If you gonna be at EVO let’s do it…in that and Samurai Showdown II. Ft5 for $20 each?
Dont know yet, so assume I’m running it on the PS3.
Also while we are talking money matches…since nothingxs is secretly talking smack behind my back…
Nothingxs…you vs. me pick one:
-KOF 2k2UM
Ft10 for $200…**
Say what? Why so high? If you are gonna talk smack trust me word is gonna get around to me VERY FAST…So that’s the deal…let’s see if you got what it takes to “get to my 3rd character.”
If you are gonna talk the talk walk the walk…
And you can nuthug Emil all you want, but you forget, you are gonna be the one playing…:lol: 
Assuming KOFXII comes out July 21st here like I am hearing or around that time (which is after EVO unfortunately),
This is the new revised schedule I have in place:
Friday July 17th, 2009:
KOFXI Singles: $10 entry free
10:00 AM Start Time: Registration and casuals start around 9:00 AM.
Garou MOTW Singles:: $10 entry fee
12:00 Noon Start Time: Registration starts when Noc and Giby deem it or if I’m running it around 11:00 AM.
KOF 98UM 2v2: $10 per team
One Team confirmed should Jon attend: Team SNK- Dark Geese and Mr. KOF.
Registration starts at 1:00 PM. Tournament starts at 2:00 PM.
Garou MOTW Free 2v2 Tournament:
Registration starts at 3:00 PM. Tournament starts at 4:00 PM.
Saturday July 18th, 2009:
KOF 98UM Singles:- $10 entry fee
Registration starts at 10:00 AM. Start time is 11:00 AM.
2k2UM: $10 entry fee
Registration Starts at 12:00 Noon Start Time is 1:00 PM.
KOFXI 2v2: $10 per team.
Registration Starts at 2:00 PM. Start Time is 3:00 PM.
Please the more consoles you all can bring the better, let me handle getting up early securing the TVs, I will need as many consoles and copies of the games as possible however…for all of these tournaments…
Thank you, I am excited, this has the POTENTIAL to be the best EVO yet! If you are staff and you are seriously working for me= free entry in to any and all tournaments.