Everyone that posts in this thread is retarded

SF2 will never die

Nothing of value said :wink:

So are we gonna just not go to Eve because ST’'s not a main event? Or do we use Evo as a meeting place to keep ST\HDR (either version) alive? I’ll gladly help contribute\organize to either a casual or side tourney event in Vegas this year. We are all adults here and most of us know exactly how to do this the right way. We just need to organize and get this going.

Evo is still a huge gathering of Fighting game supporters and it’s free. In all honesty I had more fun just playing casuals and meeting other SF2 players than I ever did playing on the main stage. While I am disappointed, I’m not gonna hate on Evo for not keeping SF2 in the main line up just yet. In all fairness they did remove every game that made Evo great in the past “3rd Strike, MvC2 & ST” I’m sure we all agree that ST was the greatest loss here :wink:

Why not take this opportunity to start something that could potentially branch off on it’s own?

P.S. I challenge any of the old school ST players to a “Put your money where your mouth is” $50.00 buy in. Yes I’ll beat you at your own game.

Rules - Supergun ST Cab with custom controllers, must play 1 character, first to 5
(HDR also accepted if you think you can handle it :wink:

I’ll take the new Voltech approach now.

50.00 money match to any ST heads at Naptown, Final Round ,or Evo.

^This. PSN HDR has already been in pretty bad shape lately and I can’t see this helping at all, which is part of the reason I was trying to get on XBox Live. At least with MvC3 I’ll probably be able to play with locals once a week, but I might just drop back out of the fighting game scene altogether and go back to speed running if I can’t play my chosen game on a daily basis.

Do I hear hardcore money match station at NTC? I see DOLLAR SIGNS!!!

See you in Vegas :tup:

Start some crazy 2-player tourneys like the MVC2 folks. Players can give $0-50 and side “investments” on both sides raise that to thousands of $$$. First match? How about Voltech Chun vs. Jigglyhawk ft5. I’ve got $50 on …

Who said I use T.Hawk in ST? :nunchuck:

Now you’re talking :wink: Lets make this interesting cause nothing says hype like $$$$

Hey, hey, I made careful edits to my last post. Let’s quote the finalized version please. :wgrin:

As someone who doesn’t gamble, I more than happily nominate myself to hold and payout the money.

It’s not a gamble if I am in total control of the outcome :wink:

Oh word? I figured you’d play old hawk. Who do you play in ST? I’m still down for playing either way.

Iam bummed to not see sf2 at evo this year but really not suprised there are way to many games that have come out in the past couple of years. Can we really be shocked!

If your on the fence about going to evo just for hdr… dont miss out on an opportunity to have some casuals and side tourneys
with some of the best. So Cal denjin crew (voltech, moocus, mongolo, aqua snake, danger us, dgv, ea megaman, sweet jv, sinco, ect…you better be there!!!.

We all know the late night hotel casuals are more fun than the tourney anyways.

Remember back in the day when a game cost 50 cents and you had to pay to play each game win or loose? Well what if the cost of each game was $5 and the money didn’t go into the machine but to the winner of each match? What if there where salty runbacks for double down? What if the stakes where higher? What if we had a king of the hill station setup with a dual monitor setup like in my old arcade with one monitor set up above the players so the crowed could see what all the fuss was about? What if we had a couple of ST and HDR banners posted around the station that said don’t forget your roots! What if we had our own commentators and our own recording setup so we could post our own videos and results up online? What if I offered up one of my custom sticks to the winner or our own side tournament? I’m just thinking out loud, but what if???

Interesting voltech definitely something to chew on:tup: I wonder if it’s possible to create an incentive to get at leas ta fraction of the SSF4 and MVC3 crowd to enter ST and/or HDR side tourneys like if you’re entered at EVO for either game you only half to pay half the buy in or something like that. Then again confirming that would be impossible lol.

Offering custom stick for a prize is a great idea. Since a side tournament will not have the kind of pool that an official one does, any alternatives to cash is great. T-shirts, joystick bags, etc.

You’re not a fan of SF2 if you don’t support all the versions. Just my $0.02 on this shit.

That’s a ridiculous statement to make.

Put it this way: if ST was the only version available and it required support to flourish, I would do that even if I didn’t like the game as much (though, actually, I love ST). It was only a given that HDR would be present at EVO in past years over ST, as it was the evolved version whether you agree with it or not. People who chose not to support HDR chose not to support SF2. As I said, let’s all be glad we can now watch 100x the focus attacks at EVO.

You said support all versions, lol I would not participate in a world warrior tournament, or a super sfII tourny lol, just too slow for my taste.