EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

aye cuzen, ya know what i mean, yadadaymean? and you would pick kim ok i get the picture, i’ll just counter him in with my yashiro. and that’s the truth cuzen. out of this thread a few cats hated on you but you gave them the bizness lol. i’m there for sure and all i need is a ride there and everything from there will be handled.

Sign me up for KOF 98 UM so i can whoop your asses.

Gotcha! Question- Singles or teams?

Uh I might enter 98um if I have money/time to, I guess I’ll just tell you at Evo. I haven’t touched 98um since last evo, but have been playing more 98 original. I hope shit still works.

From my previous experience with you and my experience with him, I still like him for money.

I’m not in the business of donating money. :rofl:

Last I checked I could. Could I do it now with absolutely no practice over one or more years? Probably not.

You might be in Canada soon according to you guys, so if Emil decides to leave his centralized CPU system, we just might have a real match.

Or I could just play you normally and build an opinion from there. Again, I’m not in the business of donating money. :looney:

Take your game to China, inform me of results.

Again: Mexico = perennial underachievers. It’s actually impressive that you can wreck all the players at Ciudad Juarez, that’s props right there. However, I want to see Emil vs DG.

It’s like the dream match that’ll never die. I can imagine both of you being old codgers and still not playing each other because Emil somehow lives in Antarctica and is too busy trying to stop global warming even though you just want 30 minutes of his time and have a plane ticket there and everything. :rofl::rofl:

On behalf of Emil, stop kissing his ass.

I know that China has some ridiculously good players, especially in shanghai and beijing.


I like Emil’s momma’s basement in a mm between Emil and leaving his momma’s basement.

Nothingxs- I’ll be travelling the world very soon, I’ve already moved (from where I used to live) and I’ll be making more money very soon so I will be around the world. China is no exception, I’m just taking it one step at a time. I’ll be playing against Taekua (Top Mexican KOFXI player) very soon everyone so do not worry. Mexico=underachievers? How do you figure? Mexico is FULL of talent, so I don’t get you on that.

Khannibal, Kane9999, Rodo, Taekua, Zerge, Razx, Vegar, Hugo, Esteban, Skato, Kula, Osmani, Clavi, Bart,Abraham,Marin, and the list goes on and on!!!

Mexico has a higher base of knowledgable KOF players than the USA that’s for sure!

Asia is on the list but I gotta touch up on my Chinese first, Chinese is NOT an easy language to learn… :sweat:

EDIT- If the preregs for 98UM Singles keeps going up, we are gonna start 98UM even earlier than the time listed!!!

Good luck against the Chinese, they are beast though they don’t travel the world as much.
It looks like 98UM will be the number one in KOF, at least until XII and 2k2UM reach full circle.
I’ll only be devoting my one setup to XI on Friday, since that’s all I have for the PS2 (besides NGBC). I think mine should be a casual setup because of the order select bullshit. Which will probably throw a lot of ppl off.

And lastly, I gotta sign out of Garou/2k2UM only because I’m entering a couple of different side-tournies, and don’t want to kill my schedule.

If you have a higher base of knowledgable players you dont have to travel much to beast…hence Mexico has a lot of excellent players. That’s fine about the setup for KOFXI, no problem whatsoever. I’ll take you out of Garou MOTW and 2k2UM for preregs.

Yes 98UM is gonna have the highest signups for the 2nd year in a row…last year was 33 and I think it’ll top it this year… :tup:

And like I said, if it does, I reserve the right to run 98UM Singles one hour earlier everyone…just giving you a heads up…just be there early and you won’t be late!


No Samurai action?!?!? Darn

Not enough interest I believe right now/too much going on. Possibly next year or depending on what we see from SNKp’s new game they are making if it is out by EVO next year. Should I have time however I will play casuals in Sam Sho…but unless its VERY VERY early I doubt I am gonna have a lot of time.

New game?

Now what I want is some NGBC2. After XII, that is what SNK owes me. And maybe XI/NGBC/2k2UM on XBL.

Take the best 10 Mexican players and put them in a room with the best 10 Chinese players. Proceed to cry yourself to sleep.

I’m not saying Mexico sucks at the game, I’m saying there’s a big level difference. Kind of like comparing Mexico to Brazil in soccer… which is my point. We’re perennial underachievers.

RavenTech: no ass-kissing going on. More like “I want money, can this PLEASE happen, kthx” :rofl: I’m the Don King of KOF

Singles. Saturday morning one

qft, I don’t care if Mexico and Dark Geese lost to China. You still don’t have to belittle Mexico in the light of China. Whether they are the best or not, they have proven they are worthy of of being considered one of the best regions in SNK games. The fact that they are better than the US, and literally right next to Texas, why not get your practice there. I would go just as much as DG if this recession wasn’t hitting me so hard, so I got AI. And even then DG is still putting in an effort to go to China.

i hope I don’t sound like I’m jock-riding DG. I just admire his passion for the same games that we call ourselves playing and loving but not even putting in an effort in helping the community grow, or let alone showing any passion for the game yourself.

lol, all are well.

the_judge: Let’s see, DG is a great KOF player, his enthusiasm is up there, his energy is up there, and his devotion is up there, that’s great for a player. Then again a lot of people prefer asian personalities, reserved, humble and laid back, that’s just what the game community accustomed to. Just because the personality is different doesn’t mean needs to be criticized.

But yeah I would say the top Chinese KoF players have the Korean godly execution and Japanese solid fundamentals, very formidable opponents, if DG have a chance to go to China, it’d be a great learning experience for sure. However I do see a difference between Mexican players and Chinese players from just seeing the videos, mainly the execution part; setups and mind games, i am not sure, it really depends on the players.

Which KOF? That depends see I have done my homework on this too. KOF 98? Yes China wins that and even 98UM. But KOF 2002 and KOFXI? **Mexico wins that. **

I’d take Osmani and Kula over the top Chinese KOF 2002 players. Just like I’d take Dakou and Xiaohai over the top Mexican players in 98/UM.

So it depends on the KOF we are talking about here.

Gotcha okay I will put you down for 98UM singles.

I’d say Mexico is better in KOF2002 and highly possible KOFXI. Plus I’m gonna be going to all of Latin America practically, so Brazil, Argentina, whatever I’m going there!! I wanna play Buchecha and all of these players. Mexico is leagues better than the US in KOF overall and right in my backyard practically. I’ll be back in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico right after EVO in August, having another KOFXI/98UM/2k2UM/NeoWave/KOFXII playoffs 4 August and introducing KOFXII to Juarez. Then I’m headed to Monterrey/Reynosa, Mexico to do battle with Taekua and other players from the Brownsville/Matamoros to Monterrey region, wanting to bring Kane9999 with me on that trip so we can play vs. Taekua.

I agree just because the personality is different doesnt mean it needs to be criticized, NOR does it mean one personality/style is better than the other. Chinese and Japanese overall have different styles of play, but that doesnt mean one style is better than the other. Bottom line is whatever works for that person. Plus people forget, I’m still not at my prime, I’m not even close to my peak, I’m getting 10-15x better everytime I go to Mexico, so if you compare me a year ago in any fighting game it’s just not a good comparison.

All 2v2 Tournaments are now Free so signup! Also more stuff added!!

On a separate post: *If we have time *to spice things up even further to make this the EVO for SNK games:

(Note all of these are free entry)

**Samurai Showdown Tenka Free 2v2 Team Tournament (Winning team gets free brand new in the wrap copy of Sunsoft Collection)
Fatal Fury Special 2v2 Free Tournament
**RB2 Singles Tournament
**RBS 2v2 Tournament
Samurai Showdown II Tournament
KOF NeoWave 2v2 Tournament

Pre regs:

Sam Sho Tenka 2v2

  1. Team Tenka- Dark Geese and Tokido?

RB2 Singles:

  1. Nocturnal?
  2. Steve Harrison?
  3. Josh?
  4. Mizuki?
  5. Humbag?

RBS 2v2:

  1. US-Europe Alliance: Dark Geese-Ryan Hart?

FFS 2v2 (PS2):

  1. Dark Geese-TRIEU/Mavrick?

Sam Sho II 2v2:

  1. Dark Geese-Mavrick?

This will be like the Garou MOTW tournament, so if you Sam Sho players want this to happen, I’d best suggest you help me make sure everything else is happening. What will probably happen is that one of the tvs used for Exhibitions will be used to run this as well. So staff members believe you me we will be VERY VERY busy for the two days we have!

I’m gonna bust my butt to try and make all this happen this year as I got a feeling we got a special EVO on our hands!

Also- All team tournaments have been made Invitationals, even 98UM and KOFXI 2v2 are free invitational tournaments!

So sign up now while you can! I may decide to give out bonus pots to the winning teams in certain games depending on how competitive the tournament is!!! They will be NOTHING like Raging Storm but something for free is better than nothing so you cannot complain!

**Also rules in regards to characters for the Team tournaments…I do not care if you both use the same characters. That’s not the point right now, its just to have fun! So in KOFXI if Mago and Kindevu both wanna use KGO, then let them… But…with that said, once you register a team/character, YOU CANNOT CHANGE IT/HIM/HER!!!

Now how in the hell are we gonna make all this work you say? DG you’re crazy!!! :looney: :lol: Well like I said before, when I call your name you will have like 1 minute to report, if not DQed…so thats how all of this is gonna work!

Also if we only have one tv/are pressing for time for some of the added invitationals (if the others are taken up by tournaments), then the tournaments will become SINGLE ELIMINATION. Please make sure you read that well…

Let’s end the SNK 2008-2009 year with a bang the likes may never happen again! :rock:

EDIT: Here is the FINAL Revision for the Schedule this year:

1.Friday July 17th, 2009:

KOFXI Singles-$10

9:30 AM Start Time: Registration and casuals start around 9:00 AM.

Garou MOTW Singles: $10

10:30 Start Time : Registration starts when Noc and Giby deem it or if I’m running it around 10:00 AM.

KOF 98UM 2v2:

Registration starts at 11:30. Tournament starts at 12 Noon.

**Garou 2v2: **

Registration starts at 1:00 PM. Tournament starts at 1:30 PM.

Sam Sho Tenka 2v2:

Registration starts at 2:00 PM. Start Time is 2:30 PM

RB2 Singles:

Registration Starts at 4:00 PM. Start Time is 4:30.

KOF NeoWave 2v2:

Registration Starts at 5:30 PM. Start Time is 6:00 PM.

2. Saturday July 18th, 2009:

Fatal Fury Special 2v2: (PS2)

Registration starts at 9:00 AM. Start time is 9:30.

KOF 98UM Singles: $10

Registration starts at 10:00 AM. Start time is 11:00 AM.

KOF 2k2UM Singles: $10

Registration Starts at 12:00 Noon Start Time is 1:00 PM.

KOFXI 2v2:

Registration Starts at 2:00 PM. Start Time is 3:00 PM.

RBS 2v2:

Registration Starts at 4:00 PM. Start Time is 4:30

Sam Sho II 2v2:

Registration Starts at 6:00 PM. Start Time is 6:30.