Well we can either stay home this year and let the greatest fighting game of all time “SF2” die or show up in numbers and show them why they made a huge mistake by turning their back on the game that started this in the first place. I’ll personally not be participating in any official events, staying at the official hotel or buying any EVO paraphernalia this year but I will show up and play either ST and HDR in side tourneys,money matches and casuals. Maybe If they see large numbers of us playing a game that isn’t on the official roster they’ll realize the money they lost by not staying true to their roots with SF2. Or maybe it’s time it just went away, I mean it is making the other “newer games” look bad and it’s over 20 years old =P
Yeah I’m disappointed but I’m not gonna stop playing my favorite game just cause it’s not an official event at EVO this year.
Someone start a poll thread to see how many people will attend just to play SF2 on the side. If there are enough players, I’ll go just to play SF2 at vegas.
Well this sucks. I’ll probably still go to Evo, and I’ll play in any side SF2 tournaments being run but I’m not sure what official games I’ll play. Who knows, maybe MK9 or MvC3 won’t be total garbage. Maybe…
A side tournament can get canceled. It has happened before, so I doubt many would, and I am not sure it would be recommendable. How many here give a shit about SF4, BB and such? Would I spend thousands of dollars and a day traveling just so to see SF2 get canceled, I would be pissed, and hell if I would give a shit about being in Vegas. IMHO, the hardest but most efficient way would be to have some major ST/HDR event, and then people go play it. It would take a lot of effort and time, but it can be done.
Edit: I hope this does not become another ST v HDR thread. I would kindly ask this section’s mods to immediately delete any flame baits as this discussion is important. SF2 needs to be played somewhere, and according to what you guys from US are reporting, other tournaments do not attract many players.
but why should 1 tournament that is all about numbers and not about quality games (lol @ putting an unfinished and unreleased game in the lineup) decide what you’re gonna play?
Right now, I am sort of unemployed, so traveling to any country whatsoever is out of question, but if I lived in Europe or had the money, you could bet your last shirt I would go.
It definitely shouldn’t. But as EVO has been the one major SF2 tournament in the US for many years, it would be nice to have a replacement. X-Mania sounded nice to me (thus “ST/HDR Mania”, as it is a non-Japanese version).
Evo is starting to no longer be about fighting game fans and what they play, but more about promoting commercial interests in fighting games…hence the sponsors at evo now.
So ya… Good thing I never gave a shit about evo anyways, SBO has always been higher calibur, no stupid button checks and sticks going haywire.
Wow, this is pretty shocking…Everything i loved about SRK has gone to the shits…I was going to go to EVO this year, but really what would be the point.
What if there were an xmania type of event in NYC? Would it be successful? It seems to me that the majority of st players are on the west coast and Evo was the place to be. Maybe all the HDR/st events that had low turnouts were due to the fact that Evo was the one that mattered most so possible attendees saved their time/money/ and energy for that. Now that it has been dropped, it will be interesting to see what the future holds…
X-mania is doing an event in Europe…and it looks like Evo has abandoned the st community. Would an xmania event in the states fill the void and be successful? I think it’s time to see if super turbo can stand on it’s own as the main event.
ANYONE, and I mean fucking ANYONE whose even considering coming to Naptown Clutch, COME(no homo)!!!
I’m just as disappointed by this decision as anyone else, but I’m not giving up on SF2. If we can get as much entrants as possible for ST, HDR, and HDR Teams for Naptown clutch, it could definitely make some kind of difference. That fact that its being streamed (well, ST at least) can show the country how thirsty the SF2 community is for a spot at EVO.
Again, please please PLEASE come out to Naptown Clutch, Feburary 19th in Indianapolis. The competition there is gonna be solid, but I don’t want solid, I want brutal, and so does everyone else that’ll be attending.