Alright sign me up for Garou and for 98UM. I love SNK and hey I’m all about representin SNK at EVO so for sure sign me up for those tournaments.
If you need help running the event Dark Geese I’m up for helpin you run it so it this can happen. I’ll also be sure to bring my PS2 so we can have the games runnin.
To the judge if you still need a partner for NGBC I’ll go ahed and partner up with you.
Thank you sir. I will take ALL the help I can get. Please the more systems the merrier. I will delegate the exact jobs for everyone once I finish getting back from Raging Storm 2009 in Phoenix at DEVASTATION in like 2 weeks since that is my main concern right now.
I’ll reg you for those games.
I’ll probably need like 2-3 people responsible for just Exhibitions, Team Tournaments and stuff like that.
EDIT- Also things have been modified, I am going to use two tv setups for exhibition matches/team tournaments etc, two for casuals (I am sure Dash No Chris will help me out with this), Neo Geo setups I am sure Dash No Chris will provide,
The main things I need help with are people using the megaphone, looking for people/translators (possibly), and also recording footage, bringing systems, extra copies of games!!
I will also write on my white boards the next matches that will occur and I will need someone to help me with this too!
This is my ideal setup:
4-5 TVS for tournaments ONLY
2 TVs for Team tournaments/exhibitions
Someone else doing the brackets if at all possible for all games (I will do it if I must but I would rather NOT)
Me using my laptop, VCR, and Camcorder as three setups for recording footage, I am going to need more than that though if anyone can help with what they can bring!
DG: Thanks for signing me up for the tournaments also sign me up for 02UM. For sure I’ll bring an extra system and extra game copies as well I have a dreamcast with Garou so if you want I can bring that along too. Also I can help with the brackets and using the megaphone and helping run whatever so that this goes well. I can also have my camcorder there as well.
Also if you can sign me and the judge up as a team for NGBC
Will do, like I say the more help the merrier, also if at all possible guys whatever you do record *** I am going to need a copy of it that evening before you leave the tournament setting,*** this way I make sure I have access to upload whatever footage possible. if your Camcorder has AV cables you can instantly transfer it to my Laptop easily so you won’t even need to put your capture card in my laptop, that’s solved.
I’ll sign you up for 2002UM and NGBC Teams. Garou will probably be run on Ps2.
They’ve always been first come first serve, thus me and my crew wake up very early to make sure and claim the spots ahead of time.
Alright, now my attendance is 100% guaranteed.
I’m gonna drop out of XI, why, because think of it like this. I HAVEN’T PLAYED A SINGLE GOOD PLAYER SINCE LAST EVO. I’ll rock it in casuals, but I am not ready for competitive yet considering my T5 is out, and my stupid Mayflash, that I bought for the purpose of modding, will not cut it.
So I’m on DS2, I don’t need macros for XI or NGBC, but will need em for 98UM (quick max on pad is impossible). So please no macro bitching.
Next, is NGBC even gonna happen if it’s just Me/Sal vs DG/Jwong?
I’ll be in vegas Thursday, so if any1 wants some casuals hit me up.
Lastly, I’m not sure if you have to do this or not, but do you have to pay EVO’s $50 fee if you’re not gonna enter their tournies? I friend of mine might be coming, and I don’t know since I entered something last year.
NGBC Teams depends on level of interest, as does everything else as well as time slots for stuff. I’ll take you out of KOFXI. I don’t think you have to pay EVO’s $50 reg fee if you are not gonna enter…I never enter EVO’s main tournaments and I dont register either…I’m SNK all the way.
Okay say a ft3 whaddaya say? The ways things are going though I just may have to alter the schedule to include KOFXII if I don’t hear anything real soon in regards to what Wiz wants to do…
If it’s in it’ll get plenty free play when I leave it running. Also if I am running KOFXII it will be on PS3 and Elizabeth and Mature will be legal. (Console game, console rules)
If 12 is in this will be the schedule:
Friday July 17th: 1. KOFXI and Garou MOTW- 11:00 AM Start time
2. KOF 98UM- 1:00 PM start time (I will take one of the Tvs for the others and make them for 98UM to get the tournament going)
**Saturday July 18th: **
KOFXII and KOF 2k2UM -12 Noon Start time
This is what it will be. Now I can only say this so many times guys, **DO. NOT. BE. LATE!!! **The tournaments will run and get recorded without you!!!
Also I will look into buying a projector so that the Grand Finals can be put on that for all of these tournaments okay guys??? :wgrin:
Aren’t those all fake and not actually made by sega?
I understand that they serve their purpose, but it’s a quality issue. I don’t want to have to buy one right after a day of evo.
The one I have is legit…its made by Sega…its not fake at all. It’s also serving its purpose rather well…it has yet to go out on me…and believe me I’ve read all the reviews also…doesnt apply to the ones I got…you won’t have to buy another one for a very long time…