Thanks for the info anyway MC
Thanks for the info anyway MC
There should be a replay folder for your game, otherwise just make one entitled replay.
another question, I found a FAQ that says Doppel Nanase has a 236+A/B/C, but I can’t seem to use it
It’s really hcf+A/B/C.
haha I see, guess I shoulda just tried stuff. Thanks anyway
I was wondering if anyone could help out with the patches…I got EFZ Blue Sky Edition ver 2.13. When I try to update with the Bad Moon Edition patch I get some weird error message when I try running it. I copied and pasted everything the correct way and got all the other extra patches from the site. If anyone could help out on why it does that any help would be great. Thanks.
Gasaraki: the replay folder is created the first time you enter the replay menu. When you do that, EFZ creates the folder plus an set of empty replay files. Alternatively, you can create the replay folder in the main EFZ directory.
Nocturnal: You cannot apply a Bad Moon Edition unless you have Bad Moon Edition. In other words, you got EFZ, then you upgrade to Blue Sky, then you upgrade to Bad Moon, and then you apply the patch to Bad Moon.
Yep, three different CDs + patches.
I finally got the Tales of Twilight Tactics vol. 2 DVD. It includes 40+ TOP TIER matches with all the characters encoded in some MPEG2 format that is giving me problems ot play (just video and no audio - dunno if its standard MPEG2, but too good even if I can’t hear them). Play a lot of attention to the replays ShinobuSetsuna posted (, the Nayuki player on his replays is the same Nayuki of TTT2
ShinobuSetsuna: can you provide the source of your replay files?
So in other words I need to get Bad Moon Edition as well? The patches on the site don’t update the game from Blue Sky Edition to Bad Moon Edition? If so then that’s probably why it wasn’t working for me then. Cause I don’t have the Bad Moon Edition…I thought you could just update that with a patch like MBR. Alright thanks for your help…later.
I think I want to learn Sayuri, but all this horizontal combo stuff is way out of my reach, is it universal to everyone Vman?
Nocturnal: Bad Moon is to Blue Sky (and Blue Sky is to EFZ) in the same way that ReACT is to Melty Blood: full upgrades, so its an all new version
Master Chibi: pretty much yes. The key of EFZ combos is to find some loop that allows you to keep dashing and/or air dashing while juggling your opponent. This is because hits push back the opponent, so you cannot do standard chains like in Marvel or regular jumping air combos like in ReACt or GG.
Yep, EVERYONE in EFZ combos like that. Though people like Misaki and Akane seem to have command throws that give them a billion years to continue the combo.
It’s universal in that everyone can do it, but not universal in that it’s done in the same manner. Any tips at all? I see they ‘roman’ cancel alot to intiate the combo as the opponent falls from the hit.
I asked for tips earlier, around post #48. VMan said watch the replays. Grrr. Basically all I can say with my extremely limited experience is to find something that floats the opponent and leaves some juggle time, then sit in training and practice comboing off of that in training. Learn how much each attack floats, what wallbounces, etc.
Holy shit! That Nayuki player was a demon. I didn’t know she was
that strong, but perhaps the player using her was just too good.
It seems that when you’re cornered by some characters you can begin
to pray for your life otherwise,infinite pressing=pwned!!!
Nayuki is a demon only if she gets the full jams. Look at what the Nayuki player does, she goes to the defensive to build jams, and THEN she attacks.
When facing Nayuki you should stay in her face: do not let her build the jams, and knock them down as much as possible (knockdown = -1 jam)
Yeah she’s only evil if you let her get all her jams.I’ve seen Nayuki get beasted by Sayuri in a replay,not pretty.
Huh? I even explained how the Mai juggle loop works!
But yeah, your description is pretty precise
Master Chibi: Instant Charge (roman cancel) is used a lot for two reasons:
I’m still having a hard time trying to actually figure out a loop on my own, but hell if I’m just going to give up. Thanks for the info Vman.
Ok I think I’m getting somewhere with these loops, possibly. I’m onto you Vman.
If you’re looking for loops with Sayuri, don’t waste your time. Her jumping normals aren’t very combo friendly (jumping C for one). The makers of the game gave her a move that takes your opponent to the corner from anywhere on the screen, so midscreen loops aren’t as important. Use your RF gauge for corner mixups (FIC magical shot into high/low madness).
Sayuri’s gameplan: