EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

^^If I wasn’t trying to save up for an HRAP3 I’d have one by now. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a pad player by heart, but there are certain games that are unplayable on pad. Mainly any non-SNK fg.
Also I love my SFA pad, I’d take it over the Saturn pad if it’s major flaw wasn’t the dangerously close Start/Select buttons. I’ve only hit them 2x but damn they are close, and the only alternatives are a $280 Saturn ps2 pad, or the rare Neogeo CD ps2 pad, which I can’t find btw w/o having to buy 94RB

I’m also gonna be there early Friday to secure a setup. The issue is that XI/98UM players will have to learn America’s shitty order select button scheme. I would bring my Laptop with some Neogeo stuff, but I’m scared.

In addition the SFA pad has a life of 1-2 months most of the time then it starts wearing out BAD…not the Saturn pad…6 months minimum…

Also no they wont have to learn the button order if they don’t want too…I’m runnig Japanese 98UM…now sure if people are bringing extra copies they can use the US version…but I’m running Japanese versions of all my games…

Sure, if you’re running Japanese version that’s fine, but considering that I’ll be there early with a setup, that means my setup will have US style order select all day, unless someone offers to replace mine with a JPN setup.
Except NGBC, I’d prefer US since the load times are shortened which = more matches

But…none of that matters if you get the Dragon stage and whatever other stage has slowdown in NGBC…

I’m pretty sure I’ll be there. So KoF98UM and KoFXI for me.

Not sure what else I’d enter. I didn’t care for 2k2UM and I haven’t played MotW in forever.

Don’t get me started on those stages.
They are SNK’s fault

EDIT: Actually I might have a stick up and running for both PS2/3 by then.
Also, how about some 02UM casuals on friday b4 the tournies start, you can teach me the engine differences.

Pre-register me for KOF XI, I miss that game.

Will do so I will sign you up for 98UM and KOFXI.

Friday 2k2UM casuals sure…as long as I have enough staff to help me run everything efficiently and quickly since we only have two days to get everything done.


sign me up for king of fighters 98 um please
Hey Niko One finally one of my students have made it big time

Gotcha down.

A GEESE i still want that MONEY MATCH on Fatal Fury Special. That you adn, i were suppose to do at Final Round…

What’s the KoF XII situation for Evo?

If you gonna be at EVO let’s do it…in that and Samurai Showdown II. Ft5 for $20 each?

Dont know yet, so assume I’m running it on the PS3.

Also while we are talking money matches…since nothingxs is secretly talking smack behind my back…

Nothingxs…you vs. me pick one:
-KOF 2k2UM

Ft10 for $200…**

Say what? Why so high? If you are gonna talk smack trust me word is gonna get around to me VERY FAST…So that’s the deal…let’s see if you got what it takes to “get to my 3rd character.”

If you are gonna talk the talk walk the walk…

And you can nuthug Emil all you want, but you forget, you are gonna be the one playing…:lol: :rofl:

Assuming KOFXII comes out July 21st here like I am hearing or around that time (which is after EVO unfortunately),

This is the new revised schedule I have in place:

Friday July 17th, 2009:

KOFXI Singles: $10 entry free

10:00 AM Start Time: Registration and casuals start around 9:00 AM.

Garou MOTW Singles:: $10 entry fee

12:00 Noon Start Time: Registration starts when Noc and Giby deem it or if I’m running it around 11:00 AM.

KOF 98UM 2v2: $10 per team

One Team confirmed should Jon attend: Team SNK- Dark Geese and Mr. KOF.

Registration starts at 1:00 PM. Tournament starts at 2:00 PM.

Garou MOTW Free 2v2 Tournament:

Registration starts at 3:00 PM. Tournament starts at 4:00 PM.

Saturday July 18th, 2009:

KOF 98UM Singles:- $10 entry fee

Registration starts at 10:00 AM. Start time is 11:00 AM.

2k2UM: $10 entry fee

Registration Starts at 12:00 Noon Start Time is 1:00 PM.

KOFXI 2v2: $10 per team.

Registration Starts at 2:00 PM. Start Time is 3:00 PM.

Please the more consoles you all can bring the better, let me handle getting up early securing the TVs, I will need as many consoles and copies of the games as possible however…for all of these tournaments…

Thank you, I am excited, this has the POTENTIAL to be the best EVO yet! If you are staff and you are seriously working for me= free entry in to any and all tournaments.


Aren’t you gonna grab the JPN copy on the 16th?
Also sign me up for Garou and 2k2um, might as well. Is Garou gonna run on PS2?

Singles or teams?

I’ll be on a bus on the 16th/getting in to Vegas that day…also there is information I am not permitted to reveal at this time…in due time it shall be revealed. Garou and 2k2UM…Garou Singles or teams?

Garou will be PS2.

Singles, don’t have enough experience to have a team mate rely on me.
Dammit, that means I’ll need a PS2 stick (Garou is unplayable on pad, I would need macros)

There is something that has been bugging me for awhile that I want to point out: We were talking after the LA tournament, and the topic of 98UM team matches for EVO came up…well short version is that Jon had no clue why he was “supposedly” teaming up with DG for the 2vs2. It sounded like he was forcefully “volunteered” into the team thing.

3 weeks later when I talk to him in person, he’s still confused why he got placed in a DG team and why it’s still mentioned like it’s set in stone. EDIT: Confirmed again tonight by Duc talking to Jon, “I don’t know how I got teamed up with DG”.

I’m not saying it’s not possible DG, but please don’t get your expectation up for no reason. IMHO, anyone who teams up with Jon has a VERY high chance of winning, his 98UM game is far better than his XII.

I’m pretty sure if Eddie (AI) decides to show up, it’ll be him and Jon for the pairing. Sign me up for XI and 98um. Would it be possible to move XI to a later time? Also we need to get an idea of what a tourney layout is gonna be. 15min matches for 98um in the losers bracket isn’t gonna cut it.

Jon told me on my youtube page “It’d be an honor to team up with you.”

So that’s why I was like “Let’s team up!”. Oh trust me overall I won’t get my expectations up for anything, I just hope everyone shows up…anything else after that is fair game…I just am trying to create hype so people show up…believe me I know better than most of you 99% of the time things don’t go as planned…for me they never do go 100% as planned (See Raging Storm Phoenix), so trust me I don’t expect it to happen. Also to show I am confident in myself…

FYI…anyone that teams up with DG has a **VERY HIGH **chance of winning… I respect all of you guys but I ain’t gonna shortchange myself… :wgrin:

U signing up for XI and 98UM Singles or teams/both? Also move KOFXI singles back or teams? Singles probably not because like I say we got 2 days to run everything at an efficient time. Whatever you might miss with singles you get the chance to makeup with Teams.

Also tournament layout RJ is gonna depend on how many consoles and versions of the games I am going to have access to…if everyone brings a console and a version of the game then trust me everything will go fast and it will be Double Elimination…esp. for 98UM since that game takes the longest. This is also why I cannot really adjust my schedule…we got only 2 days to run all this…so we need consoles, games, and all the time we can get…plus anyone that says they will be staff they need to be serious…no BS…be prepared to work!!!

I want at Least 5-8 TVs for 98UM and tournament matches at all times…but that is gonna depend on how many people bring consoles…something I learned at Raging Storm (bringing TVs) I cannot control… :sweat:

Let me handle securing the TVs at the BYOC…thats why I get up wayyyyyyyyy early before anyone else…but the consoles I cannot control…


Oh I see. I totally believe in promoting and creating a sense of urgency and excitement and hoping for the best but plan for the worst–however I believe more in under-promising and over-delivering as well. I think I agree with your overall intentions, but not so much on some of your executions.

I’m still debating on '98UM, I haven’t touch that competitively since 2k2UM can out on console and I haven’t touched 2k2UM competitively since XII (basically 2.5 months) despite it getting great competition here in AI. I will not be joining XI as I am hopeless in that game lol.

On a different note, lemme get a confirmation again, but Scott from AI who does all the recordings (SFIV-ranbats etc, Blazblue, KOF XII HD direct feeds) is going to EVO and is going to bring his equipment. He says he’s going to bring his smaller recorder and hence it’s going to be one notch down from HD but still HQ. He also said he’ll bring a microphone to do allow us to do some commentary if necessary. Assume for now, if it happens, it’s only for KOF XII and not all the SNK titles (I’m sure he’ll want to record some of his own tourneys he had planned).