Evo widescreen

I think I managed to set it to 16:9 and on my TV the characters were almost as tall as the screen :wow: yea I need a bigger tv.

What tactics do you despise about Sim?

I always thought throwing a tourney for just ST/HDR would be fun as hell. A US/National version of X-Mania. Maybe have a singles tourney and a team tourney. The thing is, how would we generate the hype to do so? What needs to be done in order to guarantee you to be there?

Sorry if this is a bit off topic but reading the previous pages about ST/HDR not being at EVO, the scene dying, etc has got me thinking. If this can be done, that would be too good :wgrin:

Believe it or not, it is his fricken throws. I have been told by many I do not throw enough. I play other really good Sims and I am just amazed at how well they throw. They use the drills really well and then throw. I really need to learn the distance. The second thing which I take for granted is how well Sim can for the most part counter many of the moves in the game.

I really need to start playing Sim vs Sim. I can see myself playing in a tourney beating all of my difficult matches and end up losing to a Sim player. lol

Look, I don’t mean to single you out, but can we keep this thread on topic? The whole reason I posted the facepalm pic was because this thread started turning into a bunch of side discussions about the differences between HDR and SF4, why their favorite characters suck, what they dont like/dont like about each game, etc. I’m surprised you guys haven’t started debating which colors are better than others, or why In-N-Out burgers are far superior to scrubby McDonalds burgers.

Seriously, if it’s not about widescreen/not-widescreen HDR @ EVO, take it to another thread please.

I would rather have either 16:9 or 4:3 over having the playing field and characters stretched to a different aspect. That’s going to screw with people’s eyes and has the potential to screw up their spacing. It’s a strong no from me on this option.

At the risk of turning this into another SFIV vs. HDR thread, I just want to say: people really, really, really need to stop using Trials as an example of “execution needs” for SFIV. As I said, I promise you I can make a Trial Mode equally as hard as SFIV’s for HDR. I can almost guarantee it. The hard Trials are just that: making things obtuse and difficult for the sake of being difficult. There’s very little that’s actually practical in the Trials.

Veering back into the more philosophical matters, I think it might be just how you think. It probably IS because you started with SF2 that HDR seems friendlier to you. Frankly speaking, Execution is something you CAN develop on your own, and it is instant gratification. You can recognize, immediately, when you pull it off. You can visibly see yourself get better at it. Mental strategy and smart play is the exact opposite. You cannot work on it on your own, and you can’t even really tell when you pull it off a lot of the time. And when you face an opponent that is smarter than you, the reason why you are losing is SO much more obtuse than when you see your opponent kill you with an impressive Combo. In SFIV, you can think to yourself, “Damn, if I could do that Combo, I’d win too!” In HDR, you just sit there and think, “WTF just happened? I can’t do ANYTHING to get out of that trap. This game is dumb!” I mean, I play Justin Wong in SFIV a lot these days, and he’s just smarter than me, and when he beats me, I really have no clear understanding why. It’s frustrating and demoralizing. Unfortunately, I would say 90% of HDR’s defeats are of this nature.

In a way, I recognize why most of what SFIV did was really dumb. I hate Ultras, I hate mashable Reversals, I hate all sorts of things… but I recognize the effect it has on players. Maybe it’s 'cause I know too many people in the gaming industry and I hear them talk about what they were thinking when, for example, they made certain things work in God of War and such to make things easier to understand. But I completely recognize how genius half of what SFIV actually did is. There are a lot of dumb things, but they end up attracting players and making the game MORE FUN and easier to swallow losses. Even when you die after getting your Ultra blocked, you think to yourself, “Hahaha, if only I landed that!” But you got outplayed just like in any other game!!! But for some reason, you’re fooled into thinking you always had a chance when in actuality, you never did.

And I say you never did because, well, the interesting thing is that, at high level play, so little of the scrubbiness of SFIV comes into play. The easy mashable Reversals don’t matter at high level. Ultras don’t matter at high level (no one gets hit by random Ultras at high level any more than getting hit by a random Super or a random Custom Combo in other games). Avoiding Rufus’s easy Ultra setups is no different than avoiding anything Bison can do to set up a CC in CvS2 or avoiding Ken’s Low Shorts in Super Turbo. At high levels of play, most of it stops being a factor. Sweet Poison is 100% correct: if you were being dominated, you wouldn’t have landed your Ultra.

The main reason why Ultras ARE stupid is that they are there every round. But how they affect the Round is no different than any other game. When you played CvS2, for example, the game came down to landing your meter and avoiding your opponent’s meter. Watch high-level CvS2 play. I would say 80% of the matches have their outcome determined by who lands their meter more. So life involving Ultras is no different than how meters affect any game, except for two main differences: 1) You ALWAYS have a meter every round before you die. 2) Sagat just does an disproportionally high level of damage with his Ultra, even in damage-reduced Combos. Yes, #1 makes Ultras really stupid, and that IS their biggest flaw, IMO. But they affect the outcome of the match no differently than any normal round of ANY game once an opponent gets a super. Especially in Super Turbo, where it’s almost guaranteed you’ll have a Super by the end of the Round just because of how the game works. When you fight Balrog with Sagat, you change your strategy when he gets meter. But it’s still possible to win despite Balrog’s meter. It all applies with Ultras. When they get them, you change your strategy to avoid the ways you can get hit by Ultras. In that fashion, I would argue Ultras are not even nearly as bad as Genei-Jin, for example. You can’t change your strategy against Genei-Jin no matter how hard you try. You just ARE going to have to deal with it sooner or later, and you WILL get hit by it.

So really, the point of this rant is that HDR is a tough pill to swallow. There’s no such thing as easing people into HDR. The scrubbiness of SFIV is actually really useful in easing scrubs into Fighting Games. So that’s the trick, now. If we want to get HDR more played and more popular, we have to figure out ways to make the game friendlier to play.

In that case, tying it all back to the original topic, I do think Widescreen is the right way to go, as it does make the game look nicer. :slight_smile:

  • James

I don’t think that’s gonna happen any more, sir. Most of the conversations regarding HDR and how to properly play it will inevitably lead into comparisons in popularity between the games, and it is, in fact, fairly on topic. Trying to figure out which way to go with Widescreen vs. Non-widescreen boils down to understanding what appeals to players, and if SFIV is obviously succeeding in that area, it’s something we gotta think about carefully and consider.

Which is why I’ve officially changed my stance to playing HDR in Widescreen.

  • James

Sit tight my friend, it may not be so unfeasible.

[quote=“EA_Megaman, post:105, topic:89269”]

Look, I don’t mean to single you out, but can we keep this thread on topic? The whole reason I posted the facepalm pic was because this thread started turning into a bunch of side discussions about the differences between HDR and SF4, why their favorite characters suck, what they dont like/dont like about each game, etc. I’m surprised you guys haven’t started debating which colors are better than others, or why In-N-Out burgers are far superior to scrubby McDonalds burgers.

Seriously, if it’s not about widescreen/not-widescreen HDR @ EVO, take it to another thread please.

QUOTE]Well you did single me out. In defense of Virtuafighter, his argument/rebuttal clearly went with the topic at hand. So take a chill pill Capt. Picard.

And I apologize for getting off topic. Lord forbid we get off on topic. I mean the fact we are even arguing about this is stupid in general. It’s not like we are talking about two different procedures on how to handle heart surgery or cash vs accrual methods in accounting. Oh wait I’m off topic again.

Another reason I’m in favor of Vintage’s compromise solution is that (for me), when not playing in full screen aka 4:3 via LCD, the location as to where I sit becomes somewhat of a factor. In some tourneys, if my opponent chose to sit on the floor directly in the middle proportionally to the screen I would then have to sit left/right center. With the reduced size of 4:3, this makes picking up spacing difficult for me if let’s say I’m on a player side that is opposite to my sitting location. With full screen this isn’t an issue for me since no matter where I’m positioned I can still pickup/react to the spacing. I know I’m probably the minority when it comes this though.

In the end, I’ll still adjust to whatever the staff deems as the standard. Btw, awesome posts (regarding SF2 in general)
Mackdaddi :karate:

Nearly every SF2 was in 4:3. Then comes HDR. I’m still used to the old stuff, but like all my SF4 friends say… get with the times. I still don’t play SF4 as much lol. I voted 4:3 but I don’t mind widescreen.

My $.02

Relax dude, don’t take it personally - that criticism was directed at everyone. The facepalm image was for what you said (that I hilighted in bold.) And BTW - I thought VF4 made well worded, intelligent arguments, backed with fact! (as usual IMO)

Your post was so off topic (Dhalsim thread material) that I thought I would use it as an example. I won’t be making that mistake again.


Sorry guys. Really.

Oh man, LOLz @ facepalms.

:rofl: zass

I gotta agree with this. I’d be willing to wager that approximately 0% of people play in 4:3 stretched to fit widescreen. That option would throw everyone off a bit…IMO.

Here’s something to think about. Evo ran SF4 in widescreen. I doubt every player there owns/plays on a widescreen monitor. But it still turned out just fine.

Very good point.

I was talking to Vintage (Or was it DGV? Can’t remember:P) about something related to this while we were at ranbats.

Denjin has SF4 on 4:3 arcade cabinets.

What about Arcade Infinity?

Right, and that’s because SF4 was designed in widescreen. So they were completely aware of how much the screen would move and stuff. For full screen, they took widescreen and ADDED to the top and bottom.

In HDR, the game was designed in 4:3, so all the spacing, placement, and screen movements were designed to work with that. To move it to widescreen, they SUBTRACTED from the top and the bottom, and had to re-jigger the camera movements.

It’s why MvC2 on XBox Live is designed by ADDING to the left and right, in an attempt to make the game not play any different as opposed to cutting off the top and bottom.

  • James

I respectfully disagree with you James. I spoke with David about this in person. He’s the designer. He said the game was designed for widescreen.

You may be correct that VST was designed for 4:3. Sure, I agree with that. But that’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about HDR, a different game. The game’s designer has said that it is designed for widescreen.

HDR was designed for widescreen. Evo should be running it the way it was designed.