Everyone that posts in this thread is retarded

Evo stopped caring about history and started thinking about the future.
The sponsor is mightier than the crowd.

And this is why it happened. We did this to ourselves. Our constant fighting about it and our inability to rally around a standard helped to cause a rift that makes the game less attractive. Mr. Wizard can talk all he wants about how there’s not ‘innovation’ in the game anymore when the reality is more than likely he and the rest of the EVO staff didn’t want to deal with another year of ST vs. HDR headaches.

With that being said, I hope some people will consider coming to NTC. We currently have 3 SF2 events (HDR Singles / Teams / HDR Classic) and there’s been talk of some people bringing supercabs to run ST singles and teams side events.

Nothing of value to you was lost. Which means you posted this just to revel in the loss of others. Which says a lot about you.

wow i had to laugh at this becuase NOTHING of value has been gained either.

Why would anybody rally behind, and spend a ton of travel time and money on a game they feel is complete trash? Considering one of the intentions of HDR was to make it “easier to play” in hopes of new players showing up, the game just failed, plain and simple. Sure, there’s some new faces here, but the 15 or so people here that swear by this game religiously and play it regularly in the name of keeping SF2 alive, that just doesn’t cut it in the end. And it’s not like the same core group of people who regularly play HDR are just going to disappear all of a sudden now that it’s not at Evo, so what does it really matter? It’s not like the game was pulling in new players left and right just because it was featured at Evo, so you’re not losing anything there. If you like the game, play the game, if not, don’t, that’s all there is to it.

lol here we go again…

Lethargy and CigarBob are being trolls, don’t feed them.

While Evo is a pretty damn important tournament, the fighting game world doesn’t revolve around it. Even for a (formerly?) dedicated Evo supporter like myself, in practice, the total time spent playing HDR there in a given year is massively dwarfed by the time spent playing HDR elsewhere, at other tourneys. If I can’t enter a real HDR tournament at Evo, then I’ll have to enter other ones instead.

JigglyNorris and Silver Rain have the right idea. There are many other quality tourneys going on in any given year, so let’s enter those. It’s the only logical conclusion.

I was making a factual statement. I went out of my way to not state my opinions or preferences. My hypothesis is at least part of the reasons why there is NO form of SF2 at EVO this year is because of the community split, especially when put into the context of evidence of a community like BB which GAVE UP ITS SPOT last year as to not split the game the community was playing (CT to get ready for EVO or keep with the new CS?) and EVO rewarded that sacrifice with a prime lineup spot at this year’s EVO.

This is about discussing fact, theory, ideas. Not about opinions as to superiority, its that arguement that put us here in the first place. Thank you for once again demonstrating the problem… Perhaps you’d also take care to notice that I didn’t exempt myself from blame, I go out of my way in the first sentence to say that the entire SF2 community did this to itself. We all share the blame, we were all hardheaded, no one was willing to give an inch and we fragmented into groups that mirror highly ideological political parties that can not even speak the same language to begin a dialogue on compromise.

Maybe now is the time to start planning the SF2 extravaganza tournament I’ve always dreamed of… In a way, NTC is sort of like a beta test for it huh?

FWIW, the history of side tourneys getting sidelined and canceled suggests that they’re probably not worth making a trip for.

Lol, you can’t actually take yourself seriously can you? You sit there and call me a troll, and then reword the same thing I just said. If you like the game, go play the game, it’ll still have a core group of people to play with. Nowhere did I state a preference between HDR and ST, and honestly, I don’t particularly care for either of them compared to earlier iterations of SF2, so how you perceive that as trolling is beyond me. Who knows, maybe you’re mad that I stated there’s about 15 of you, but seriously, there is. It’s no different than the same group of 15 ST diehards that would show up every year at Evo, with everyone else saying “screw it, I’m already here, might as well spend an extra $10 and enter ST also”. And those same 15 ST diehards are still playing ST, just like any HDR diehard is not going to stop playing HDR just because Evo dropped it.

And to Silver Rain… nowhere did I state my personal preference either, I said “Why would anybody rally behind, and spend a ton of travel time and money on a game they feel is complete trash?”, not “I think this game is crap, so I’m not going to go support it, screw the rest of you.” That’s a HUGE commitment for you, or anybody else to expect from someone who doesn’t enjoy the same thing you do. You also can’t deny the fact that HDR didn’t do what it was intended to do, bring in droves of new players due to it’s design changes… it brought in a few new dedicated players, and drove away a few old dedicated players, that’s all there is to it. If it accomplished what it was intended to do, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.

LOL, ST didn’t have SSF4, MvC3, SFvT, and TvSF, etc. to deal with. The FG genre, as far as mass appeal, was already on the way out when ST hit. SF4 killed HDR (and ST).

ST, HDR, sounds like it wouldn’t have mattered, MrWizard and the EVO staff only want the “new hippness” for all the new players that SSF4 brought in. SF2 was going to out regardless. MrWizard should be ashamed.

I wonder if corporate sponsorship doesn’t have a lot to do with what games are picked (MK9?).

A lot of noise, signifying nothing.

Totally agree with everything your saying here. There’s a lot of talk about “old school” / roots / “supporting the community”, and yet the decision was made not to have any incarnation of SF2 at Evo. It’s hypocritical on a number of levels.

Evo is turning itself into another WCG.

Sadiest thing is that HDR was the only game with decent online gameplay beeing used at major tournaments. Everyone that like playing fighting games, but dont live near a fighting game community is pretty fucked.

Who knows ST or HDR either way. I do know pretty much nobody gave a crap about ST when it came out, and that it had the same amount of competition as far as new games go in 1994 that it does now, it died then, and it didn’t really come back around until the early 2000’s, after it was gone for a bunch of years. Perhaps SF2 getting a 5+ year hiatus is what it needs to bring some more interest in it back. Perhaps in 5 years nobody will give a crap about any type of fighting game tournament. If you’re inclined to believe most things go in cycles, the latter might be more of the reality we’ll be looking at then anyway.

Yawn… did you say something of worth? I must’ve missed it. All I’m seeing is the exact close minded troll idiocy Thelo and Silver Rain are talking about. Take care, bye.

Don’t come back.

Lethargy why dont you suck a dick & choke on it…

Despite Lethargy being a used 42 year douche bag, he has a point. Most people probably only goes to one of the big tournaments & that was usually EVO. Doesn’t really matter if the game is crap or greatest game ever created, i doubt people will go to these other tournaments cuz its too damn expensive.

I really dont know what do now…I guess we still have online…Guys dont leave the online community or else life will be very boring for me.

I’m still playing HDR.
Funny thing is that i actually saved up money so i could go to EVO.
I guess it’s X-mania next if i really want to go and do a tournament…

And hey honestly … Am i the only one? or does it truly sound like the ST-fanboys got something big stuck up back there?
I consider HDR an improvement of ST. I wish other peoples could see it that way too.

As for HDR not being at EVO. It’s very sad indeed.

Nah screw ST and HDR…those are shitty versions of SF2 lets bring back the real mans sf2 game: SF2 Hyper Fighting (raw sf2 at its roots) and thats on xbox 360 so it shouldn’t be a problem. We need to bring back the best version of SF2 cause ST and super weren’t necessary HF was not broken so there was no need to fix it. There…
an o.g. player has spoken hehe

American Ninja
Dangerous Crew member