Firstly, I don’t feel the need to debate about Apex’s usefulness. Talk to players and ask. No one cares about Apex aside from a few. Ask them why they don’t care. When Apex affected Evo, every good player entered some tourneys before Evo. Linking it to Evo also hyped evo even more. We all have our own forms of logic. For me, the contrast is obvious. It’s not that the hype of Apex went down, it was that the purpose of Apex was weakened. I’ve asked plenty of people.
As for myself doing something. Let’s be real. I have always been an SF supporter. The direction SRK chooses to “Take” the scene is a direct contradiction of what SF was. There is nothing special about SF, now. In fact, the most superior fighting games aren’t present at Evo. Many now, would disagree since, well…most players that can tell the difference have left the scene from disgust already. So, you think I should do something? Wtf? I should help out where I know I’ll be fought against. SRK isn’t a democracy. SRK doesn’t care what I think and really, I see clear evidence, this evo, that SRK doesn’t really care what players think. As long as they attend, it’s all good.
You have to understand. I have a different perspective. I’m sure to SRK, Evo was a success(i’m going by numbers). To me, it was a failure. The ppl made Evo good. The tournament wasn’t done well at all. Now, I don’t mean organization. SRK successfully organized Evo and played it out while only blatantly dissing the team tourneys and the cvs2 entrants who were told that console would make the tourney better and cvs2 would be 2 of 3. Actually, the console didn’t help shit at all.
This is the type of shit that frustrates me. HELLA ppl cited problems that would occur at Evo and no one listened at SRK. We were told to “trust them.” Then, in practice, their theories, that went againt the OBVIOUS, fell apart right at Evo just as dozens of players had predicted.
SRK’s gotten too big of an ego that they think everything that they agree on is right and the players just don’t get it. Why would I put up with that?
If I were to revamp Evo, I would do TOO MANY things. I would love to offer my services but it would be like going to war for a cause I didn’t believe in. I can see how this Evo could have been a far better tourney, regardless of player count(talking quality of the tournament here), had some issues been truly addressed ahead of time. However, SRK likes to put it’s foot down. GGXX sucked this year. Even the players that entered are saying this. Why? Because SRK chose to cater to a few players over the masses of GG players. Should’ve done reload. The worst part is that we’re given excuses that don’t hold true across the board. What!?! We have to wait for an American release of #R? Funny, I don’t recall ST ever being released in the US for DC. Seriously, maybe you get a different view from being on irc but just browsing the forums, SRK doesn’t think too highly about the intelligence of its’ members.
There’s no working with SRK. Where would I benefit? IMO, their just riding out the decay of the scene, grasping at straws while not noticing HOW it got so lame.
Yo, when SRK wants to act like the SF scene that propelled us this far, then call me. Why would I want any part in what they’re doing now. I think much of it is ridiculous and while they think popularity, I think integrity.
Let’s face it, at this point, Evo has to be on console WITH all these new games cuz, really, all of the tourneys run by die-hard sfers will take all of the comp away. Let’s see SRK try and do what Wilson does, now. They can’t. They don’t know how anymore. Give Evo to Wilson(as I see him running away:p). Wilson has a better sense of what SF is than SRK does, now. He could get the same crowd but the tourney would garner the respect it should have. Seriously, take away the hotel and meeting up with so many peeps and Evo sucked. It wasn’t even feeling like a real tourney until the finals. Wtf? EVERYONE I’ve talked to says this. I’m talking groups of players. SRK is losing the hardcore and gaining a bunch of casual players.
SRK is quantity over quality. Hey, they had a ton of the shittiest “tourney” sticks that I’ve ever seen on 3s. Everyone says the Japanese set up was better. I guess that makes sense. Make sure the Japanese can play perfect while dissing us? BS. I can’t believe that any of them sat down and played with those sticks and thought it was a good idea to use them. I think it went something like “The sticks suck but, they work, and, with the money we save, we can print nifty Evo stickers on them and maybe even sell some!” Because seriously, if you’re looking for a serious tournament where every good player is playing up to par, those were not the sticks. Not even close. Those were the type you buy when you want to test some shit out at home. That isn’t what a stick player uses for a tournament…until this one. Yeah, that went over REALLY well. FFA had a much better tournament. If any 3ser wants really good footage, you’ll want THAT dvd. I didn’t even go to FFA and I’ll say that the overall quality of play was surely passed that of Evo(aside from Japan on their set up, I suppose). FFA has always been known(hey, I went there over a decade ago so…I know some history) to have sticks that were questionable.
Seriously, how many matches were lost due to controller issues? Probably 80% of em. I saw so much ugly shit. It was a nice convention and the finals were a nice exhibition, but the tourney itself was sub par at best. It could’ve been so much more.
After the scene dies, I’ll probably try to bring it up again, the right way. Now, however, would be a waste of my time. I’m concerned with the scene, srk is concerned with numbers. That’s evident. Hell SSBM was going to be added to help with costs! That’s just not the right motivation for adding a game.
If I don’t even feel like playing anymore, why would I go out of my way to fight with those that think they’re taking the scene in the right direction. It’s just a joke now.
Call me when ppl are serious about returning the “SF” scene to former glory. We’ll work on that and THEN talk about other titles. None of this mixing 2d with 3d shit. That was a huge waste of time. That was an organizational flaw right there but, I’d be nitpicking right? I’m all for other games(making sure home is taken care of first. SF gets covered before ANYTHING else) but, the flow was so off. How many ppl do you think were upset at waiting for games while the “other side” was playing theirs? A lil common sense would have separated the 2 and it would’ve been better for the players of both to concentrate on 2d one day and 3d the next. It would’ve been smoother as well.
See, the only reason SRK is helming the largest tourney is because they have the resources and not because their ideas are dope. I’m quite sure that many would do a FAR better tourney if given the resources and money SRK put in. So, while it’s nice of SRK to do that, I think they’re just patting themselves on the back and can’t wait to do another one next year to feel cool too.
Point blank, the community has no real clout at SRK. Anyone who thinks such is deceived.
I’m a part of the community. I’ll act important when SRK treats me and others as such. As is, I’ll just rant since, well, most aren’t listening and SRK doesn’t care. Which is why much of the tourney part of Evo sucked. It’s not the organization, it’s the ideas and the priorities. If you can’t do a great tourney right, wait until you can. Evo was a great tourney done wrongfully. We know SRK can organize pretty well. That’s for nothing if the event that’s being organized is tragically flawed.
If you’re interested, FMJ, I’ll compile a list of necessary changes and orders to get SF going seriously again. If SF had a personality it went from being cool and special to being a big lame dork. I’d be happy to organize a solution. I wouldn’t mind. In 5 years I’m sure I’ll see all the ideas listed show up at Evo if it’s still around, lol.
The thing is, ppl usually don’t complain. You want proof of the decline of the scene? Take a look at the entrants for the next years’ majors. Only a new game can save anything and with the crap they put out now, new isn’t so hot after a year. SF never needed a new game to be strong. It was always nice but, now it’s a necessity.
Hell, we don’t even play American sf anymore. Retarded. It just shows that aspects of the game are completely ignored or viewed as unimportant. I just don’t see SRK having any standards they follow. The purpose of the tourney is to have a great tourney and not a great turn out. It seems that those ideas can’t be seperated by some. First you do something well and THEN it gets bigger. nm I’m just randomly explaining simple things that should be obvious to anyone who’s sincerely loved the SF scene.
hears Taps being played
Watch, now that Evo may get coverage, it sucks. Of course, new ppl won’t have shit to compare it to so, they won’t even know that it sucks now.
yep SRK jumped the shark and they think everything was cool. For every complaint, there’s 20 ppl thinking the same thing. Instead of complaining though, the scene will weed itself and it won’t be a scene for all ages. It’ll be a teen scene only. Competitiveness usually isn’t something you outgrow but, Evo is definatley outgrow(able).
Why am I bothering ranting? Oh, cuz this shit sucks.