EVO2011 Discussion

youre absolutely right bro. i love the hard knockdown into “vortex” but sometimes i should go for the guaranteed ex tatsu damage, especially mid-screen so it pushes them towards the corner. that’s great advice ikaru, thanks! normally anti-airing is one of my strengths but let this be a lesson to any of you going to EVO, PS3 lags soooo hard compared to 360. i totalllyyy shouldve practiced on a PS3 before going to EVO. it took me awhile to sort of get used to it. felt like i was online. maybe its just me, but it affected me tremendously, even messed up a lot of my combos. sorry if it sounds like an excuse but its a huge lesson learned.

any other input on my match(es) would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Actually, 360 is just 3-frames faster than PS3 and PS3 version runs exactly the same as an Arcade setup. I had the same problem at Arcade UFO’s SBO Southwest quals. But yeah dude when AE first came out I was so drunk with power that I could combo into sweep, it literally cost me matches. Gotta find that perfect balance!

Damn I can honestly say I didn’t see ANYONE at evo this year besides sicx6… and the one thing I learned as I learned several times before is I need to practice… I literally just play off of what I know! (vanila knowledge) like proper mindgames, OS etc… and I can’t stand ps3 either lol NO EXCUSES but what I do see a lot of is the freak out tendency a lot of players have… losing control of matches that YOU HAVE IN CONTROL because of kens arsenal… and THE USE OF HIS NORMALS are absurd. just my thoughts.

and people need to speak up! if someone is being sloppy pleeeeeeeeease let them know… is anyone making there way to the canada cup tho?!

50 50 chars tend not to make too far…