EVO 2013: Marsgattai vs STplayah

Well… since D and P are on opposite ends of the keyboard… I say NOT! lol

Fishing for compliments by being insincerely dumb humble is as annoying as trolling both Afro and Mars do this . Anyone including UC, Afro, etc hate on STP is cause they get they ass handed to them by him…Afro is still bitter about his loss vs STP’s old ken so there is a reason why Afro is acting like a dick toward him, I would say that according to stats STP was the only shoto player (played old ken and old ryu) that could out beat Afro’s Rog in a set which is no easy task when playing against Shotos take more work to win with not mention its in Rogs favor online (anyone beg to disagree about online Rog and the bs that is associated with it?) but STP went the distance every time with him name anyother shoto player that could do that in US on ggpo.!..thats right none…that don’t settle well in Afro’s stomach who is bitter about his set losses to him. That being said how can you take their challenges and false statements literally? You can’t

Online doesn’t count huh? A FT 10 or 20 usually is the indicator for which player is better, if there were issues with the games as far as lag or frameskips one player or both would have dropped out cause they want nothing hindering from playing there best, so that being said there were little to none issues with ST Playah’s matches vs Afro and his matches vs mars so they were legit.

My point is that these guys (Mars, Afro, etc) want another piece of ST Playah after a year or so since they got schooled by him but its too late he is probably retired due to his scheduling issues with job. Calling him out publicly and then retaliating with phrases that don’t answer his questions shows you got no balls to back it

Reinstatment in short: STP dominated you and its over for you …hit, down, done, owned

we were never cool. i just remember i was the only player besides giga msx who called you on your bullshit. you would purposely message me on AIM, degrade yourself just so i could give you compliments. you are not cool with me because i don’t inflate your ego just like everyone else on shoryuken and ggpo does. you KNOW EXACTLY what i am talking about. you got pissed off just because i said you were a “validation whore” which you are. you are the fakest most insincere person on this planet. You act like you are soo humble but really you are an arrogant person. (look at the comments you have been making towards me)

You used to IM me everyday just to talk about YOURSELF and INFLATE your ego. You talked about how you were Japanese level but you got worked by Kusumondo in a match that is heavily in your favor. You talk about how you are Japanese level but good Japanese boxers can take out T hawks with boxer ALONE, but you had to run to Dee Jay to do the job. After I said i would stop inflating your fragile ego and stop complimenting you (because you were fishing for them) you got all butthurt and started using ad hominem attacks. I got the AIM CONVOS STILL. I bet all your boys or " so called boys" would love to see how you talk about them when they are not looking. Dee jay is your main character when you play an 8-2 match, LOL. You been playing so long and you still don’t have character mastery or confidence to bring him out vs everyone. I remember playing lots and lots of sets with you using O ken/O ryu vs your boxer but everytime i asked for your Dee Jay you never brought him out. You brought him out a few times vs me in 2k8 but from then on you stayed with boxer no matter how much i asked for your Dee Jay. I just started playing ST in 2k8 by the way.

Ask giga msx, he knows your true colors. I wont go into details. If you want to be cool, that is fine with me, but I refuse to be one of these people who falls for your “dumb humble” attitude. One time GIGA MSX worked your Dee Jay with Bison and you gave him NO COMPLIMENTS but when you would win sets off of him, you would talk about he is the best. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO INSINCERE? Sorry man, i will never inflate your ego. EVER! (there is way more but that is about all i will say)

You been playing your whole life. I play this game for a few months a year on GGPO sparingly, not even that. All you do is sit in training mode and play. After all your years of playing this game you lost an 8-2 match with your “main” character DEE JAY. You used to claim how your “main” was dee jay but then you ran to balrog vs anyone good. You are insincere and i called you on it. I am sure anyone else with common sense knows you fish for compliments all the time. You call yourself a scrub so pepole can say “NO AFROOOO you are the best.” You used to call boxer players that were NOWHERE near your level, the best boxers in the USA. LOL!! Btw, if i am a scrub what does that make everyone who lost to me? You call yourself a scrub on ggpo, however when I pointed out that you run to balrog vs good players, you lashed out calling me a scrub and a C- player. LOL! You seem to only play Dee Jay if there is a bad matchup for boxer, and then if someone plays Ryu, you will run to Balrog like the true Counter picker you are. (like you do vs Alex Valle)

You been playing this game over, 10 years. (i am being conservative) 10 years effing YEARS! You got worked by a guy who recently started (MAO) I have not played 1/5 as long as you have nor do i spend the time in training mode like you and Mars do. Oh yeah, another thing, why did you send me that picture of yourself in a wife beater? It was very questionable. I don’t swing that way. LOL @ “relationship” naw man, sorry i am straight.

As for the MONEY MATCHES… if i go to EVO and play ANYONE (even jake the snake) i will have to be in full practice. Right now, i am not in practice one bit, you know that very well, that is why you are throwing around your mindless money match challenges.

Lol…your a dumbass. We both talk to shotosallday when we werr arguing before and he said “why does it matter, your better than him anyways” then i pasted you what he said and you got pissed…lolz. “shotos, why did you tell him that” lolz. We both know that i have beat your ass more times. I dont remember u taking a set off me. If u wanna run a shoto vs dj char lock mm, im down too…your a fake and i got aim convos to prove it too…lolz

just to add, afrolegends self proclaimed “OG” which he had no idea what the term means, so a bunch of players stopped his OG bullshit right away

Neutral sweden says …

Sure it could be discussed who did/say this and that and who has a ego etc etc etc…
I am not in any way disrespecting STP. I dont know the guy and i have not heard of him before.
But here’s the thing though… Afro is the best american SF2 player, and he’s always placing in tourneys.
I say…Unless you do the same thing , you shouldn’t really try to make him look bad.
And again …This is not about afro being a fake or having a ego.

Neutral sweden out.

Is that the best response you have to factual statements made by ST Playah…dude using a quote about shotosallday when he doesn’t know STP nearly as well American Ninja and I (Jarrod and I became friends with STP and got him into SF2 to begin with at a golfland playing CE and HF all the time back in 06 he was a beginner then and couldn’t beat me, but then we created a monster, he got way better especially at when he started playing ST in 08, and the rest is history as they say) and Giga do and we saw some of your matches vs STP…Ask Giga! he remembers …So your response holds no weight…Own up to your stuff man…You bitched about his old ken after he would out beat youin a set just like Baramis the boxer player from japan does "no Old Ken …no Old Ken…ryu only "end quote lol. True socal OGs are the ones that played competatively in socal since World Warrior and CE, HF and they are down to earth people like watson, Jeff Schafer, and Gerald Abraham(you aint one of them) with no arrogance and alot more mature then you dude. Man up and deal with the past losses to ST Playah.

Or better yet, get a FT10 with him too. When epic matches happen, everyone wins. (Well, everyone but whoever loses the set, but who’s it gonna be?)

LOLs…why would i say no old ken? quit putting words in my mouth bro…all i know is that STP knows who’s better…ask our neutral buddy shotosallday. He tells him that he loses to me.

Anyways, you guys aren’t worth my time…if he wants to do a char lock shoto vs DJ $1000 mm at next years evo, lets make it happen. Quit making excuses, you got a year to get in practice. No vacation time? call in sick…simple…put up or shut up.

Isn’t there supposed to be a King of GGPO this Fall? If so, I think it might be cool to do a side event with Afro vs STP (if he still plays). First to 10 with character lock. I think it would be entertaining to watch on Sabin’s stream and I think players would love to see such high level American play. It’s a win win for all involved if you ask me. Honestly, doesn’t even matter who wins because it would be freak’in awesome gameplay.

You kids need to shaddup and make something fun happen. Check your damn egos at the door and just fight. It’s not hard really.

If you do, I’ll fight Rocky Rose in an epic undercard. lol

I’m a cranky old man and I want to see some STDs vs Afro Leg-ends.


Just wanna give a personal shout out to the PNW, home of some dope ST players. Shout outs to STP for being a fuckin’ beast. Shout outs to Frijoles for puttin’ it down south of the border.

ST needs to be at Evo every year so that us old men can get some real games in while these new school kids jerk off to kayo-police and keep talking about mortons and other played out stream monster phrases. This would be a fun MM nonetheless. Stuff like this makes me actually want to travel.

BTW…here are some vids STP getting owned up by some real Ryu playahs…lolz



STD, remember how you said that i suck and i could only beat daigo in hdr, and not ST? why you aint bring that up now…thats what i thought

LOL this is so afro. Saying “i’m not the best” “there are others better than me” to fish for compliments.

LOL bob and giga said the same shit and now a third party has claimed it as well…haha

P.S. I don’t care who’s right/wrong whatever…this is just funny to me.

Afro is a fucking compliment fishing faggot.

isn’t this enough proof for everyone? Or are all of you going to just keep sucking him off?

JAJAJAJAHAHAHALOL this goes even deeper than you guys know. The best is yet to come ( maybe )
Shit gonna get UGLY here if we keep going at this pace lol.

what happen to this? EDIT = opps wrong post
Thing simple $+MM+legit equipment YES/NO, but sure drama is hype!

Word, i can’t stand when some1 play the online card, it is what it is, if you play online plz don’t bitch about it, players that pop cossack, moonchild, etc you get the idea.

  • CUT don’t worry about koop he prolly moding Ehrgeiz.

Soto owned by the asses, lol!

i was practicing my portuguese :cool:

Ok, kuroppi. We take the image of Afro in a wifebeater (thanks STP!), imprint it on a wifebeater, then have Shirts rip it off after he loses in ToL2. Make it happen.