Lol, a 15 year old calling someone kid, priceless. Have some meow mix and chill.
Could you retards go continue your private ad hominem test of “wits” somewhere else, please?
My man, you are 19 years old, why are your parents still giving you orders? Actually why does anybodies parent bar their kid from doing something like cooking is kind of silly, even if said kid is still living under his parents roof.
It’s not an order per say its more of a “my mom loves and wants to do it” kind of thing.
I’ll be the bigger man and just ignore Mr. 25 year old. Just so I’m not completely off topic, a lot of people eat it cause it seriously makes you feel good. Fast food places aren’t stupid, they intentionally make their foods with a lot of carbs and fats because those certain foods will release serotonin. Serotonin in turn is what literally makes you happy. Like that bite into soul food kind of happy. Usually, I never eat McDonalds, but right now I’m cramming for my finals and I am craving the hellllll out of McDonalds
Are you still here, talking out of your ass?
How sad.
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Sure bub, the only sad thing is your social standing. Go back to your mocha latte and wheat grass, or whatever it is that you’re into this week. You with your internet courage. You’re probably just some meek, weak, poindexter with no balls to express himself truthfully in real life, trying to act brave on the internet. you and the sad circles you tag along in.
What a prompt response.
Most trolls are nowhere nearly as easy to dominate as you are.
You’ve got yourself strapped into that big boy chair, your bike helmet on tight, and your index finger glued to refresh, don’t you?
So simple.
So weak.
You bore me.
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Cooking is hella easy. The only thing I don’t know how to cook is pork. I hate hog anyways, that shit’s not healthy for you, better off on the cow or bird diet.
The fact that FlameMammoth is seriously replying to Boris’ troll thread pretty much cements him in the “paste eating” section of SRK.
ya cause this discussion really had a chance.
“hey im 19, live at home, and my mom cooks for me and i dont understand how people can eat yucky fast food”
how did such discourse stray into name calling I’ll never know!
Of all the stupid ass questions though. I mean I know everyone has gave you shit already but damn. Go up to some bitch with 4 kids hanging off her flabby belly who’s just got off work and isn’t in the mood to cook for a bunch of little cocksuckers who want nothing but candy and fucking happy meals and say “I can’t believe you’d feed your kids this garbage. Do you know how many chicken cocks are in that chicken nugget? Four.” and see how fast she drops your ass.
Eating fast food is terrible, but so are a lot of other things… like grown men playing video games ‘competitively’ and arguing on SRK.
On another note, I just had my cheat meal of the week and ate 4 Whoppers.
Did you get fries with that?
I hope you did.
I got small fries. New BK fries are a lot better than older ones.
I’m to that point again.
I’ve built up my strength back to where I want it.
So… cutting time.
Now I’m going to be ultra charming to be around, lol.
Double sigh.
One fun meal a week does not a happy camper 6.75 days out of the week make.
But the results in a couple of months make it all worth it.
An epic troll thread I see. I eat fast food quite a bit, its cheap, good, and I find expensive “healthier” food to be nearly the same tasting as fast food but much more pricey and more annoying too.
The meat you buy at grocery stores, the vegetables, all that stuff. The things you can’t just make yourself without a farm…
Those are treated and processed questionably as well…
Thats what Im saying. If you are talking about something else then I feel like its completely irrelevant.
I dunno why you want to cut in middle of the winter, but if ur happy with what you got now I guess go for it
I always do, lol.
I know it sounds weird, but…
Those would actually be some rather impressive nuggets considering you are either talking about whole male chickens or a bodypart birds don’t have.