EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

D. Geese? who do you play with out there in the south? cuz as far as competition goes in my area is my eternal rival. and my boyz soulstar, and Tone plays and that’s my only comp so far and for now…

Stop using the word “jap”

Even if you don’t mean to insult anybody you should know it is rude and offensive, and using it makes you look like a total ignorant.

As usual, I run into more financial troubles so my chances of making it to EVO are even slimmer.
Everything bad has to happen to me in the summer.

aye it’s get there or die tryin cuzen evo or bust bay-b:tup: don’t let it get to you, be hopeful.

my chances are hella slim but im gonna pull out trump cards left and right, believe dat.

im on that KOF hype and all FG hype, pwease bweavey.

I play in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico that’s where I get my competition from.

To whom it applies (if the shoe fits wear it and STFU): You should check out the Video Gallery thread its got some insight from my previous visit this past weekend, especially some of you people in THIS THREAD, it will open your eyes and hopefully shut a lot of you up in regards to me playing “Random Mexicans.” (I just kept my mouth shut for the longest time but no more…some of you are full of shit!!! :tdown: ) If there’s one thing for sure, the people I’m playing with (Kane9999, Rodo) AREN’T RANDOM MEXICANS. Maybe they are “Random” where you are, but CD. Juarez is in the top ***THREE TO FIVE ***:annoy: cities in Mexico in the games I play…

So “Morelia” Mystic? :lol: That doesn’t count…and a bunch of others I list…We even talk about Khannibal NOT being as good as Ciudad Juarez, Mexico anymore…that’s right…watch the shit for yourself I ain’t saying anymore.


See the very end, the documentaries… and shut…up…It speaks for itself doesn’t it??? Don’t insult CD. Juarez ever again by calling them ‘Random Mexicans’ people, WE will take out most of you anyways…line them up…**WE **will take you all out.

I try not to use that word anymore because of this, not even in my abbreviations, I’ll just put JPN now instead just like I refuse to use the “N” word anymore.

Well lets just hope you make it…if Kane9999 comes over you’ll have your superb Ozzy/Kyo/Kim player in KOFXI to learn from.


I may have arranged some stuff that allows me to go to EVO for sure now.
Now all I need is about 4 AI trips for practice.

Also working on the scene up here, I got 2 people, but they’re unsure if they wanna join the competitive circuit yet, so I might have guests!
So I’m in XI and 98UM for sure. 02UM and Garou are still fuzzy to me. I doubt my little experience on 2DF will make a difference, but I will rock the casuals.

And dammit DG, Saturn pads are impossible to obtain. I was seconds late for getting one for $20.
I’m gonna do the T5 saturn pad trick, since my t5 is useless.

that’s what’s hot!!! mayn i wish it was more populated but trying to keep all fighting games all hype. cuz i consitently play um 2k2 and 98 and alil bit of XI along w/ sf4. so when i bes there i wanna play you first. cuz u surrious bizness.

Sure thing, now give or take I assume I’m gonna have a lot of help at EVO World so that I can make sure I play a lot of different people and whoever wants to play so it’s all good! :tup:


now were gonna make this KOF shyt hype state wide. huh now?

Hell yeah I remember you man, I remember who you are without a doubt, are you gonna be at EVO this year man? Khannibal and Marin are possible, but I’ll know a lot more after the Raging Storm Major in Phoenix come June 19th-21st.

Yess sirrr. Dark Geese will take it to the top with the help of a friend. ME! :lovin:

Ill play in Garou and 98um, but I have not been playing.

I feels ya cuzen, me and my eternal rival will be up there winning with ya’ll.

now it’s the time to play 98 um find a a battle buddy keits or have a rival that gets down in all FG’s with you pimp’n.

Okay Adam, I’ll put you in buddy. :tup:

How have you been lately? I heard you or Josh havent been playing WHP either! :wow:

Yeah add me to Garou if you havent already.

I decided to focus, and that focus has been SF4. Im working on my own game right now though and that is taking all my SF4 time, so there really isnt time for other games. I’ll still hop in at tournaments, but my fighting game future for the next few years is going to be SF4, KoF12, BB, and TvC.

And dont DQ me this year. I’ve got the be one of the easiest people to find at evo. Im just busy.

Well I know you are EVO Staff and I got a Megaphone this year so trust me the only way I DQ someone is if they can’t hear my Megaphone and we are holding everything up for them…but…I know you are EVO Staff so I got you covered this year…


Hmm, no KoF12? I realize it’ll have just come out on console, but still, I’m surprised that isn’t one of the main events… if it was even mentioned in this thread I must have missed it. :expressionless:

I’m sure casuals will be running all day for it, that should tide a few people over considering that it only comes out 10 days b4 EVO. Someone else could always try to make something happen.

In many circles I hear it hits July 16th, the day before EVO. Either way, I cannot make a move on KOFXII anyone until I get word if Wiz is gonna make a move on it…now that the National is over I can say it, that’s why you don’t see a KOFXII in this thread YET…

Until I get confirmation if Mr. Wizard is gonna do anything with it then I ain’t running it point blank and simple.