EVO 2013: Marsgattai vs STplayah

And thats why i always say that if you can do your stuff the hard way (online 150ms+) of course you can do it offline too.

STP, I think you might be thinking too deep into this. Mars just wants to play you at EVO. And lets face it, everyone that has any interest in ST wants to see one of the best shotos in the states play one of the best guile players. It’ll be a main event. I don’t see any disrespect in Mars’s post, he even admits that he is the underdog.

All he did was issue a challenge on SRK, its not like he posted your personal info. Afro challenged Damdai the same way, and they both got along fine after their match was done.

Anyway, my point is, lets try not to turn this into a negative thing. Top players competing is a good thing for the ST scene. Thats how I see it.

PS. No disrespect to good online players, I started off playing online too. What you say is true STP, good players online will still be good players offline.

Ok yea i was guyver and light of mars back then when i played the game on kaillera to get good at hdr right? True. I dont know what afro has against you if he does, but ill keep it 100. You arent the only one who knew this you know. Other people knew i was those names so they knew what the big deal powerbiast. Im a call it like i see you go on aim pretending to be cool when you knew how i was doing in hdr trying to get better and also played under mars 5 from your boi battibrad. I used to have so much respect for you and you could even ask riz, ever since i first started playing and you told me to use p2p. And for the record, funny how you say you havent been playing months back then but yet you were the credit man, and what other alias you had the whole time. You said john chois play was nothing back at that tourney you entered we talked about? Remember that. Why aint you beat him then. Whenever i said whats up when we play you say nothing, but then you act like i never played you when i played you the whole time. You trolled me and i aint cool with it and you do the same shit to others so cut the bullshit. As for the set, i look forward to it cause i always wanted to play you on the real deal. But dont get it twisted on this, your a beast and i want to test my abilities against you. I hate phonies and i thought we were cool for reals, but dont troll me and make me look like a bigger idiot then i am.

No God blessing for STP?

Just quoting this so it cant be edited…I miss the old Marsgatti God Bless that guy…Man its just a game…You guys need to watch some Save By the Bell & chill…The sad thing is there are so many good ST players here now at the Northwest yet no one plays…

Who’s good in the NW besides Cole?

No offense to mars but I’m more interested in this. If STP really was the GODLIKE OMEGA DOMINANT LEGEND SUPERIOR TO ALL KING of ggpo he needs to MM Afro Legends if he goes to evo. No ifs, ands or buts about it. It doesn’t make sense for some guy to be held as the most amazing player ever on ggpo but then ducks afro legends. If you claim you’re the best, you gotta face the best, plain and simple.

I’m not saying Mars isn’t a great player, but 1) he plays fucking guile lol, and 2) he’s not on afro legends level, the tippy tippy top level where stp is claimed to be.

my money’s on mars btw

STPlayah, Jason Nelson, Axel Kelly, Airthrow, Zass, BBH, plus a bunch of other solid players too…Guys from Vancouver & Portland too…Its too bad the only time ST is played is when there is tourney…

First of all, stop with the ad hominem attacks. Second of all, i told you via AIM who i was, AND i would talk to you in the chat but i never saw text because the ggpo chat does not always work so I TOLD YOU via AIM who i was. Once again, if you would have won 20-0 you wouldn’t be all butthurt. Of course i knew you were trying to get better and I WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU! You didn’t have a problem with it then, but you have a problem with it now? If you were real you would have said you did this and i didn’t appreciate it. You want to talk about fake? Every time you beat someone 20-0 ONLINE you say “OH MAN THIS GUY IS SO GOOD” and hes a LEGEND" you don’t think we can see through those fake compliments? BUT when you get bodied 20-0 YOU RAGE QUIT!!! That tournament was in 2k9 or 2k10, the one you were referring to, which was about a few years back! I played under the account you are referring to about 2 years ago. You never brought up this whole online/offline/ALIAS crap UNTIL NOW. We chatted on several occasions prior to that, and after that and you seemed to have no issues what so ever. ** You went from calling me a cool cat to making that post about me when i never said anything bad to you. I asked you a few questions and was wondering why those issues you had with me never got addressed privately? Look at how quick you lashed out at the slightest bit of criticism to your character. How dare i criticize a man that says “God bless” in every post that has mindless followers who worship him! **

Once again, you never addressed my issues or my questions in the previous post. You just started posting random nonsense. For the record, John Choi is a fantastic player who beat me. I played a set with him and he beat me as well. Nice way of trying to throw me under the bus. What does any of the stuff you said have to do with the questions i asked you in the previous post?

**Bottom line is, if all you wanted was matches why didn’t you address me privately? **There is humble and there is DUMB HUMBLE, but you purposely act humble so people can say “NOOO MARS, YOU DON’T SUCK, YOU ARE SO GOOD!!” You fish for compliments, but the funny thing is, after you get bodied 20-0 you just drop or play the online vs offline card. I seen you make average joe one button mashers sound like professional Japanese super turbo experts after you body them! You will tell a guy who doesn’t know how to block, that consistently gets 8 hit Super comobd by you, that he is the best player in the world.


“OMGOMGOMG so and so is a legend!” - mars after winning 20-0 against a one button masher (goes on ggpo or xbox live waiting for the compliments) (degrades himself on purpose just so PEOPLE CAN SAY NOOOO MARS, YOU ARE THE BEST!!"

“RAGE QUIT and calls people out via srk threads after he gets bodied 20-0”

Now, you are going to go back on ggpo, play some sub par player who falls for your AND1 Combo video trickery and tell him how he is one of the best players in the world and how you suck while you wait for your white knight fanboys to console you and tell you how great of a player you are! You can’t get ANYMORE Phony than that!

For the record you never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever CAME CLOSE TO winning a set off me. I would start saying the scores but I don’t want to sound like i am bragging, plus all your white knight fanboys wouldn’t believe it anyways. They might have a heart attack knowing their GOD actually lost.

OH YEAH, I BEAT YOU ONLINE SO THOSE SETS ARE MEANINGLESS. SILLY ME! Hey mars I SUCK REALLY BAD how about consoling me with some compliments? I wish i had hours to sit on ggpo/xbox live, play in training mode and start useless SRK drama against people who are out of practice and don’t even play anymore, but I work like 12 hours a day so i got better things to do.

(btw, if you want notoriety you should have challenged Choi. He is the number 1 US ryu.) Majority of people don’t respect me and don’t even think i am good. Alot of people don’t even give me credit when i win. “who else is good form the northwest besides Cole?” “he is a scrub, don’t waste your time” I know 100 percent If i had the name of a John Choi or an Alex Valle you wouldn’t ever issue this type of bogus challenge.

FYI, i never claimed i was good and nobody really thinks i am good, majority of people don’t think much of me and some say i am overrated. i am fine with it. i am not trying to act dumb humble like you either, just look at the replies in this thread. i got nothing to prove really but apparently you do.

Man, i would have seriously let you win 20-0, if it meant not having to go through all this bullshit. no offense man, but you got a HUGE EGO. ever since you started doing well in tourneys you seemed to have forgotten your roots.

st reclaims the title of hoodest game from marvel

VvV… Marsghatti.



What an awesome response by STP. Im sorry, but I couldn’t have put someone where they clearly needed to be in their rightful goddamn place so proper perfectly professional.

  1. when the fuck in this thread ( or anywhere else ) did STP say he has the GODLIKE OMEGA of GGPO?

  2. Ducking Afro ? I already posted a video of him beating afro

  3. " If you claim you’re the best, you gotta face the best, plain and simple." again with the imagined statements. Mars called out STP. STP has been gone forever and a day.

  4. "he’s not on afro legends level, the tippy tippy top level where stp is claimed to be"
    How many times have you played STP? Whats it to you what everyone else says about his level lol. You sound jealous that its his name instead of yours lol.

  5. you dont like his status? You play STP then.

MUC have a coke and a smile and stfu

If there is an East Coast vs West Coast 5v5 this year, someone better make sure that it comes down to Mars vs STP.

All this hype and shit-talking. I swear I thought I stumbled into the MVC2 forum section.

STPlayah acted like a calm and reserved guy in this thread, but then why he got so many haters? Doesn’t compute, right?

Oh wait, Mars already said it. Dude is the biggest troll among trolls.

He didn’t say he is the legend of GGPO in this thread, but he talked mad shit about other people’s skills online (anonymously or not).

Everyone who have dealt with him before knows what I’m talking about.

Mars might not be forthright about those praises but he doesn’t attack people online if not provoked (and he can be easily trolled).

Anyways, I don’t even think Mars vs STPlayah will happen at EVO and STPlayah is not going to play Afro Legends either,
and everyone here hates each other, so this thread will just continue degenerate…

ok captain save a hoe…

you got proof? Because I sure as fuck have put up proof for most of everything I’ve said in here. Or do you just want us to take your word for it when you talk to us in the sweet honey dipped sweet and low voice of yours. I just absolutly mess my panties whenever you talk to me in that gay barry white voice of yours.

'This is the white knight fanboys STPlayah was talking about…

STP was a very cordial person when i met him, like Mr. Rogers cordial…But like most of the older people, they have life responsibilities & a Jay O BE…He has to go all the way to Evo to play someone to prove to him that offline & online will have different outcomes…Throwing down a challenge which he probably cant do, then say he’s coward for not accepting…

me vs rcaido hdr evo 2013

if you dont show up it is because your asian wife has your balls

Alright lets go, winner gets the wooden penis, i miss it!

Yep, stp is being really two faced right now. And he has his cheerleader djfrijoles to defend him.

djf if you have doubts, ask papasi :slight_smile: