See I had no problem with items on tourneys being around, just I wouldn’t go to them. At all. And neither would anyone else who wins items off tourneys or places even okay and has fun at items off tourneys consistently. Just when a huge tournament that is supposed to be the pinnacle of competition for our nation, and other nations, for fighting games takes a party game approach to the rules. A ruleset that is:
A)Not accepted by the general tournament playing population as competitive.
B)Not accepted by anyone that has ever earned money from an items off tournament.
C)Not accepted by anyone who was on the MLG pro circuit for Melee and is now winning tournaments in brawl.
D)And pretty much only accepted by SRK members who have wi-fi tournaments with 75M and haven’t won a real, in person, tournament, or placed well against anyone who is well known in smash.
It seems like if you wanted them to live side by side you wouldn’t politically force the ruleset on the biggest fighting game tournament to the opposition of the actual community and not this sub-community with hardly any members that only play wi-fi tourneys at a very low level competitively.
“SRK is not Evo”
That’s why the Admin here, makes the rules for a tournament of a game he doesn’t play, for EVO. SRK isn’t EVO they just share the same high ranking members and decision makers.
Anyone play RTS games competitively? I have played Red Alert 2, we petitioned Westwood to turn off crates for ladders since they were random spawning item boxes that could give you a high ranked weapon at the start, but usually gave you unit promotions and money. They could greatly offset the battle if someone got to one first, and if it just spawned near his base. They eventually turned them off. That’s called listening to your users. Now that was only the top 1000 ranked that wanted those off. There were still a good 29k-49k other players monthly that didn’t care, and never gave an opinion. Or my friend who played allied, who had the chrono commando who had a slight advantage in mid game to get crates wanted them on, but that’s because it was practically imbalanced. Point being, a company that thought they were doing the right thing, owed up and said, wow maybe we shouldn’t have crates on, making it a leveled playing field between high ranked and super low ranked people is actually counter-productive to competition!
For a more recent competitive example, how about DotA the immensely popular map mod for Warcraft 3 that is worldwide a very travelled e-sport at the moment. You make a tournament, it had better be -xl mode, which is extended league mode, a long time formed, reformed, refined mode that is designed to be more competitive. If you make it -dm (deathmatch) it would be considered a joke, and for some randomness how about -id, where the items drop whenever you die (random slot will drop). Items on tournament in smash is the equivalent of crates on in Red Alert 2, -id in DotA, the option that makes you go faster when you aren’t in 1st in any racing game, etc…
Not only that, but no proof was ever provided (by the definition of THIS community’s proof that they required for items to be off) for why they had half the items turned off, some stages turned off, and smash balls off. No response was officially given for why they never gave proof of this, and I’d like to see where the deliberation took place that decided that the fan was overpowered, or that smash balls were overpowered.