Evo2k4 Post Mortem

I think the magic angle is a little far away from where we are now. The reason they have to run qualifiers and all that is because there would be way too many people coming to a open world championship and it would take a week to play it out. I don’t think we are near that point yet.

Shoutcast sounds good, but video would be near impossible unless only a few people were chosen, but then they would have to relay the results to the rest anyway. Shoutcast is probably the most realistic option.

I dont know if this has been mentioned yet, but I’d need more hands to count the number of times i heard about 2 or 3 way ties during qualifying rounds. I’m not sure how it works because i was lucky enough to qualify without having tied with another player. Someone told me that a 3 way tie can technically go on forever. That sounds annoying, if it’s true. I’m not trying to hate on the way the tournament was run But if i was tied with two other people and we kept playing each other for another hour, i’d probably just throw the match and get all pissed off.

IIRC a 2 way tie was fine according to the rules, the winner of their head to head match would just get the top seed. A 3 way tie could go on forever in theory, but then again so could tiebreakers in tennis, overtimes in basketball, etc… if you all are really the same level, maybe endurance should be a tiebreaker, can’t think of anything better. The fact that someone would intentionally lose just shows that they weren’t ready to be in the next round… so the problem is solved.

Going back to the King of the Hill format, I thought of an interesting scenerio. Say you take Ricky Ortiz again, but this time he has no friends. He stays on forever and racks up 256 wins.

Which means that Ricky wins his section, and everyone else in the section ties for second.

Anyway, on to new topic: Seeding pools.

Dunno what all the complaints are about for the pools. Sure there might be a pool from hell, but that’s happened at every Evolution so far. Mostly random seeding by region is the best and I’ll tell you why. Would you like to be the tournament director that has to deal with this:

Scrub: I’m in a pool in 3s with Pyrolee and some Japanese player. I want to be moved.
Organizer: Why?
Scrub: Because I’m really good at the game and I should be a top 32 seed.
Organizer: Sorry, but it is the opinion of the tournament that you suck and that you are not in the top 32.
Scrub: What? What 32 are better than me?
Organizer: names off 32 names
Scrub: Who the heck is ____, _____, and _____?
(This goes on for some time. For whatever reason the organizer changes the pools.)
Scrub: Thank you. Finally.
Organizer: Whew, finally that’s over with.
Scrub 2: Excuse me, I was in an easy pool just a second ago and now I’m in a pool with Pyrolee and some Japanese player. What the hell happened?

This is, of course, assuming Pyro goes to the tournament.

sometimes there was a head to head match… sometimes there wasnt. sometimes they just looked at who won when the two played

WotC makes most of their money off of the casual players. Pro players don’t buy dick when it comes to singles and packs, since they just get the cards they need from stores and barns. Most high level drafters went infinite a long time ago, so they don’t buy packs either.

STFU and talk about shit you know.

Note that the critical part of my post was not “makes money off the tournament scene” so much as “makes money”. Capcom doesn’t make jack shit off of fighting games, let alone the dinky tournament scene.

Now STFU and get back to the topic at hand, which is why the Magic tournament format sucks donkey cock for Evo.

Making money from the tournament scene doesn’t nessecarily mean that the top players will buy your stuff, there’s more to it than that. The fact that wotc supported tournaments made it possible for most every place to have some sort of ‘official’ tournament. Those tournaments are where money could be made, if it was a race between magic and 5 other games, magic would win outright because it had more of an ‘official’ scene. All the local kids would buy packs/boxes to compete with their peers, not nessecarily the worlds best.

Just to show you the power of that kind of thing, look how many people came out just for apex, which in of itself had no prizes, no real reward, but it was something to point at, and it worked as well as it could.

I thought we ended the point about the magic tournament, it is used because there are too many magic players to fit in one tournament. As for swiss, it’s a nice goal but we’d need practically 1 tv for every 2 players. Maybe we can modify the format to some sort of pool/swiss play (not completely swiss, more like pools that change every round), maybe getting 1 tv for every 16 players? if we can do that i think we’d be in decent shape.

Actually, no. Apex would’ve worked better had it still been used for Evo seeding. That was the reward. Entries and tourneys have declined since omitting Apex results. Blame it on the games, I suppose. To me, it’s obvious that most just didn’t see the point of caring about Apex when, it doesn’t show or mean anything. Top players aren’t forced to enter every tourney and now all sorts of random names are everywhere making it look like a tool for beginner tourney heads. If Apex were still used to seed Evo, Apex would be much more accurate. As is, it means nothing to be in the top 10 at anything. We all know that the majors and Evo(um…well, maybe not Evo anymore) are what matter most to the best players. Local tournies are for fun and don’t contain any real competition. $20 isn’t enough to make anyone care. Risk their Evo seeding if they lose? Nope, they’d fight. More intensity.

It worked as well as they allowed it to. Strangely enough, the pools this year were all sorts of wack and uneven. That’s better than using Apex? Apex should be used to avoid any “fixing” as well. Seeding would be in the players’ hands.

Apex was tight, until they wasted it and made it just a lil blurb to say “we also have a ranking system.” Apex is nothing more than another way to announce tourney placings. Apex and “Tourney results discussion” are the same thing. Apex just organizes it a bit more.

Sorry, for what it could’ve been and done, Apex was wasted. But, that follows suit, now, doesn’t it? lol


Just a year ago, people were begging for 3s in Apex.


i really don’t care about the rest of the games moving from DC to PS2 but not marvel and cvs2. there is a big difference in how the game plays as stated by other people. I practice on the PS2 version and play DC practicers (if that made sense) and I notice a small lag on some moves. ex. vega doing crouching fierce on a DC will connect a few times on PS2 it won’t. It’s just an example and in cvs2 games are one and lost with small ammounts of health and effective poking is important. in marvel you lose the juggs glitch and I find that the timing is off a bit. I’ve practiced on PS2 for both marvel and cvs2 b/c I have no other option until I get my games back. I really do think there is a difference and I would really appreciate it if you would keep the DC for cvs2 and marvel. I want the dc version b/c that’s what the majority of people PRACTICE on and PLAY on for TOURNAMENTS. DC is the standard because thats what everyone HAS and PLAYS on and what people PRACTICE on. you would hear a ton of “wtf’s” from people if you changed marvel and cvs2 from DC to marvel. please for your sake and mine keep it on DC.


Players still aren’t going to calculate being a 6 seed vs a 4 seed as much as they are going to calculate 1st place at evo vs 3rd place at evo. Who threw a match that would have affected their evo seeding in the past year? Who did so AND wouldn’t have if they knew it affected thier seeding? Who would have travelled to avoid losing an evo seed? I’m not sure the competition is strong enough to affect the players you are referring to.


There were just fundamental flaws. One of the biggest flaws is seeding was still in the players hands. If one of the ‘boys’ wanted to pad his placing a little bit noone would care cause hes a ‘top player’. If someone from nowhere got a bunch of apex points, people would say either apex doesn’t work, or he cheated. If there were a way to garuntee accurate results then fine, but there isn’t. That was the main problem, there were other things, but those could probably be fixed if the main problem could be fixed.

But that problem would be solved with about 10x more players (as would a lot of the problems you post about). It would be harder to make up apex results that matter, because you’d have to make up like 32 names just to get a decent # of points. People that ‘sneak’ into the rankings would at least be playing decent comp and not winning 5 8-man locals.

As to your other comment, Local tournaments are why games work, noone would care about the NBA if we didn’t have a basketball court every few blocks, not as many people would care about the MLB without little league. Not many people can relate to fighting for evo seeds and trying to win a national championship. People can relate to their own city/region a lot better, and will play for that.


Still looks to be better than what the ‘experts’ have put out since then. The fact that you would say local tournaments don’t matter kind of makes the idea of you judging apex laughable.

Reminds me of people that stand behind you when you play sf, and comment like they know anything. “Man why you do this move, why you do that move, shoulda done this, man what are you doing” Then you ask them to play and they get all scared.

So how bout you actually try to participate in building up tournaments and apex. Up for it? Or is it too comfortable taking jabs from behind that monitor.

Firstly, I don’t feel the need to debate about Apex’s usefulness. Talk to players and ask. No one cares about Apex aside from a few. Ask them why they don’t care. When Apex affected Evo, every good player entered some tourneys before Evo. Linking it to Evo also hyped evo even more. We all have our own forms of logic. For me, the contrast is obvious. It’s not that the hype of Apex went down, it was that the purpose of Apex was weakened. I’ve asked plenty of people.

As for myself doing something. Let’s be real. I have always been an SF supporter. The direction SRK chooses to “Take” the scene is a direct contradiction of what SF was. There is nothing special about SF, now. In fact, the most superior fighting games aren’t present at Evo. Many now, would disagree since, well…most players that can tell the difference have left the scene from disgust already. So, you think I should do something? Wtf? I should help out where I know I’ll be fought against. SRK isn’t a democracy. SRK doesn’t care what I think and really, I see clear evidence, this evo, that SRK doesn’t really care what players think. As long as they attend, it’s all good.

You have to understand. I have a different perspective. I’m sure to SRK, Evo was a success(i’m going by numbers). To me, it was a failure. The ppl made Evo good. The tournament wasn’t done well at all. Now, I don’t mean organization. SRK successfully organized Evo and played it out while only blatantly dissing the team tourneys and the cvs2 entrants who were told that console would make the tourney better and cvs2 would be 2 of 3. Actually, the console didn’t help shit at all.

This is the type of shit that frustrates me. HELLA ppl cited problems that would occur at Evo and no one listened at SRK. We were told to “trust them.” Then, in practice, their theories, that went againt the OBVIOUS, fell apart right at Evo just as dozens of players had predicted.

SRK’s gotten too big of an ego that they think everything that they agree on is right and the players just don’t get it. Why would I put up with that?

If I were to revamp Evo, I would do TOO MANY things. I would love to offer my services but it would be like going to war for a cause I didn’t believe in. I can see how this Evo could have been a far better tourney, regardless of player count(talking quality of the tournament here), had some issues been truly addressed ahead of time. However, SRK likes to put it’s foot down. GGXX sucked this year. Even the players that entered are saying this. Why? Because SRK chose to cater to a few players over the masses of GG players. Should’ve done reload. The worst part is that we’re given excuses that don’t hold true across the board. What!?! We have to wait for an American release of #R? Funny, I don’t recall ST ever being released in the US for DC. Seriously, maybe you get a different view from being on irc but just browsing the forums, SRK doesn’t think too highly about the intelligence of its’ members.

There’s no working with SRK. Where would I benefit? IMO, their just riding out the decay of the scene, grasping at straws while not noticing HOW it got so lame.

Yo, when SRK wants to act like the SF scene that propelled us this far, then call me. Why would I want any part in what they’re doing now. I think much of it is ridiculous and while they think popularity, I think integrity.

Let’s face it, at this point, Evo has to be on console WITH all these new games cuz, really, all of the tourneys run by die-hard sfers will take all of the comp away. Let’s see SRK try and do what Wilson does, now. They can’t. They don’t know how anymore. Give Evo to Wilson(as I see him running away:p). Wilson has a better sense of what SF is than SRK does, now. He could get the same crowd but the tourney would garner the respect it should have. Seriously, take away the hotel and meeting up with so many peeps and Evo sucked. It wasn’t even feeling like a real tourney until the finals. Wtf? EVERYONE I’ve talked to says this. I’m talking groups of players. SRK is losing the hardcore and gaining a bunch of casual players.

SRK is quantity over quality. Hey, they had a ton of the shittiest “tourney” sticks that I’ve ever seen on 3s. Everyone says the Japanese set up was better. I guess that makes sense. Make sure the Japanese can play perfect while dissing us? BS. I can’t believe that any of them sat down and played with those sticks and thought it was a good idea to use them. I think it went something like “The sticks suck but, they work, and, with the money we save, we can print nifty Evo stickers on them and maybe even sell some!” Because seriously, if you’re looking for a serious tournament where every good player is playing up to par, those were not the sticks. Not even close. Those were the type you buy when you want to test some shit out at home. That isn’t what a stick player uses for a tournament…until this one. Yeah, that went over REALLY well. FFA had a much better tournament. If any 3ser wants really good footage, you’ll want THAT dvd. I didn’t even go to FFA and I’ll say that the overall quality of play was surely passed that of Evo(aside from Japan on their set up, I suppose). FFA has always been known(hey, I went there over a decade ago so…I know some history) to have sticks that were questionable.

Seriously, how many matches were lost due to controller issues? Probably 80% of em. I saw so much ugly shit. It was a nice convention and the finals were a nice exhibition, but the tourney itself was sub par at best. It could’ve been so much more.

After the scene dies, I’ll probably try to bring it up again, the right way. Now, however, would be a waste of my time. I’m concerned with the scene, srk is concerned with numbers. That’s evident. Hell SSBM was going to be added to help with costs! That’s just not the right motivation for adding a game.

If I don’t even feel like playing anymore, why would I go out of my way to fight with those that think they’re taking the scene in the right direction. It’s just a joke now.

Call me when ppl are serious about returning the “SF” scene to former glory. We’ll work on that and THEN talk about other titles. None of this mixing 2d with 3d shit. That was a huge waste of time. That was an organizational flaw right there but, I’d be nitpicking right? I’m all for other games(making sure home is taken care of first. SF gets covered before ANYTHING else) but, the flow was so off. How many ppl do you think were upset at waiting for games while the “other side” was playing theirs? A lil common sense would have separated the 2 and it would’ve been better for the players of both to concentrate on 2d one day and 3d the next. It would’ve been smoother as well.

See, the only reason SRK is helming the largest tourney is because they have the resources and not because their ideas are dope. I’m quite sure that many would do a FAR better tourney if given the resources and money SRK put in. So, while it’s nice of SRK to do that, I think they’re just patting themselves on the back and can’t wait to do another one next year to feel cool too.

Point blank, the community has no real clout at SRK. Anyone who thinks such is deceived.

I’m a part of the community. I’ll act important when SRK treats me and others as such. As is, I’ll just rant since, well, most aren’t listening and SRK doesn’t care. Which is why much of the tourney part of Evo sucked. It’s not the organization, it’s the ideas and the priorities. If you can’t do a great tourney right, wait until you can. Evo was a great tourney done wrongfully. We know SRK can organize pretty well. That’s for nothing if the event that’s being organized is tragically flawed.

If you’re interested, FMJ, I’ll compile a list of necessary changes and orders to get SF going seriously again. If SF had a personality it went from being cool and special to being a big lame dork. I’d be happy to organize a solution. I wouldn’t mind. In 5 years I’m sure I’ll see all the ideas listed show up at Evo if it’s still around, lol.

The thing is, ppl usually don’t complain. You want proof of the decline of the scene? Take a look at the entrants for the next years’ majors. Only a new game can save anything and with the crap they put out now, new isn’t so hot after a year. SF never needed a new game to be strong. It was always nice but, now it’s a necessity.

Hell, we don’t even play American sf anymore. Retarded. It just shows that aspects of the game are completely ignored or viewed as unimportant. I just don’t see SRK having any standards they follow. The purpose of the tourney is to have a great tourney and not a great turn out. It seems that those ideas can’t be seperated by some. First you do something well and THEN it gets bigger. nm I’m just randomly explaining simple things that should be obvious to anyone who’s sincerely loved the SF scene.

hears Taps being played

Watch, now that Evo may get coverage, it sucks. Of course, new ppl won’t have shit to compare it to so, they won’t even know that it sucks now.

yep SRK jumped the shark and they think everything was cool. For every complaint, there’s 20 ppl thinking the same thing. Instead of complaining though, the scene will weed itself and it won’t be a scene for all ages. It’ll be a teen scene only. Competitiveness usually isn’t something you outgrow but, Evo is definatley outgrow(able).

Why am I bothering ranting? Oh, cuz this shit sucks.


Back then, APEX seeded Evo, and Evo used arcade machines.

Of course, SRK told us Third Strikers to fuck off and make our own scene if we thought Third Strike was so good.

So, streetfighterx.org started a national Third Strike ranking system, and Jason Wilson held a national third strike tournament in NE (with japanese attendance no less) along with a Tips and Tricks national ranking system.

You see, Third Strike getting put on APEX was SRKs way of reuniting the scene because we started our own tournament system complete with a national tournament.

The main difference between Third Strikers and the Alpha players is that when SRK doesn’t listen to us as a community, we do it our damn selves. What do you think the WC of 3S was about?

Luckily the Third Strikers have people like Wilson, DBA, WishwarriorX, Queen of Combat, Shogo, Arlieth, Yi, Rockefeller and several other Third Strikers in AZ, NM, Canadia, and TX that aren’t afraid to step up to the plate and run tourneys with or without support from SRK.

Third Strike has had a succesful scene for the last 3 years with minimal support from SRK.


What sucked is not srk/evo, it’s that capcom abandoned SF and we needed to create SOMETHING to do something about it before we all got swept under the resident evil rug.

My point is that srk can be used to create more SF related entities. If srk wanted to control SF they would be trying to buy it from capcom (hypothetically). I don’t nessecarily operate within srk, I use what srk has (APEX,EVO,etc…) to further what i want to get done. At some point when i have things to speak of, srk will use those to further it’s agenda. To me it’s win win, the more the merrier.

I have no need to or desire to become anti-srk, I don’t feel they operate directly opposite to another SF group. I feel we all have different approaches to the same goal. I don’t fault them for not taking my approach, i thank them for making it easier for me to take my approach. If mine becomes better, it’s not time to say ‘omg fmj is the man evo sux0rs’, but to pay respects to people that (whether you want to admit it or not) made it more possible for others to create their own SF scenes.

Basically you have the theory of what could be done with sf, but instead of trying to realize those dreams. You continue to fault SRK with not realizing them for you. In turn your ideas aren’t being heard by the next set of people that will be running the scene, and your fulfilling your own prophecy of the downfall of SF. Do you think i post because i care for SRK to sit down and read this for evo? or because someone on here that we may not even know will be running the biggest US SF tourney 10 years from now? It took 4 just to switch to consoles, imagine if i was impatient!

When I see a tv series where the writing is crap, I’ll say it. Now, would it be smart to tell me to write my own scripts?

I’m just calling it like I see it. SRK wanted to do this. So, of course, when you stick your neck out, you’ll get some backlash. I’m not anti-srk. I don’t judge SRK by it’s current trends. I look at the whole. SRK is dope. However, I’m going to hate on some decisions if I see them as being poor.

Yo, I’m not giving them any real heat. I just think some of the shit that’s been done is ridiculous. You’re saying that if I want to point out shit(Since I did attend) I should hold my own tourney? lol. Alright, next time I hear you complain about anything, I’ll tell you to do it yourself. That’s a fucking cop out. That’s merely avoiding the issues. A lot of their ideas fell flat when in practice and I hope that players are more skeptical from now on instead of having this “trust us” attitude. I think it would just be arrogant to ignore attendees and keep thinking that they just have it all right. They should spend the better part of this year making and analyzing some polls. The polls should cover everything from controls to which games Evo should have. Bring the community back. As is, the community is left out until Evo. Ppl would be much more involved and likely to show if everyone has a say in how the tourney was done. I’ll say it again! Include the community in the decisions. That’s the only way you can really claim that it’s for the players, although, SRK says it’s for the players. In that case, let’s see what everyone wants:) I’ll tell you what, #R was a landslide poll that was ignored. That shit needs to go. Letting down or disappointing a few peeps that got their tickets already is completely justifiable when you’re bowing to the wants of the players. Again, ggxx=bad decision=srk decision. #R, good decision=player decision. Pretty simple.

If SRK doesn’t want to get heat, give the players what they all want and if Evo turns out lame, all the blame is on the players.

I’m talking about tourneys here, not the SRK show, lol.


Actually, GG was much better this year than it was last year. Higher level of play (from both sides), more character variety, and exciting matches throughout. While tt’s true that many of the community would have preferred #R (including myself), saying GG sucked this year is outright wrong.

Also, SSBM was not going to be added to help with costs. It was going to be added because it has an incredibly strong community that has shown they organize/run tournaments for themselves across the country, and garner tons of entrants (much like 3S did, which was added to APEX, and much unlike A3… which didn’t). All that, and it’s a damn skillfull fighting game to boot.

In order for Street Fighter (SF only) to return to it’s former glory, every other fighting game needs to disappear except maybe Mortal Kombat/SamSho/AOF (which were the only alternatives to SF back then). Once you get rid of player choice, restock every 7-11 across the country with machines… so instead of players having to travel ridiculously far to find comp, they can just go to the corner w/ a roll of quarters. In fact, just put a SF (could be WW, could be CE, could be HF) and an MK2 machine in every 7-11, and we can just do tournaments on those.

Or, we can be diehards and just do a HF, ST, A2, and A3 tournament only. Let’s get rid of MvC2 and CvS2 (even though they are the most played games in the fighting community today, they aren’t “true OG SF”), and we can do it old-school only. Don’t worry about the fact that there are no HF and A2 tournaments going on anywhere, and if they are, the turnout isn’t much better (or even similar) to any A3 tournaments… hey, the “legit/REAL” Midwest Championships had 20… TWENTY! (I heard a lot of those were free entries… designed to pad the # lol). Did the recent ECC even have A3? I heard no. I thought NY has like the most A3 players in the country! Strange how that worked out… I thought those tournaments were much more representative of the TRUE nature of SF. =/

The fact is, the community is evolving… always evolving. It’s funny how that sorta works into the title of the actual tournament SRK puts on.

See you all next year at Evolution: 2005

To be fair, some of the tournaments this year just didn’t feel as interesting as last year’s, but I think people are unfairly attributing this to consoles.

Rather, I think it’s more an issue of timing. A lot of people are just burnt out. Marvel was pretty boring this year, 'cause Justin had it for sure and a lot of good players didn’t show. Cali’s scene seems to have been suffering ever since SHGL closed down, and the Northwest scene is in a major slump.

GGXX and Tekken players have a lot to look forwards to next year, thanks to #R and Tekken 5, but for Capcom players, it seems like things are looking pretty grim unless CFJ turns out to be good.

If you were a in that industry, and had the power to try to help correct it, then yes, i would. If you were just a john doe talking shit then no, but then you also wouldn’t get the time of day. I think if your going to start talking about the ‘community’ and all the ‘right’ things you say you know how to do, then it would make sense to follow that up with something useful. If you said you were a nobody, you represent noone, and have no clue as to what good SF is about, then no i wouldn’t expect you to be of any help.

I’ll be doing it myself regardless. I don’t need SRK to validate my decisions, nor do I need to feel that they are waiting for me to post to make decisions. I discuss ideas for the sake of the idea, if it’s good, someone will implement it, myself, evo, sbo, whoever.

The problem is your not really pointing out things, your oversensationalizing random half-truths, then finding ANYTHING to try to make it s community wide crisis. If what your saying is true, than why are the decisions that other tournaments make directly very similar to what evo does.

I fund it funny how the community supposedly wants so many things, and they are all so easy to do, however noone can actually do them in their own tournaments. The way you talk every tournament BUT evo would have all these great things you speak of.

So how come the only #r i can find in the month before the schedule was finalized was ours and SBO2 quals? Because the community was so busy outcrying for #r? Feel free to correct me, but i did see more XX tournaments during that time.

Of course, and the community is driven by forum polls, Apoc and some people that aren’t even here anymore making up half the posts in the thread. Damn how did SRK miss that overwhelming outcry for… well for what… that is still a mystery…

I’m not in the “industry” here. I’m a casual(prolly less so from now on) SF player. I’m not, and don’t plan on being, a tourney organizer. So, I am just gonna kick back and point out, what myself, and many others(I could site some threads but I’d have to look it up. However, I’d be amazed if I had to prove this since you’re on the forums enough to have seen these threads) see as obvious.

And no, if you don’t like what’s going on in “24,” you’re not going to make your own episode. Nice try. No, you will not be doing it. You’ll be complaining and maybe, changing the channel. Which is the same thing everyone does. I’m all for discussing ideas but, I’m not about to discuss anything when decisions are made regardless. There isn’t any point in the effort if there’s no chance of a different outcome than what’s happening. I’m already seeing what shit is turning into. I’ve never seen so many good players claiming losses due to sticks. Regardless of the bs that is peddled. That’s a fact from my own experience. Even some players that had no problem with console cite the console for their loss. Only, no one’s going to take that as legitimate. Velcro was the solution to the complaint. The finals are being played on the floor, lol. Not the most competitive of atmospheres, heheh. Hella ppl were busy laughing at the sight as opposed to watching the matches until a match become tight. I heard many comments at how ridiculous it appeared and I agree. SF is going the mainstream of consoles. No wonder SSBM was considered. The SF attitude is all but lost on most and some don’t come close to realizing the intensity of past events(and I’m talkin’ times when tourneys were smaller even, and they were still better and was more interesting to the casual observer, which is enticing. SF used to attract ppl even if they weren’t into videogames. Now, it’s getting pretty close to looking about as hot as a Super Mario championship. It’s about as cool as cosplaying is…without the women. I never thought there’d come a day when I leave a major tourney feeling like a nerdy gamefag. SF is quickly becoming more like any game. Why not make the next CS have nothing but Care Bears? I mean, the game is still the same, right? lol That wouldn’t change the image of the entire scene, would it? lol I guess not :rolleyes:

There’s no reason to point out hella ideas since, I have, and they get ignored for lesser ideas and I’m brushed off with false promises of improvement that never pan out. How, exactly, was CvS2 better this year from a players’ perspective? Seemed the same except for lotz more ugly shit going on. Then I see articles claiming that console leaves no controller excuses. W…T…F? No, it leads to more complainst, only, it takes heat off of the organizers. They, now, don’t have to worry about working controls. It’s entirely up to the player to organize that. Ok, I see how it’s easier for the organizers. I don’t see how it’s better for the tourney considering that I heard more controller complaints than ever before. And this from folks that brought their own stick! The point is, if I say it, I expect something like the opposite to happen. If I had the heart left in it, I’d just call folks to post my thoughts as they’d be taken more seriously that way, lol. Yeah, I’d rather not “seriously” waste my time. I prefer to do that without consciously deciding to do so.

And… you don’t know what you’re talking about in regards to folks wanting Evo to “risk” their tourney. There were plenty of differences in the majors this year. Strangely enough, these tourneys didn’t fall apart even though they were done differently.

…“So how come the only #r i can find in the month before the schedule was finalized was ours and SBO2 quals? Because the community was so busy outcrying for #r? Feel free to correct me, but i did see more XX tournaments during that time.”

Because Evo wouldn’t switch the games. So, they had to practice on the “recognized tourney version” this time. Just look at the landslide poll. It was something like 119-12 in favor of #R so, my point sticks like super glue. The worst part about this? More blatant bullshit. The initial reason given was that there wasn’t a US version available so they’d have to wait for the release. Meanwhile, ST is being played on the DC. Then they come clean and say a few ppl already bought their tickets planning on entering GGXX instead so, it was too late for a change. Number 1, it wasn’t too late and, number 2, fucking #R should have been announced in the first place. Fact is, GG players regard #R as the superior game as a vast majority. It’s not like a few players think this. STILL, they put their foot down on the situation instead of following the desires of the GG players. W…T…F? That’s all I can say since, I just don’t understand that type of logic. Especially when the reason given turns out to be a lie. Again, CvS2 is better on console because now, there can be 2of3 matches…wait! They were only kidding when they said that, lol. How did SRK miss THAT outcry? lol.

It’s hard to tell when you’re being serious nowadays, FMJ.

But understand, when I’m talking about the community, I’m talking about the community that spans over 10 years. Not the one that’s coming in and stomping on what got itself there. I’m not talking about this changing community. I’m talking about the hardcore and loyal SF community. You know, the one that everyone else is riding on here. I hear stupid shit like SSBM is considered because it ALREADY has it’s own scene. LOL, so then, why the hell add it if it’s completely self sufficient. It doesn’t even need the help of Evo. Was VF4 added for it’s scene? I mean, the reasons are convenient and casual. Really, any strategy game that involves fighting could be added to Evo. There’s really no respectable criteria. Sorry, being popular is not a good reason. Why not have Yugioh at Evo? lol.

I guess I don’t like how everything else piggy backed on SF and then led it to this crap.

Don’t get me wrong, Evo was an incredible event. However, it wasn’t because the tourneys were even close to being as intense as they could’ve been.

Here’s an idea for ya. Separate 3-d from 2-d. The camps are already divided. Only a few enter everything. Having them on separate days would help with conflicts and ppl that didn’t like 2d or 3d could go do something else instead of sitting through stuff they don’t like while waiting for others. Mixing them is like forcing folks to appreciate it all. They should also go back the the Evo2k2 format that gave players a full day to just enjoy the tourney without worrying about matches. How was THAT a bad idea. Evo is not supposed to be the “for fun” tourney. It’s supposed to be the pinnacle of fighting game competition here. If you think you have to drop a good idea, drop a game instead. You don’t sacrifice quality for quantity. I mean, SRK does. I’m speaking generally.

Don’t tell me that you’re discussing this issue with me for the ideas. At least be real about it. Admittedly, I’m just expressing certain things. It’s nice. I certainly don’t expect anything to come from it.

Anyway, when the forums continue to deplete in quality posts, there’s your complaining. See? Most will just stop playing and stop posting on SRK rather than complain about it being wack. I, however, still care about the scene but, that scene is all but dead. Just letting you know, I post because I still care a bit. I’ll be fed up soon enough. I’m not sticking around to watch SF get whored into being ghey. SF used to have attitude and that shit is being drained. The mere fact that finalists came onto dope theme music, yet, had to also carry their sticks up to the game was counter productive. On one end, you’ve got the tourney looking serious and like it’s taking itself seriously and on the other, you got it looking like a gamegeek convention. Doesn’t mesh well. It looked ridiculous. Anyway, don’t look for complaints as passionate as mine because most would sooner not care. But…isn’t that obvious? Hey, to be fair, when ppl complain to me, I tell them to post that shit. They usually give me a look like, it isn’t worth it. But, I do tell them. Nobody wants to insult ppl and that’s how complaints are taken usually by SRK. I think TnT are great guys but I know they take offense to my complaints. That’s unfortunate. It’s either them being offended or them ignoring me. Still, I post so that I know I said something about it. I don’t want to ever feel like I should’ve said something so, that’s why I still spout. That way, no one can say that they didn’t see the signs.
