Excellent players you played online

That’s bullshit.

Why did this thread turn to shit…

Excellent players you played online

That’s why.

Haw haw haw.

Actually, it’s mostly 'cause of Mr. Tiny Toon.

Am I reading this right? From Mr. King of Stomps himself.
LOL, like I’m in some kind of fucking time warp.

I use Stomps to troll, dude. It’s not like I’m popping off saying I can take out the greatest players out there with that tactic But now that you mention it… If all goes according to plan and I can get to Evo this year I am so playing you guys in casuals, and I’m getting at least one stomp crossup on most of you.

I use stomps to start my whiff powerbomb mix ups.

Genki likes to do whiff Powerbomb mixups he rarely ever uses Stomp. Kazuya uses Stomps quite a bit. I don’t think Renic uses the Stomp, but it’s a decent reversal in certain situations.

You actually make sense these days Louis. It’s so damn confusing. Get yourself some Seroquel?

You think I’m bi-polar? I’m half offended. I do have a strong feeling I could use Stomp Crossups on you and you’ll be like “Oh that Louis, he’s such a dick but has a great Alex. I’m going to make him play serious with me; my Ken will destroy all comers!” then it’ll get intense and it’ll go down to the wire, fraction of health left, you lost the previous set and have switched to Chun, then you go for her kara-throw and WHACK! Stomp ftw."

God I’m bored.

In all seriousness the old Louiscipher’s average post was very suspect of Borderline Personality Disorder but then again this is an internet message board so everyone seems a little crazy. Still not sure how deeply the character was inspired by the person.

Anyway, I have a terrible Chun so I would never use her as a last resort. Everyone plays Ken. If I played you it would be with Gouki and I would relish the chance to AA demon your stupid stomp addiction.

Since I’m being serious I’d like to thank you for not derailing every thread you post in anymore.

I would never try to de-rail a thread, mostly Tebbo/Aku or whoever would say shit or dispute something or whatever and it would get heated. That’s my perspective anyway, I could imagine it would look different if you’re not in the know.

If you did that than this would happen:

h ttp://youtu.be/HQoCLIbRBU0?t=1m39s

Stomp is cool. I fall for stomp way more than I should.
I’m like a deer in the headlights. I see those boots and freeze up.

Come on buddy. You went back and looked at my message again then edited your post with a little smack talk.
Also, your link is broken. I don’t use this uncreative colloquialism very often but… FAIL!

Not trying to talk smack but your talk about doing a wakeup demon reminded of that match I had.

It’s not a broken link, just delete the space between the h and the ttp. I did that because you can’t post a YT vid starting at a specific point, it’ll just post the entire vid. But if you’re **THAT **lazy I guess…


Fast forward to 1:39. Sheesh.

no, it’s not. most strong players have that ability to read the move and parry, then combo, super, etc after with no problems.
watch more pro matches. 90 percent of the time the parry happens from reading their opponent’s moves, you won’t see much guess parrying.
anyways, when I try to guess parry I get my ass handed. I don’t recommend just random guessing. block is good too.

lol… you got beat by me with specs watching and rage quit like the few different times we played. after that, you knew where you stood. if you stopped sticking shit out on wake up I would not of blasted so much with electricity. and learn to mix your game up. I don’t have to play at my max or prove anything when I beating you that easily.

so good luck to you on your alex. you have a ways to go yet, at least to reach my level…

I just never understood what was so ‘‘cool’’ about talking shit on better players. never understood it. I guess it makes the losers feel better about themselves by talking shit on those superior players…I guess.

and it’s funny how you and ryan are liking each others posts so much and sticking together. it shows what kind of character ryan is if he is buddying with you.

its just pathetic to call other players horrible when you lose to them like every game you ever played against them…and just as pathetic to blame it on other things instead of your own self worth.

That gouki’s even using my colour :rofl:

The AA demon would be a reaction to seeing you try to bust a stomp on me. That gouki player did a plain ol’ wake up demon. Bet you really enjoyed stuffing his attempt.

Anyway, back to topic.

There are “Excellent” players online. Most of them have a long offline history but they are still on and still play which qualifies them as online players. It’s just without the implication that they started playing or only play online. Even the great Ceaser himself is an online player sometimes.

Holy shit is that lag in the vid?

And also Alex sounds like he yelled “SLAP” to finish akuma off.

Thank god for the ignore option. Reading an Artayes post hurts my brain. I’m not even joking.

Yeah, that lag was in the vid. When you’re uploading to Youtube and lets say you hit the PS Home button to check a message or whatever it will freeze.

You don’t guess parry enough that’s why.

Hey guys, I tried to parry while playing sfxt. I think my IQ went down 10 points playing this game. I’m in the negatives now! WTF