Dumb thing I asked as a dumb kid

First off, having some serious trouble taking you seriously when you use fighting lingo in non fighting discussion.

Second! My only mistake was thinking the salad came with the sauce and junk on top.

He’s one of those mindless sheep who cosign with the status quo, while at the same time disillusioning himself into thinking that he’s actually informed. The worst kind of stupidity.

Using sports analogies nd trying to convince himself that he “won”, just shows how much of an idiot he is. When talking about these kinds of things, you’re always gonna have idiots like this pop up. Kid has the intellect of the average Jerry Springer audience member.


Yeah… I’m clearly the lonesome loser with problems here, November 2011 member.

My girlfriend nearly spewed her coffee out of her nose, laughing at you, btw.

Fortunately, Barnes & Nobles cafes have napkins close at hand.

Do keep trying, though.

You are only making yourself look dumber and dumber to actual GD ers.

It’s like you are completely incapable of grasping the concept that maybe, just maybe, other people who post here are not pathetic social pariahs, like yourself. Hell, you’re a pariah on an internet forum, even. The failure that is your life beggars description.

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You’re on the wrooooooooong website bro.

This all makes sense. He’s a smash bro, bros. Walk away.

When people talk about something real I didn’t think they put it in. My bad. I have trouble with internet lingo in a serious discussion. It’s just soooo… Lame. Makes me cringe.

Lol Barnes and Nobles? What’s next some Starbucks and Pinkberry? Then off to the next fad to make your hollow existence more worthwhile. The fact that you’re out and about, and using your computer to come onto this website just shows how much of a loser you are. You with your imaginary girlfriend, is she that boring and ugly that you can’t focus on her blabber about burberry and how much she don’t like herself? Pointing out that I’m a November member just shows how pathetic you are, seeing as how you’re placing so much value in the fact that you’re a long-standing member at a video game website. Only a no life like you would act as if such a thing is worthy of accolade, Mr. Gder. Lol, what a lame ass.

People have different tastes.

That is a fair statement.

Also, guys why is this so personal? Holy crap! Enough tough guy talk. Let’s do facts.

Because idiots like clu tuck their tail when presented with facts and resort to distracting from the fact that they don’t know shit by trying make themselves look smart with off color, dry and snobby remarks. People like him eventually end up alone, because no one wants to be around the overbearing

The fact that you’re 25 years old really shines through =\ I thought I was reading the hate mail I get on PSN after wrecking on a 14 year old.

Age is just a number.

In his case, a number inexorably encroaching upon his I.Q.

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I liked this better when I had a back and forth with people. I was learning stuff. Developing a thought process now its all insults and junk.

Question to the OP: How does In and Out, Becks Prime, Five Guys, and Smash Burger fare in your reckoning?

I used to go these places to get a good burger with good beef, you know, not the “meat” served in low-tier fast food joints.

I was really targeting the big chains. The small guys are unhealthy sure. They’re greasy but that’s it. They’re not preserving the ever living hell out of it or pumping it full of artificial nonsense. What you see is what you get and they have nothing to hide. THAT’S a place where you can play the moderation card.

I need fat for the ridiculous amount of exercise I do.

Coming from a guy with a gay ass avatar as yourself. Still stuck in la la land huh.

You still talking? Had nothing to say until someone gave you the opportunity to hide behind their comment huh.

Btw if you’re gonna try and sound smart, at least use words in proper context. Do us a favor and go back to Grapes of Wrath or whatever else you read to try and make yourself feel “cultured”. You’re about as cultured as a stick of year old butter. Only thing you can do is make glorified stupid jokes, while I point out things that probably weigh on your mind when you’re home alone, no longer able to live up to the charade you put on when you’re out in public. The truth hurts don’t it.

Why do arguments always end up at high school name calling?

You’re really judging somebody based on their avatar? I apologize for making my avatar some picture that I thought was funny. I didn’t realize it would be the deciding factor in some one’s entire evaluation of my character. Please don’t go around freely stating your age as though it was meant to be some form of authoritative validation, KID. lol

Now, before you start thinking about typing up a reply, just chill out. Seriously, calm down.