Im not saying i know the best answer im just telling you the way i see it RC lariat is the best option but if works for u alright.
hey apoc, when you say to use mid-counter for low jumps and sagat’s far jumping rh, do you mean to let the counter stay out, and if they throw out their attack and eagle absorbs it, to release the button and knock them down OR if they empty jump, to release it as soon as they hit the ground to avoid getting punished? that’s how you should use the counter right?
and apoc, what do you consider to be some of eagle’s tougher matches? i’d say a smart iori would be rough because your long range pokes are useless for the most part (especially because iori can CROUCH under standing fierce) due to iori’s fast roll. so eagle has to rely on his mediums, but iori can just throw out standing roundhouse for the most part then. who else? C-sagat?
On Sagat, he can only attack at a certain height or it won’t extend(like any jump attack heheh) so I do it on reaction. I use it from the distance where the RH will hit with the angle and depth of a far jump so, I wait before I even do the motion since it comes out fast enough. Basically, I just do it without having to hold the button at all. That’s how I use it most of the time so that it can’t be baited. Using it in a way that you need to hold it, in most cases, is more like a taunt. I think it should be done so that they can’t see it before attacking or else, why would they attack? However, sometimes I just do it to make them afraid to attack but that’s depending on how I feel about the match and my opponent. In that way, I use it as a keep away move knowing they won’t attack into it and, instead, allow themselves to land into it. I vary the timing against P and K since, I want them to block it or try hitting me upon landing. I don’t use it like this when they are raged or if they have full meter in P for obvious reasons and I don’t do this at all against S. So, I guess to answer your question, I do it both ways. I use one way as a direct counter and the other is strictly as a keep away move. Like, Blanka ain’t gonna do shit with well ranged short jump RHs since he doesn’t have time to JD and charge(although I’m sure that it’s possible to jd right into a ball attack, no one’s ever done it to me). Either he attacks and gets hit or I keep him away or he guesses right on the timing(which happens what? Once every 20 times? heheh). All in all, it depends on what I’m trying to do at the time.
Iori doesn’t bother me so much in that, played right, it’s a boring fight. I’ll purposefully do something lame to make it fun, lol. Hey, it isn’t tournament. But Iori has a roll and a roundhouse that works against Eagle’s range. Both are a liability so smart Ioris are going to RC rekka. I stay kinda far just outside of the jab rekka range and jump straight up occassionally trying to bait them to use it at the wrong distance so I can come down on them or counter the whiff from the ground. Sometimes you gotta block one here or there but it’s insignificant. I use C so jumping straight up at that range is good for baiting an airblock dp the moment they whiff the rekka too. I try to keep that range and take away his main offense and they usually end up taking more risks since the smart thing isn’t effective, heheh. But usually, I don’t like to play this match straight since if both players are playing smart, it’s hella boring, heheh. But the strat is simple if you want to get serious.
Um…hard matches? Sagat is always a danger, once charged, based on damage alone. You don’t have to be too good to win with him. You just need to be good enough to land one fierce and cancel supers. That’s most of the match right there. So, on damage, that makes the match even. If damage were the same, I’d give the match entirely to Eagle but Sagat’s damage factor can balance any match. Stupid but, true. So he’s a character I feel completely comfortable facing but, one mistake and I could lose so, this match keeps me on my toes. Any character like this should be watched for like a fully charged Rugal,etc. Not necessarily hard but, you don’t want to lose 75% from one attack. That threat alone makes the match able to be lost. RC Rolento is dope too since he can stick and move(no pun intended) with RC hops. You don’t want to chase him and you can only attack after the RC effect is done. He’s really hard to lock down. If only Eagle had an airthrow. He’s a really fun match that makes you think. It makes me think “that’s hella gay” but also, it’s very cool too. I like playing the match a lot.
I don’t know if there’s any match that I find where Eagle can be completely dominated. These are just some good one that you have to think more in, in my experience. I already said Guile was a good match. If it weren’t for bs damage situations where one opening is almost a whole life bar, there wouldn’t be many 50/50 match ups for him. He’s that good. If he could deal a lil more damage(in the Chun li/Sagat range) he’d be too good and everyone would use him. I like it this way since he’s a lil more finesseful. Still, I opt for Chun li instead, sometimes, since she does damage and dizzy all at once and so easily. Kind of retarded but, she’s one of my mains from way back so I figure I gotta use her some like I throw boring ass Rog in now and then:) Gigaton blow makes him stupid.
Sorry to “one-paragraph”" that shiet. Kinda just went with it, heheh.
Glad to hear that email worked out for you. I thought the ease of the strat would be hard to accept until you see it in action. Props for getting what I was saying. I tell that to most ppl and it seems unbelievable until they see me use it and watch my opponent die just trying to get in range to play the match, haha.
R U going to Evo? It’ll be nice to check out another Eagle and see your take on matches played out. I wonder if Arturo and Roger are reppin’ Eagle at all. Art rocked some last year:)
thanks for the advice.
yep, i’m planning on going to Evo. i find it interesting how eagle can be played in so many different styles. when i met roger at midwest challenge awhile back, i realized he likes to turtle a lot more and use eagle’s powerful jumping attacks in the corner. i like to keep a relative offense going because eagle’s priority sets up too many counter hits and opportunities to land supers/CC’s. i don’t really remember how you and arturo played your eagles when i played you guys, but i bet they’re different than ours.
i’m glad evo’s on console because i’ll be comfortable and i won’t have to make a transition from my agetec to arcade controls. and since there’s the lounge for casual play, we can get tons of matches in. any idea on what hotel you’re staying at? i’m thinking shilo inn maybe, unless i can room with the team serious guys like last year.
any new tricks you’re playing around with? i’ve been experimenting with CC block strings and possible resets and what not, but nothing too hot yet:D. linking into CC is just too easy, but i still like C-eagle better because of his damaging level 2 and the fact that his meter practically recycles itself.
Console at evo = end of arcades
The arcade (its basically the only one in the city) is shutting down after tomorrow. I dont know where i’ll play cvs2. Maybe ill have to finish mys tick that i’ve been building for like months.
Small Jump…
The standing Medium is good against small jumpers that are right in your face (the second hit usually hits them on the apex of their jump). The mp counter is also efficient if you got a good eye to release it early enough if the jump is empty (don’t ever use this if they are raging or have meter for a level three haha). The lariat is all around good against close up small jumps, but if someone small jumps from outside of its range it leaves you open down below. This is eagles main prob with small jumps, so basically the main objective is to get in within the range that if they do small jump the standing medium will hit them (have to do it a bit early because if you do it to late someone like sagats limb will be fully extended and you will never aa them), or alternatively you can pretty much jump back medium kick alot and hit your opponents limbs for the most part or dash back if you anticipate the small jump coming (or else you will be stuck in block stun if they are too close) and try to standing fierce over their attack just before they hit the ground which is pretty safe from far way . Recently I’ve been experimenting with eagles RC fireball reflector and it serves very well against small jumps since it covers more of the ground up then his other aa’s do.
Personally I feel that eagles strongest point when it comes to aa’s is his ability to stop cross ups (he has so many options). Neutral standing fierce reaches really high over head, C.fp goes straight up, RC lariat hits from both sides.
I also discovered that you can stop cross ups with a late RC half circle backwards and punch and win either way. If you do it to early the rc lariat comes out and stops attacks from both sides pretty much killing any cross up, or if you do it too late (obviously before getting hit) an RC fireball reflector will come out which covers more distance infront on the crossing side so even if their cross up was going to miss and go to far over the other side more the likely they will still get hit from behind by the reflector haha.
Eagle’s MP counter is where it’s at. It stops the cammy poke game pretty effectively, what with her shitty sweep range vs Eagle. It’s great against Blanka for wake up electricity counter. His jumping FP is great against Vega. His counters can put a hurt on Balrog and Bison. His counter is great against Sakura, and pretty effective vs Iori. Crouching MK standing MK qcf MK beats the hell out people and gives you plenty of time to know not to try the move if they block.
His counters are VERY effective, and his sweep is incredible against turtling shotos. Eagle’s one of my favorite characters.
I generally play him R1 with R1 Sagat/Joe/Dan/Ryu/Iori/Zangief and an R2 Geese.
interesting anti-crossup option select tactic you’ve got there roger. i still can’t RC lp/lk moves to save my life, so ken is out of the question:(. are you going to midwest championships? if so, maybe you can show me your method there. otherwise, my aim is delarocha53 if you want to send me that RC video over that. or if you’re ever in the go for broke hub, i can get it there also.
PPetesA2, be careful on when you use that counter. i honestly wouldn’t use it against cammy or iori AT ALL. cammy can just go low/spiral arrow and iori can just roll through. eagle already beasts on cammy enough, no need to give her comeback opportunities. pretty risky against balrog and bison also, and sakura you should actually SEE the RC fireball/hurricane kick and do it on reaction to it. otherwise she’ll roll through and really mess you up.
random tip of the day- after you finish eagle’s CC in the corner, immediately hop next to them and press standing rh. it hits super meaty on the last few frames, which gives you even more time to setup counter-hit crouching forward or something else.
lol! There’s no really special use for that I’ve found. It’s dope option select but, don’t do it too late on a cross-up since you’ll get the jab counter and it will whiff, which, of course, is the problem with this. To do it, you have to do it early enough for either move to come out before they are deep in the cross-up. Once you learn how to rc jab lariat, you’ll notice this shit happen semi-often. I actually think it’s a bad idea to actually go for this intending for it to turn around. The lariat is gonna hit no matter what. If you use the jab counter and they were trying to parry/jd/cc…you’re screwed when they land and they have all day to decide how to hurt you whether you release the counter or not. It’s basically fun but, nothing special. I think it’s best to RC jab lariat and if you get the counter instead, great:)
I’m surprised this hasn’t been brought up before or maybe it was before the forums blew up.
I’m all ears for hearing Roger’s take on it since, I saw no reason to dive into it further. Maybe there’s something to it that I never picked up on. It’s nice back-up but, beyond that, I don’t see anything strategically great about it. If there’s anything I missed about this, kickdown:) Right now, all I see is that it’s cool and fun when it happens. I wouldn’t do it without RCing either since then, they can attack before you’ll turn around and hit the start up of the move and then you’re both back at equal standings upon landing.
?? This isnt a lariat/high counter mixup. Its a lariat vs reverse dragon motion, if you start your lariat from forward instead of down. So either you lariat, or he swings his bat at you, its not something to rely on, its just makes rc’ing lariat that much better because you have the chance of turning around to do the bat swing
hah! My bad. I got confused by the option select with jab counter which works the same way, obviously, heheh. Still, kinda scary to do that on wake up. I don’t see the benefit outweighing the risk so, I suppose I’m still askin’ the same question. Sure, it’s nice and cool but, it’s also hella risky, especially that one since start up is slow allowing deep cross-ups to land and block. Free counter.
I just want to know what’s good about it aside from backing up a mess up, which is good but, I don’t see where this shit rox yet. It’d be better to not turn around to begin with.
Strange though, the reverse of the spin is the counter. Heh.
Yeah I don’t really use it as an option select, but rather I noticed that even when I miss time my lp rc lariat that move would come out and hit them anyways alot of the times even when they cross way over my head. I’d much rather rely on the rc lariat than the reverse rc bat swing its just that the bat swing comes out sometimes saving my ass, which is a cool thing about Eagle haha.
hmmmmm, what else to talk about in here…
who’s going to midwest championships? roger? apoc? anybody else?
im contemplating it
Stupid trick-Next to down opponent, jump back and hit mk the second you leave the ground…woohooo instant overhead
thx for that tip…
dude, i don’t think this thread is THAT advanced yet. that’s the shit you save for nationals:lol:
I use mainly A-Eagle and my friends has like the best, hell probably only K-Geese in Texas. Everytime I fight his K-Geese with Eagle, I get beat the fuck up or barely win. It just seems Geese can easliy get in on Eagle , and from there it’s rush down city. I don’t know if anyone has any experience on this match, but if so I could use some pointers. That’s like my most feared match, plus that raged dizzy cross-up deadly rave combo hurts.
Make the distance between you sketchy… that’s the only thing I can think of. When geese gets in he’s hard to get distance again though… when I fight geese I try to stay the fuck away and make him jump.
posts at 6:15 am are great. they make much sense.
never played a good geese in my entire life, any groove. but if you have a problem once he gets in, my advice would be to look for the smallest opening and stick out a crouching jab. very high priority, good range, etc etc etc. if it’s blocked, link a crouching mp and you’ve just pushed geese off you. if it hits, standing mk, hcf + mk.
that’s all i’ve got, sorry:(