma in the world at his own game… say he sucks, right? People have on days, people have off days, people have different match-ups with characters and players that can change how good they look… and people are so quick to see one video of somebody playing subpar or they’ll get one lucky ranked match win off someone and say he sucks. Someone the other day on XBL said his “friend played Chris Hu at a tournament once and he said he’s not that great.” My guess is that Chris Hu didn’t give a fuck, probably picked his 8th best character, that guy went like 3-8 against Chris and so Chris is “not that great.” Meaning that the friend is, in comparison, “total ass” lol.

Poe22222: This has nothing to do with “hating for the sake of hating”. ryan was the first guy that said Artayes sucks, and then the latter got all defensive, saying “those matches were from a year ago and he’s gotten better, fuck all y’all for suckin’ with Necro I’m so much better”. ryan is one of the best 3S players in America, and has made the best showings out of any foreigner in the 3rd Strike Danisen rankings in Tokyo. Everyone else is getting on Artayes because not only did those matches he put up from GGPO suck, he’s trying to shittalk on Ryan when the difference in levels between them is laughable. Then a couple of the GGPO heads are coming up to defend Artayes, saying he’s good. He probably did get better nowadays, I dunno. It’s just him getting incredibly defensive that’s kinda pathetic.

As for JR, all I can say is this: for a guy with such a decorated 3S history, he sure loves posting nothing but matches of him beating online scrubs.

Most online players are scrubs. If you post vids of online play your chances of posting scrubs is pretty high.

I did suck a year ago. getting used to online and being afk for awhile had me rusty. couldn’t parry worth shit. I have played in many tourneys back in the day at 3s and every day at the arcades with Flashmetroid and other great gamers for over 10 years.

metric was scared to play me on ggpo. I don’t care what he says, he was. I don’t care what the rest of you say either expect for cool people like Poe who I actually talk to you and hes a great guy. loius, metric, ryan are assholes, otherwise they wouldn’t say the shit they do, and believe me its worse on ggpo, etc. once an asshole always an asshole, even when I tried to be cool with them. and yes, I have beaten most everyone here who talks shit on me, and yes, they are bitter.

I will get back to you in a bit, Poe, when I have some time.

I played you once and lost to you once. I lost to a full screen ex lariat. Just think about that.

Honestly folks, what the fuck does “good” mean here? This thread was about who has badly beat your face in on xbl/psn. So “good” in this context would really just be a personal comparison of folks who play online.

I think its accepted that the level in North America is lacking as a whole so why keep going back to a universal comparison of skill? Well I guess you could argue that someone like ryan is online and has competed at the very highest level of this game but he is really an exception and it’s given him a sort of celebrity, lol! No wonder people are defending him.

Artayes you must understand that any measure of universal skill on xbl/psn is severely skewed by the fact that with rollback, choppyness and dropped inputs 3sOE is a somewhat shallow shell of a game compared to playing in person. Also, very competent 3s players who acquired their skill playing people in person will almost have a disadvantage when playing online. Not being able to parry/block/tech on reaction half the time is a huge detriment to the upper levels play.

Ryan gets grumpy and vocal when his 3sensibilities have been insulted. Don’t let him get to you Art. Just continue kicking ass with Necro but remember that any wins any of us get with anything but the perfect connection (not sure if that exists) are tainted. You seem to care about this game and the work you’ve put in so save you’re money and prove to everyone that you’re legit by hitting a tourney then posting those vids.

Will be trying to record casuals at ryans place tonight

Do or do not. There is no try.

Hopefully do.

I want nothing more than to for 3rd Strike to grow. I wouldn’t hate on anyone’s matches just because of skill level. If I did, I’d be living in the Online Edition thread making people cry. The only reason I posted about those videos is because artayes came in basically saying “look how good I am, only a handful of people can beat me, I perfected so and so’s ken, blah blah…” In reality, those matches are really bad.

Anyone that has met me in real life knows I’m nice and will answer any questions regarding 3rd Strike. I don’t get mad when I lose. I love to lose to better players in 3rd Strike. I don’t understand the guys who only play scrubs all day and rape them. I don’t see the fun in that.

If artayes really wants to be a strong player, he should take my advice and analyze his game. If a grip of people were telling you that you abuse lag or you suck, wouldn’t you start to wonder why everyone says that?

It’s impossible for me to win an argument with a guy like that. I will never get to play him offline so he can just continue talking shit. I don’t care at all. If I ever did play him I know I would beat him 10-0 then I would give him advice on what he needs to change in game. I would also hope that the next time we played he can get some wins.

Ah… how troublesome…


and i know ryan is nice because back when i was learning some stuff with urien i PMd him really vague questions and he answered without any attitude as matter of factly as was possible. the run on sentence is a thing of beauty.

Renic is a nice guy too. Metric is a complete asshole though.


ryan’s definitely a bro. Totally was willing to demonstrate things to me at EVO and playing against him really leveled up what I was doing.

Look at this louis, you’re almost like ‘one of the guys’. lol

Do you mean that teen flick where that chick dresses like a dude and takes her tits out at the end? I liked that movie.