Evo 2013 Game Lineup?

Maybe this thread should be named "What other games will been seen at evo besides Big Two"
KoFXIII deserves another year, we didn’t even know the community was that talented till EVO 2012, lets be honest. And it was so hype and huge its first year? Yeah, id put money on it. Plus, I want to see if Bala can take it this time… or MadKof again… or hell, even Romance or a new face. Game was too hype.
TTT2 seems to be growing so it wouldn’t be surprise.
3S? As much as i love that game, there’s barely more than 3 characters when it comes to tournament level play nowadays, so i doubt it.
Last one, not sure - But the SFxT update is making it look mighty debatable… especially since we already have a preview of most if not all the changes. Wont be like last years Ryu and Rolentos carrying every team in top 8 bar 1 iirc.

…by its own community.

How is PSABR a tournament worthy game? I like Smash more than that crap

Doesn’t matter if its a tournament worthy game or not if the community comes out and show there support that will increase its games chances,that goes for any game

The previous Blazblue games got shafted because they kind of sucked. CP seems to be much different from the previous Blazblue games, the difference in speed between it and CSE is like the difference between SF2:WW and HF. I do suspect it’ll be far better received than the previous Blazblue games, but yeah no one knows when it’s release so it’s unlikely it’ll be the 2013 EVO lineup.

You guys are talking about KOF XIII and other games that got 60+ at NEC and should be in the line up, what about the fact you’re all pretty much writing off MK9 which had 117.

Injustice won’t hurt MK9, it will be their Marvel.

SG, SG for sure.

I hope you’re being sarcastic.

I don’t see why not, given past games’ history.

Realistically speaking…

(Injustice if they’re doing a 6th)

There, easy simple, hype, done. I’d say BBCP to come in for it, but that thing would need to come out over here by the start of February, and I don’t see it coming out over here earlier than April-May, which sucks because the last thing we need is to get shafted again and possibly for 2 years as a result of nothing but timing.

Those games are a given :

SFIV AE 2012

Otherwise 4 games will have to fight for the 2 (or 3?) remaining spots :

  • They may give KoF another chance after all that hype last year, and that would be the last if it does not meet the expectations.

  • Don’t underestimate the Capcom machine to push SFxT V.2013, you’d be surprised.

  • I have the feeling that Persona can make it, especially if the scene is still lively and after all those awards from the press.

  • Mortal Kombat is not dead if we look af the attendance of last NEC, but with Injustice coming, I really don’t know.

I honestly don’t see SC5, DoA5, Blazblue, Playstation all stars, VF5 making it.

I think for the Injustice/MK9 situation, the big question mark is whether the EVO organizers will want to take a chance on a game that’s coming out…what, late April? I mean, if they do, there’s obviously the chance it’ll flop entirely having had no time to prove its numbers. If they’re doing one of the two, they might just stick to MK9 to go to a “safer bet”.

And that’s why BlazBlue was one of the most played fighters in Japan?

BlazBlue got shafted for the reason many other anime games get shafted here and it has nothing to do with how good those games really are.

Anyway, the most likely lineup of 6 games would be:

two of either SFxT, P4U or Injustice

I REALLY don’t want to see PSAS…

Well, it’s not so much “was” one of the most played fighters in Japan as much as currently “is”. Like, even before BBCP came out, BBCSX was still pretty popular over there, and that certainly was far from a bad game.

How much impact has buying power had on the lineup in the past?

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Zero. We pick the lineup before we get sponsors on board.

So many games, so little time.

Personally, I think EVO should have a Cap on how many games can come from one company. I mean, if SF,UMVC3,TTT2, SC5,MK9 and Injustice make up the EVO line-up, that isn’t much corporate variety. That or increase the length of EVO or the increase the number of official games (Not likely, I heard from somewhere that even 6 games was a pain to run).

My guesses:

Maybe KOF13
and possibly a small tourney for Under Night in Birth.

I’m actually going to official change my prediction from Injustice being the possible 6th game if they do that to it being MK9. P4A I’m not sure on since I never “felt it” like I did with Blazblue, but if it’s got the numbers to be the 5th game, then I’m certainly all for that and it’s a worthy substitute. That being said, to me, at this point EVO not including all of AE2012/UMVC3/TTT2/KOFXIII just feels…wrong to me.

AE 2012 and UMVC3 are shoe ins. That goes without saying.

TTT2 is also a shoe in. There hasn’t been an Evo that I know of that hasn’t had a Tekken game in it. Tekken is a guaranteed spot on the roster, and the newest or latest Tekken console game will always be played.

SCV probably won’t make it. It’s scene has fell off quite a lot since last year, very few dedicated players.

KOFXIII will be axed. It was on life support going into last year. The only reason why it got some many entrance was due to Atlus putting $1,000 in the pot. This happened with DOA4 at Evo 2006 as well. But the scene isn’t strong enough in America to justify a slot.

P4U has a VERY good chance of making it in. The scene appears to still be strong.

Blaze Blu is a shoe in IMO.

DOA5 is a strong probability for replacing SC5 this year. It looks to have a very strong scene, but whether or not it gets in depends on it’s community.