EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

Dayum cuzen, much respect for you mayn. you’re also a FG Vet also on the KOF tip and me too i peeps half way around tha world, like in south america like Brazil, Chile and Peru and they get down but, i don’t like the button config out there. it’s gonna be poppin this year. i’m glad that you played esteban, aye? did he do that may lee bug on you? :lol:

me neither the button config takes time to get used to down South!!! :rofl: Also Esteban didnt do that bug on me lol.

If I have time, I’ll play 98um. No RB2? I’ve been grinding the hell out of that game.

The problem is that Dakou representing the Patriots and you representing Giants, is not a correct analogy. It’s more like, Dakou represents the Patriots and you represent a random team of college students that have just started out playing football.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be able to beat him, but you need to accept your limits. There is clearly something wrong with claiming you will beat these guys when you don’t have the ability, it’s just going to make you look like a fool when you get tossed like a ragged doll. Assuming Dakou or any high level Jap comes to this Evo, you will NOT win.

sigh Rengoku told me a story about some guy from France(or was it Italy, don’t remember) who was supposedly very good. He was considered godly in his country at the time (and trust me, he was better than you and me as well probably). He claimed he could beat the top japanese players, so he challenged Kyappu to kof2k2 and lost 45-0…completely disgraced…he quit kof right after.

If you want to challenge these guys, I suggest you go into the match and think about learning as much as you can from them and not about fullfilling your promises of beating these guys.

Let’s just agree to disagree here…I am not gonna let this mentality hinder me…and please don’t even compare me to this “Top French Player”…

I never quit…I only get stronger…so let’s assume they may beat me at this EVO? Guess what…I’ll learn and come back stronger the next one.

I don’t quit so you can’t begin to compare me to anyone that quits…

Also trust me you can’t give me advice on how to play top players…I can learn all I need to learn when I break down the footage.

I mean damn let’s compare me vs. Sam Sho Tenka SBO Champion Tokido Here in 2007:


Vs. HERE IN 2008:

Whats gonna happen in 2009? :smokin: :wgrin:

You think I didnt analyze that footage thus the matches were like 25x closer??

Like I say you can’t advise me on this issue…

Now don’t get me wrong I respect these people, but I dont worship them or think just because they are Japanese top players they can’t be beaten…

I look at it like I can learn from them and THEY CAN LEARN FROM ME!!!


in the 2nd vid 2:50 was priceless well played man

I think I can beat him now…I didnt show him my ace in the hole (Iroha) because I thought we were gonna have a tournament…but now that I know we aren’t he’d better watch out…I’m onto him now…if he ain’t super sharp I may catch his a$$ Slippin this year!! :rofl: :rofl:


DG…are you like the ONLY person in the US reppin SNK games?

Nope I’m not…I’m just one of the few that don’t jockride the JAPS dicks…

Theres others there…but a lot of them jockride the Japs…:lame:

Plus we need some more AI players at EVO to rep with us…We could be a formidable force if all the right players showed up.

Mizuki- Unless we have time I’m not adding anymore games to the list…but you all can feel free to run a RB2 tournament though!


Btw…Tokido did not win Samsho Tenka, that was Mishima and Doro. Tokido lost in semis. Also it was teams, Tokido’s partner was Reoth.

well guyz lets get surrrious!!!

Tokido told me Mishima was his partner at EVO 2008. I knew it was teams also…And Tokido told me Mishima is the best Tenka player in Japan right now…the one who consistenly can beat him…with…I-R-O-H-A.

Also another idea for a Team of Death in 98UM for 98UM Teams:

Team Flash: (Because we fight flashy with Q.Max comboes) Dark Geese and “Mr. KOF”

wow jaja i like your attitude DG!!!even if u lose to all those top players im pretty sure you’ll learn something out of those matches.although in some way i agree with emil,i have to say i totally respect your ideas. i dont know if u remember me, im from team chaos(cali mexicans)jaja.well anyways i just wanted to know who are the possible mexican players?? and if its for sure that RF is showing up to evo???

Hmm Mr. Kof from Ai?

If it is him. That guy just wrecks everybody over here both in 98UM and kof XII :sweat:

It’s Him…lol. Oh I know…believe it or not me and him talk quite a bit lol. I’m doing a lot to get him over for EVO or my Raging Storm Major. Me and Mr. KOF talk alot and we see eye to eye on a lot of things…

And if me and him team up then RF is TOAST… :devil: :devil:

I’ll play first I’ll put him as the anchor…:rofl: :rofl:

If that Unholy Alliance in 98UM happens…America wins 98UM Singles and Teams hahahaha…


I wish I could support the snk community like DG, I just suffer from location, financial, and age setbacks. I now have a lot more $ on hand so I’m going to resume making a scene over here.

The only problem is that I would have to create a fighting game scene altogether, then find the ppl who want to go further into non-capcom games. I’m starting a classroom over here, and though I’m pretty scrubby, I got to show them how to preform in KOF. I got 1 snk fan over here, but lacks competitive drive to come to EVO with me.
Then when I show them some Japanese and Mexican footage they all fall back in fear.

This is why I give DG mad props (hope I don’t sound like I’m jockriding) for representing a community that is smaller, more skill gap between pros and n00bs, half-hearted players, and cowards who stay behind the side-lines and watch the pros play casuals at EVO. Not calling any1 out specifically, the only problem with me is that I’m not confident enough to play for % considering my lack of experience, but I’ll still take em on.

@DG: I got OG 2k2 emulated and I’ve gotten a little back in groove (still not good). Would the transition be easy between OG and UM? And will I be able to play just maybe an hour of casuals and grasp it?

The transition from 2k2 OG and UM is rather seemless. It’s the same game essentially…just retooled…slower (like NeoWave) and damage scaling like NeoWave and thats basically it.


Guys if we can’t get Mr. KOF over for EVO…the next guys on my sponsor list are:

Marin and Khannibal…

If Khannibal comes over 2k2UM teams must happen…me and Khannibal not only are gonna have our money match but we are gonna team up on 2k2UM teams and wreck shop on the rest of ya hahaha!!! I’ll also make a mandatory Money Match of Khannibal vs. Mago in NeoWave hahaha.

The US-Mexico Alliance…


Does tokido even play tenka anymore??

Does anyone really play it? I thought it was back to special.

We are sure gonna find out aren’t we?? :devil:

Yo D. Geese? put me on KoFNdub as well cuzen.