I’m a little confused, trust me i’m not trying to start a fight or anything so hope you don’t take offense, just hoping you can clear this up for me.
This sounds like a lot of fun and I definitely want to watch and play if I get the chance. I’m just confused when you says 2v2 invitational is free so sign up, I thought invitational is only if you get specifically asked so i’m confused.
Even if that is the case this should be awesome to watch.
Sure thing let me clear it up for no confusion. My definition is basically this:
Anyone can sign up for free to anything that says Invitational next to it. Just know that theres a 95% chance these tournaments will be Single Elimination due to the fact that I will not have these tournies overrun a main Singles tourney (98UM, KOFXI, 2k2UM, Garou MOTW) or the heavy hitter 2v2s (98UM, KOFXI, Garou MOTW).
I say Invitational because I INVITE Anyone to come join these tournaments…for free. (So whether that sticks to the real definition of it or not I can’t tell you lol I just want people to come play, I know the economy sucks now anyways so I want people to just come play and have fun and not worry about the money! )
So these tournies will probably be on one tv. But anyone is more than welcome to sign up, just know that like I said it will more than likely be Single Elimination, we will start on time, but if you are late for the Invitationals check in anyways, I may still have a slot you can fill if some are getting Dqed. (Which 100% chance is gonna happen count on it! :lol: )
Also yes about the DQs, I’m gonna be nazi about that, when I say you got 1 minute you got just that!
I thought about that, but I was typing it all up at work so I said screw it. I’ll probably jus announce it as a free tournament on the megaphone to evade confusions.
Yeah no prob.
Matter of fact I’ll just remove invitational from the whole thing…
Your best bet for 98UM is signing up w/ someone that:
A. Is gonna be there :lol:
B. Has played the game more than once.
Sorry Nothingxs but betting on someone that hasn’t played the game isn’t a safe bet.
***NeoWave is gonna get taken.***. Whatever team I’m on has a 90% chance or higher of winning NeoWave.
For teams everyone I need the names of you and your teammate or your team name…like for example in NeoWave it could be like Team EVO 2k7- Dark Geese + Mago.
Also anyone that brings a PS2 + at least 2 tournament games gets free entry into any and all SNK tournaments. Also for NeoWave once you pick the groove you must stick to the same groove. No changing of grooves just like no changing teams.
Works for me. Now keep in mind we gotta find a good time for this to happen and I am not going to put running tournaments on hold for the money match I do not care how big it is. I owe it to the SNK community to run all the tournaments necessary first and above all, THEN we can take care of things like money matches. The reason I am setting up all of these team tournaments is a way of evading all of the exhibitions and money matches I have on the first page.
So just FYI, I’m down for the money match, but there is no guarantee it is gonna happen right when you show up. Only guarantee is WHEN everything else finishes. Because 1st to 10 is gonna take a long ass time, and thats time people are gonna be looking to me to run tournaments…which is my #1 priority.
Understand? Now you can join staff and make everything easier and increase the chance of everything happening smoother and faster…
You play Sam Sho 2 eh? Awesome, I just may team up with you on that. First to ten means the first person to win 10 matches wins the money match.
I am gonna see if Ryan Hart is gonna team up with me in 98UM 1st, and after that I will let you know.
**Mavrick has confirmed that he will team up with me in Fatal Fury Special and Samurai Shodown II. **
Poll edit: Something I thought about to spice up the 2v2 Tournaments guys-
What do you all think about this?
Think Xmen vs. Street Fighter, remember how at the end after beating Apocalypse you gotta face your partner?
I wanna do the same thing. Now sure there’s no Apocalypse :lol: , but I wanna make it where the players on the winning team face each other in an Exhibition Match after winning the tournament just for fun…what do you guys think about this? No responses yet? I take that as a no…lol.
Because I (and maybe a couple of other ppl) are some prolly just gonna want 02um, 98um, and bb casuals all day, so maybe not too many tournies hogging TV’s. But that is just me. Rather than just enter the tournies just to see how much i suck, I’d like to play some high level players for the sake of training and experimenting (since I have minimal experience in 98/02um)
I’ll enter XI, but only because this will be my last active year with the game.