EVO World SNK 2009: KOFXI Singles start at 9:30 AM promptly!

I know. I think 3s competition is basically dead in the U.S. except for glorious EVO.

Ill enter Garou.

So have Poongko and Wong agreed to team with you or are you just making shit up?

Why don’t you read my ENTIRE first post before commenting…try that and you’ll find the answer you seek…


Planned means just that…PLANNED. Nothing is guaranteed…these are ideas I would like to make happen. In addition to that, If I have to try and make all this happen myself as I’ve said in my first post guess what…It ain’t happening. It’s gonna take more than just me to make all of this happen…if it comes down to just me then no one can get mad if only the bare things happen…I will NOT overextend myself. :tdown:

In regards to me and Justin in NGBC Justin agreed to that last year but he was too busy.

OK, you’re just making shit up. Thanks for clarifying.

Even if I wasn’t whats the difference? Bottom line is if they’ve agreed or not someone still has to set the stuff up…we had all these things set up last year and agreed but I had to do everything almost so it didn’t happen.

F that this year, that’s not happening again…either I get the help to make the shyt happen or it’s not happening…all there is to it…

Planning isn’t the hard part, it’s getting enough people to help you carry out that plan that’s the hardest part.


when i read the first post o coudlnt stop laughing.
dark vs top japanese players. that it. lolol:yawn:
who yuo think you are :nono:

What do you mean who do I think I am? I ain’t SCARED like a lot of you all are. :rolleyes: For you to even say that means you’re SCARED. I aint gonna just play them but I think I can beat them.

I’m the type that thinks I can beat anyone…

After all…you ARE your own worst enemy…

If you say you can’t…guess what…YOU CAN’T. If you say you can…guess what…you CAN.

I’ve beaten Mago in NGBC and he got top 4 at SBO in 2005 so please don’t jockride the Japanese…I do not fear them…respect them yes…but I don’t go to Mexico to train for nothing…I think I can beat them…

I’d money match DAKOU…damn straight…while I watch the rest of you jockride his a$$ I’d be trying to BEAT HIS A$$.

Who do I think I am??? I AM DARK MOTHERFUCKING GEESE. Thats who I am…and that’s all that needs to be said. :rofl: :rofl: :wink: :wgrin:

i could not stop laughing because i dont see how a person can start a thread based on
dark geese vs random jap 1
dark geese vs random jap 2

i mean who cares abou you playing these top japs.
just atend and evo and play them. thats it.
btw dont think that playing dudes from ciudad juarez make you good.
i am mexican and i have played people from the df that would mope the floor with you in your freinds, so stop rambling about you and you mexican friends. i already know you and your friends are very good players.

#1-I’m gonna beat Khannibal and everyone in D.F. mark my words…I’m gunning all you down…

First goal was to be #1 in Ciudad Juarez in KOFXI, now I’m tied for first (Mission Complete!). Next goal is to beat your very own Khannibal from Sinaloa, Mexico.

Next after that is to take on and defeat Kula from Puebla and OSMANI FROM D.F.

#2- Wow did you not read one of my disclaimers?? It says this is all for hype purposes. What does that mean? That means this is for hype purposes. Second of all this is a way for me to measure myself against the Japanese and see how I have progressed in a year. Also many from CD. Juarez who can NOT go to EVO are counting on me to represent Ciudad Juarez well. Also I am very sure a lot of people would like to see me vs. a lot of those Japanese players.

You say who cares? I got a list of 200+ people that care easily…so just because you don’t doesn’t mean others don’t.

Now remember I said I’m hunting you all down…

  1. Khannibal and Marin (Sinaloa)
  2. Kula (PUE) and Taekua in Monterrey (KOFXI)
  3. Osmani (D.F.)

Then it’s a wrap!!! Also trust me I know CD. Juarez is just the beginning, but one by one I’m taking you all down!!! :devil:

My goal is to conquer Mexico…you think I’m joking don’t you? :confused:


ok.i got you.

DG, I have no hope of beating anyone good at KOF anymore since I only have time for ST and SFIV (and barely ST compared to SFIV), but I started competitive fighting games because of KOF, so I am rooting for you to hold it down for us against the japanese. :tup:

If you are running SNK tourneys not during ST and SFIV I will try to help out, hopefully there will be garou this year…

Thanks man I appreciate it, I remember what you look like so I’ll be sure to look for you if its not during ST and SFIV! :tup:

I aint worried about the Japanese…they are good and all…but nothing to fear or adorn!

I know their secrets, and the more great players I play the less godly the Japanese are going to seem!!!


D. Geese my nigga, i’ll hold you down and support you for this KOF anniversaries tournament cuzen, trust.

it’s more of and experience for us HC KOF playerz to get more motivated into the game, play top jap playerz and overall it’s gonna pop. these haters can byte the dust if they don’t wanna participate and when i’m around cuzen it’s gonna be super HYPHY, HYPHY, HYPHY:tup:!!!

as far as my concern with these cat’s hatin and shit STOP THAT!!!

and in my situations of goin out there? it’s EVO OR BUST BAY-B:cool:

Agreed, this is hype purposes for everyone, they People don’t get it but exhibitions means you dont have to play for money, just play for real like a ft3 but play for pride on the line!!

This is something for everyone to get experience from people they dont get to play much me included!! :china:

now that we re deep inside the theme geese. have you noticed the high level thast mexican people have and they dont need any fancy stick aka sanwa to play a godlike lever? lolol.:blush:

aye cuzen them mexicans be getting DOWN D-DOWN DOWN DOWN on KOF esp. '02 the boi esteban has the best may-lee and angel in the world cuzen and he do not play. if he shows up ima challenge him fa sho.

Yeah I’ve noticed. They dont need the perfect sticks at all…they can play on like any stick and beast.

Not true actually dude. Seriously…Selga speaks the truth here. CD. Juarez is a helluva good place for me to start on my journey to conquer Mexico…but its not the best place in Mexico…not even for 2002. Esteban is not the best Angel/May Lee in the world…he’s not even the best in Mexico. Kula’s Angel is better than Estebans. I was at the Juarez National in 2007, I played vs. Esteban in person (He lives in Ciudad Juarez), and he didnt even get top 5 in the Juarez National, neither did Khannibal, Hugo etc. Peeps from Monterrey won it. (Skato)

However I aint gunning them down in 2002, I’m gunning them down in 2002UM/98UM/KOFXI/KOFXII though. I’ve even seen Khannibal lose to peeps from D.F. and lose to Osmani and Kula/Osmani are believed to be the very best 2002 players in Mexico.


Dude you probably won’t even be able to beat me one match and you think you’re going to be beating the top japanese players? Your attitude is wrong - thinking you can beat them does not mean you can beat them, it can easily mean you’re delusional. If you WANT to beat them, then you better start training non-stop and it’s going to take years of playing.

Money match Khannibal though…thanks to the economic crisis, Mexicans are broke. Also he needs money for Japan since I’ve been telling him he should go.

I don’t think you can even begin to understand what kind of level Dakou is really at…the only reason you could stand a 1% chance against him is that he’d have to dumb down his mindgames for you. Dakou absolutely would not want to waste his time coming here…if he did he might even get braindamage from the sheer badness of the players in comparison to him.

Also I used to think Esteban was the best Angel/May Lee in the world until I saw Hammer from Japan.

See this is where I disagree with you. Even if they are leagues better than me it’s still a mindset. * If you feel like you are gonna lose you stand no chance.* To elaborate on that if you feel like you are gonna lose WHY EVEN BOTHER TRYING? Go pick up a chair and get out of the damn way :annoy: and let someone LIKE ME play who believes in my own ability and won’t jockride someone else!!!

Here’s an analogy:

Remember when the Patriots went 18-1? Everyone in the world told the Giants they weren’t gonna win. But guess what? They believed they could win…and guess what…THEY WON.

Let Dakou be the Patriots…impossible odds for me to win according to everyone else…I’LL TAKE THAT TO THE BANK…

So even if they are leagues better than me I’m not gonna discredit myself by saying “I can’t beat them.” It’s not delusional if you are setting for a goal. If I always tell myself I can never beat Dakou then I never will!!! I’d go play him in China too…he doesn’t have to come here…I’d still play him. Also if it’s that free then he should take my money…I don’t fear him or anyone else…

My goal is World Domination Emil…And I’m starting one city at a time…starting with Ciudad Juarez, Mexico…finishing up with Puebla and D.F. before moving into Central and South America.

Even if it takes me going into my thirties (I’m 27) I’m gonna do it…

Also I got trips planned to Puerto Rico and other places to expand my style…Reynosa, Mexico, Monterrey, D.F., Guadalajara, Sinaloa, other places to level up even more. It is my goal to develop the ultimate style as a combination of as many different countries as earthly possible.

Also and Khannibal?? I am going to beat him…can’t tell you exactly when but I assure you it’s gonna happen. He’s next on my “hit list.”

Also please Emil let’s not mention me vs. you…I thought we were past that already dawg…