EVO 2013: Marsgattai vs STplayah

For some reason that made me think of this…

I know this is complete unrelated, but this thread is wrecked anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

i have not been on ggpo in months, possibly a year. bottom line is, mr mars is trying to be passive aggressive. the reason i got haters, are the reasons of this thread, lol. people don’t like losing to some random dude online who does not have the name of a John Choi or an Alex Valle. It is just that simple. **Just for the record, your boy Mars never won a set off me. EVER! where was his fighting spirit when i was in practice and he was getting bodied by me? where was his fighting spirit on AIM or on GGPO, he never ever confronted me or issued challenges. ** oh wait, “its not the REAL DEAL” its only ONLINE.

He issued this challenge in a shady PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE MANNER, which is what ticked me off. This thread is showing Mars’s true colors and how he is not really as humble as he claims he is or “tries to be.” sadly, Mars and his “cult” can’t see what i am talking about. how dare i criticize a God fearing Christian who has no flaws in his personality!

stop with the irrelevant ad hominem attack comments. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED NOW. If Mars had any prior issues he should have addressed them. I AM ADDRESSING THE ISSUE NOW.(this thread)

(LOL@ your comment muffinman. sadly, Mars and his “cult” of white knight followers have found their way into the West Coast. majority of WC cats would be rooting for/defending Mars even if that meant the reputation of their “coast.” despite overwhelming evidence they refuse to believe a player like me could ever beat a player like him. Mars is on a mission for global domination with his white knight cult.

Wow. That esculated rather quickly. Lolz


You know what? Ill be down to play you tonight just for the hell of it. What do you say?

all this bullshit just to play vs him ONLINE, trolololol

Wait, people take wins online seriously?

I dont see why not, what’s the point of playing at all online if you dont take it seriously…I would just be upset if i lost online then i would offline…

If Mars wants to play STP offline behind cabs , and if STP has decided that he’s going to evo. Then i dont see why it shouldn’t happen.
Evo needs more ST. From what i just saw though STP dosen’t seem too fond of the challenge.

Also… Online means nothing

Sure you can give peoples a glimpse of your potential , but that’s it. If you want 2 show the world you’re a good player , you go to tourneys. Period.
Getting wins online is like trying to build an igloo when you know it’s hot outside , shit is gonna melt and ur gonna tell it : “no hahahah stop melting LOL”.

Anyways… Another funny thing i noticed was afro calling STP a scrub , hahah. Now afro has always been one of my fav players and i’ve always held a great deal of respect for him (Basically trying to say that i trust his judgement) …So it makes me curious to know why he’s calling him a scrub.

Ur curiosity just adds more wood to the fire

STP won Northwest Majors beating Afro Coles for the invitation to the Tournament of Legends but he couldn’t attend. So he prove he can win offline & you already saw the videos posted up of him dominating online…Nothing scrubby about STP at all…


Sir papercut checking in here. If riding with the homie Mars makes me a white Knight, than let it be known. And address me accordingly when I come through. Its SIR. PAPERCUT. Lets get this thing cracking. Boooya.

-Sir Papercut.

Oh yeah. We all know stp is the better player here. Video and first hand experience. So just take the challenge. Yes or no. Why be all articulate. About it? You are on top. My boy mars wants a piece. Yes or no. No one doubts. That you are ahead. Will you play? That’s all story man.

-Sir Papercut

good post Sir Papercut and i also wanna add all this talk is getting no where but its like a good ole soap opera with the bitching and moaning so just do the match

AFK Popcorn Run.

Sent from a phone, using an app that I purchased from an App Store, that appends this signature above my signature to make me look superior in social status to everyone else.

I was cool with STD a few years ago but our relationship broke down shortly after he showed his true colors which is why he wont even mention my name…lolz

Give mars a shot he ain’t on some milkywaygatti bullshit HE HUNGRY

“STD” lolz

Best typo ever?