Eternal Fighter Zero

22AB is the full sequence. It is down, down, A, B. Since it is an overdrive, you need a full Infinity Super bar and have your life on red (33% or less).

Here’s a little Kaori combo I did a while back,it’d be better if i could do rapid tornados like in some of the replays i’ve seen.

Ok i’ve tried that renaming thing and it doesn’t work so i’ll zip it up instead.

The rapid tornados you see is the B tornado. A is faster and cancels moves, but B tornado can be canceled. The quick tornado you see is a B tornado that is canceled by another move.

The combo that you see in Tales of Twilight Tactics vol. 2 trailer is dash B, IC, B tornado, dash, ground to air juggle combo > super.

Yes I am quite aware of how you do it but it’s harder than it looks :sweat:

Here’s an example of what i’m talking about.

So, yeah, since ReACT’s currently not worth playing, I thought I’d check this out.

Are there any actual match vids, or just replays?

Who’s good for a beginner to play around with? My style tends to be either rushdown/confusion or very careful zoning.

Both of ShinobiSetsuna’s attachments are match replays. bunta also linked a page that has EFZ replays as well.

I’d say the easiest characters to play with are those that do not have a familiar. Mai can be straightforward to use, but her familiar game is extremely important, especially now that her normals got toned down.

In general, this is what I think characters are good at:

Ikumi: rushdown
Ayu: rushdown, pokes
Mai: pokes, traps/crossups after knockdown (with child Mai)
Makoto: rushdown, traps
Nayuki: zoning (to build jams), rushdown/crossups (with full jams)
Shiori: zoning, keepaway
Sayuri: pokes
Kaori: rushdown
Mizuha: pokes (j.C is the c.fierce of this game), traps (with notes)
Rumi: pokes, abuse superarmor
Akane: rushdown
Misaki: rushdown, pokes
Mio (blue): rushdown
Mio (red): pokes, zoning
Mayu: rushdown, confusion
EX Mizuha: traps (with gerbils), crossups
Doppel Nanase: rushdown
Misuzu: zoning, pokes, crossups
Minagi: zoning, crossups (with Michiru)
Kano: zoning, keepaway, keep the opponent at the distance where they cannot touch you


Is there a general tip about the timing for air juggle combos? I know every individual character has different juggle times with different moves but is there like a general combo I can apply to everyone so I can start getting used to it? As it is right now I can’t do any air combos with anyone. Like in ReAct everyone but Satsuki could do A,B, jump A,B, throw. Then after you got that timing down you can switch to whatever is most effective for that character. In EFZ I imagine it would look more like launch,A,C, jump/dash, A,A,C,B, land, ground combo. But I can’t do anything for the life of me.

In a way that’s one of the nice things of EFZ: since not all moves have the same properties, combos are not that easy to recycle. Not only do each character’s attacks hit on different directions (up, down, etc), but they also juggle the opponent in different ways (upward, downwards, etc).

To make things more complex, not all characters have a launcher. I don’t think anyone but Ayu and Shiori have a reliable natural launcher. Like in ReACT, all characters could “launch” by sweeping into whatever, but 1. you need IC so you cannot do it all the time 2. not all characters sweep! You have to get creative here. Sometimes the combo starter you need is a natural launcher (Ayu), the sweep (Misaki), a command move (Doppel Nanase), something that wall slams (Sayuri), a dashing attack (Ikumi) a normal antiair (Mai), a grab (Shiori on corner) etc. Sometimes the combo is corner only, sometimes the combo works midscreen, or both.

In general, you need to find a juggle loop, a way to set it up, and a finisher (for extra damage, setup something else). The setup can be done using an option like the ones mentioned above. Once the setup lands, you should be able to do one iteration of the loop, two or three with a white (full bar) IC.

The loop I use for Mai is close B, j. C, air dash, j. A, j. C, land, close B, repeat. It works both midscreen and in corner, and my main setups are antiair B, EX teleport > IC, A teleport (kick) > IC, little Mai’s fireball. The finishers I use are the standard j. A, j. B, air jump j. B, j. C or 6A > air combo (corner only).

I lot of characters have a similar loop to Mai’s but some of them need to add/remove/change moves to get a reliable loop. Using a white IC, you can create a longer, more damaging loop (like the one of the Misuza video).

EFZ’s beauty is that everyone is so different, yet the game is balanced.

Edit: added attachment with Mai’s loop. Rename to .rep

Uh… lemme rephrase the question then. Can you give more examples of air loops to practice so I can get the hang of air combo timing? Right now I don’t have a sense for it at all, like how much jabs juggle or when to use a medium/strong attack, how to land and continue the combo etc.

Check the attachment :slight_smile: Other characer’s loop are similar. Misaki is the same but corner only, and Sayuri needs you to jump higher to hit the jumping C attacks.

I so hate Windows…

My Computer, and go to the menu

Tools > Folder Options > View tab > uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types”

Now you can see the full name of the file.

Ah thanks :smiley:

I notice you tried to end some of the air combos with the dp move.In most of the replays i’ve seen jap players tend to air dash foward instead in case the opponent ukemis so that they can land a air throw.

Good point. The reason why I do a 623 is because if you are quick enough the 623 hits. Sometimes I am not quick enough :slight_smile:

Another option is to dash backwards. If the opponent ukemis, you can dash below (Mai’s dash is pretty fast) and setup another combo with anitair B or air grab. Same thing if 623 hits.

The best finisher I have seen is 2A > instant air dash, j.A, j. C, land, A, B, C. Standing C sends plants the opponent to the ground, so its impossible to ukemi. You opponent stays in the corner, so you can keep pressure or setup a crossup with little Mai. For some reason I can never land the instant air dash A after the 2A.

Ok after a bit of trial and error here’s a juggle combo with Dopple Nanase. Some comments about how it can be improved would be appreciated. Do I have the basic idea down? Also I’ve seen a dopple replay with her doing some sort of dash attack that launched the opponent. Anyone know how to do it?

Vman:IAD off of crouch A?Isn’t that impossible?I mean crouch A doesn’t stun very well.

linalys:Nice!D.Nanase does have a mini throw loop which is 236 A>236 B,dash B,236 A repeat.

Dash attack?Do you mean dash 2 C?

bonta: you are right. I meant 6A, which is the upward slash.

Doppel’s “launcher” is a running 2C.

Vman:Ah,ok that makes much more sense!

Yeah well I usually don’t IAD after 6 A,I just jump up and combo .i was working on a fancy combo involving 6 A but I kinda just gave up.

I’ll bump the thread with a corner Doppel combo:

j. C, land, B, C, 6C, 623A, White RC, B, B, link B, B, C, 6C, 41236B, 236B (throw), run to the other side, dashing B, 41236B, 236B (throw), turn again, C, 6C, 41236, 236A (Maiden Crush).

This combo makes 6604 damage (putting the enemy 1 pixel from red life), and is a good damaging combo to do if you don’t have super meter. Using the followup supers after the Maiden Crush could be a little of a waste, since the damage scaling would make the whole thing make about the same damage as if the combo was done without the multiple Maiden Captures.

Rename to .rep