EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

Scott’s already contacted me and I told him its a go and to post in here so we can hype this up even more.

In regards to the first part, I just have a strong personality and am super passionate about what I do…so its not really ever in disrespect, it’s just trying to get excitement in the community.

I respect that there are different ways always to get the job done and different philosophies, but that’s just how I do it.


i had no idea that XII wasn’t even going to make it in time for Evo :frowning: but if not XII, i guess the next best thing to record is 98UM?

let’s hope someone can get the XBOX360 of XII by then, i can record matches better on it, and the PS3 one looks like it sucks, (bad loading times, blurry sprites)

Actually all I can tell you is talk to Mr. Wizard…that’s really all I can tell you right now.

98UM would be good to record…but in regards to KOFXII, yeah talk to Mr.Wizard…that’s all I can say ATM.


i guess i can infer a few things from that, ok then.

i sent him a evo related message some time back, he hasnt responded. i met him at the kof12 event in hollywood, though i dont think he remembered me.

Ignition has decided to be non responsive with us, and has not returned our calls or emails. Therefore there will be no KOF official event.

Let the BYOC tournaments begin!

Thank you Mr. Wizard for removing all doubt in this regard!!! :china:


uh what’s goin on??? did i miss something???

Basically, XII doesn’t come out till the 20th (21st?)
Nothing else new otherwise, besides some Team Tournies.

phew:sweat: i thought that there was not gonna be a neo geo tourney with kof etc. got me there, good lookin cuzen.

I hear there’s a certain other new game just released by a certain other company who is far more willing to cooperate for some sort of official event. coughAksyscough

Did you actually come to this thread just to post that? We all know ASW and Aksys are awesome and won’t bullshit any1 even a little bit.

DG got XII at Devastation, so after that you call them and ask if the very next month if you can have it again, and the release dates are in the same month. I don’t think so.

Also guys let me announce this now and announce it clearly:

  1. The next matches will be posted on the white boards. We will announce your name on the megaphone. It is your responsibility to report in and let us know if you are in another tournament. (If you are EVO Staff I know who you are!)

  2. I will give you only 1 minute from the moment I call you to report to the tournament station before instant DQ. Let me repeat that-** I will give you only one minute from the moment I call your name or one of my staff members calls your name for you or someone to report for you telling me where you are, if you are coming etc, or you will get DQed. **

I don’t care if you wake up late, arrive late, have decided to take a lunch break, are American, Korean, or Japanese…doesn’t matter.

This worked fine at the Raging Storm 2009 and this is how it will work at EVO.


I’ll be there for XI and Garou.

Singles or teams?

Also everyone 98UM Singles is already around 30 preregs so far so please do not leave anywhere when it’s time to play or you will get DQed!

this is pretty intense, I will keep it in mind.

I don’t play KOF anymore. I haven’t really played at all since BEFORE last Evo when I played I believe in Final Round in 2008. I’ve fucked around on GGPO for like a week or so recently but that’s about it – I’ve been playing SF4 pretty much full time.

All of this, however, doesn’t change the fact that I like Emil in a first to insert-number-here for insert-amount-of-money-here in 98 or 2K2. Will it ever happen? Probably not, but if it ever does, let me know and we can arrange the money.

Also, it isn’t some big mystery that I know Oscar told you how I felt on the subject. It isn’t like there was a network of information that told you what was up. I straight told Oscar that I liked Emil over him and you in KOF 98 or 2K2. I don’t think Oscar is at his level either. I’d make the same bet on Oscar VS Emil as I would on you. Betting on Emil against either of you is pretty much safe cash.

Anyway, for that matter, I haven’t actually “talked shit” about you. At most I think you’re not as good as you think you are (at least at the aforementioned games). While I’m the first to tell you that KOF is one of Mexico’s national pastimes, I’ll also tell you now that, well, so is soccer. Mexico, at a worldwide level, isn’t really shit in KOF. And we haven’t done jack shit in soccer for a while, either. Your pedigree of KOF play stems from that form of play. That’s pretty much the main, driving reason why my money is not on you. (Or baseball. Seriously, fuck the Mexican WBC pitching staff.)

There, now I’ve talked shit about all of Mexico! Except not, it’s more like I’m making an observation on quality of play (videogames and sports), of both a country and of two separate individuals. It’s not like I suddenly think you’re a huge dick or you’re the Satan of videogames. I simply like someone else (the fact that you dislike him very much notwithstanding) over you in (specific) games.

EDIT: As for the “third character” comment: yes, as of the last time I played you, that was the case. As of the last I’ve seen of you, you’ve progressed but I don’t think you’re still anywhere near the level of Emil’s play. Opinion? Sure, but it’s still my money on him over you. If this dream match ever happens we just all have to make sure we get enough recording equipment to make it happen…

Well as my own opinion I like myself over both Emil and you…and one thing is for sure, I can put my money on me vs. you because that is something that’s can actually happen at EVO…what do you say?

Also do not think I havent seen Emil’s vids…he’s good dont get me wrong…but I aint gonna jockride him at all…matter of fact I think I can win.

So money match me or not? I hunt down everyone that puts my name in their mouth… Also FYI I do not play OG 2k2 and 98 …I only play 98UM and 2k2UM…so we are talking different games…

So if you don’t play 98UM or 2k2UM and only rely on the OG games, the new characters and mechanics are gonna catch you off guard.

“I bet Emil in one week could…” like you said…then do it talk means nothing…put up or STFU…learn the game in one week or so and come challenge me.

Don’t say you can get to my third character if you can’t back it up…that’s all it is to it.

In regards to the Emil thing…who the hell cares anymore? Theory fighter is nice, but I ain’t gonna waste my time if its something that isn’t gonna happen. I’d rather spend my time playing Japanese, Mexican players and going around the world to play other players…so I don’t care about all this idiotic Theory Fighter…

That’s all I am gonna say on the matter…Theory Fighter is stupid…

So you gonna money match me or not? Final Round XI was 2-3 years ago, I don’t think you’ll get to my third character now even if I’m sandbagging without a doubt.

If you think you can then PLEASE Money match me so I can show you the difference 2 years plus trips to Mexico makes. Then you can go to Emil with an educated mind about me, not talking about some something that happened 2-3 years ago. Who the hell talks about 2-3 years ago?? :confused: :rofl: THIS IS NOW SON!!!

It’s funny everyone how anytime someone has some success someone always wants to take a shot at them and try to bring them down or say some BS like “You ain’t as good as you think you are/you ain’t that good, or you are just playing RANDOM MEXICANS ROFLMAO!!!”

What the hell is as good as I say I am? I’m good enough to be the #1 98UM player in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico as well as #1 in 2k2UM and Top 3 in KOFXI! :confused: :wonder:

You can ask them they will tell you that themselves! So as “good as I think I am” is “as good as I am”…based off a recent Mexican playoffs…anything else I do not claim to be…for those looking for something to dog me about you ain’t getting it from me!

Or wait…is it because I ain’t Japanese or Mexican (Actually I am now ask the guys from Juarez, I’m one of them!) I can’t possibly have any skill!!! :rofl: :rofl:


I really don’t think Emil deserves this much attention he has done NOTHING! in his life to be concider a worthy opponent. When was the last time a noname contender got a shot at a world title in boxing? You gotta show you are worth it not just talk. That being said I will be 30min from his place in December and willing to meet him to get this shit straighten up.


Yo D. Geese? why theez niggas stay hating on you??? i don’t get it??? once i go there i’ll money match you in um 2k2 or 98 no krauser lol.

and the tournament rules are fine with me my nigg, i use to be in the military and if your ass ain’t there or on time, ya late no matter who u are automatic dq sent to losers etc.

That makes two of us…I side with him 100% on what he says he beat me to it! ANDI will be with Oscar during his trip to Canada during this time…I just paid for my passport book, 4-6 weeks and it will be in my possession…

That’s right…plenty more trips to Mexico, trips to Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, CANADA, United Kingdom and other places are looming.

Agreed see my dad is a Marine so you know I got that in my blood. Money Match in 98UM no Krauser? Agreed…I’ll just plug in Kim for Krauser.

2k2UM no Krauser agreed lol. (He isn’t in the game lol)

Hey if people are hating on you it’s like it was once said- “You must be doing something right!”