Definitely not wasting time. If anything you can prevent yourself from gaining weight or at least keep some cardio up. If anything motivate yourself to improve your diet so that isn’t a problem.
Supersize me was a good doc. It only touches the surface on the whole industry, however, with information about calories and stuff like that. Things the public was already becoming aware of. I read a book a while back that was real intersting,. In one part it was explaining how they put certain chemicals in the burgers that illicit a certain response in the brain, which causes one to think that burger is a certain texture and taste better than it would without the additive. And about how the vents are constructed in a way to make the smeel of the fries travel far down the block, as a means of enticing people to eat there. These are some examples I remembered that were unsettling for me, as far as the level of orchestration that is involved with this.
Where I work, the only place that there is to eat is a McDonald’s. Anywhere else, and I have to drive a good bit through some God awful traffic.
I’m starving, I need to eat something or else I’ll feel like shit for the rest of the day, and I only have 15 minutes.
Of course I’m going to eat at the God Damned McDonald’s, even with me hating the place as much as I do.
anyone ever put a hashbrown in your mcgriddle? mmmm its fine dining
This is where willpower comes into play. If you have trouble with late night snacking (I know the feeling) That’s where you want to eat something that ain’t terrible, like a cup of frozen blueberries.
The trick here is controlling when you eat. Just giving it some thought and planning what you eat helps immensely.
And no your efforts are not nullified if you exercise sufficiently. Doesn’t mean you can eat like an idiot of course.
I dont get what you are saying.
The majority if not all people realize and acknowledge that fast food/convenience foods have all sorts of bad things done to em. My previous point still stands that the majority of people have their own personal reasons that justify buying food that may be detrimental to their health in the long run.
Also, while most foods cost to make and manufacture are much lower than the selling price, I’m more than positive that it would cost you a lot more time and money than it takes them. There is a overall net gain to be had in buying products and services that other people specialize in rather than everyone making it themselves. Econ 101.
Why? Because a nigga got bills and shit nigga.
Can’t be buyin that expensive ass meat, better dollar menu that shit.
You’re missing the whole point. I guarantee you that the majority of the public do not realize to a higher magnitude, the things that are done to their foods and how they’re are manipulated and dis-informed so as to ensure their purchase of said products. The information most people are privy to is based on things more superficial like calorie count and fat content, important things that yet do not give light as to the nature of things down to the core.
Of course things cost less to make than their selling price, that has nothing to do with what I’m saying. I’m speaking to the myth that these companies presented to people in regards to convenience foods, when they first hit the market and leading up until now. That I’m speaking of is the justification of them charging you for the “convenience” based on how much supposed time, effort, and care they put in on their end in order to present that finished product to you. That’s where the justification of pricing comes from dude. not based on simple supply and demand. In reality though, they use a bunch of by-products and additives, and cut so many corners when rendering the food that it is fundamentally far from worth the so called convenience they’re bringing to the public. The whole term was just carefully phrased, twisting of words that these food companies use and hide behind in order to sell their junk. Most packaged foods are derived from the leftover and trail end products that food producers and farmers can no longer sale in perishable form. I’m not speaking about economics here, because with that you have underlying ideas and concepts that are put out there for the benefit of major food manufacturers, I’m speaking more to the ethics and principle of it all. Of course companies wanna make money, I understand that, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to do so through misleading means.
In addition, for that most part, it is much more affordable to make your own food than it is to buy fast food or packaged food. For 5 dollars I can make a larger amount of fresh cookies than I would get when buying some chips ahoy, same goes for burgers, chicken and things of that nature. It you were to price out how much it would cost you to make a single burger yourself versus buying a dollar burger, you’ll see that for a dollar you’ll get a higher amount of meat on that homemade burger than you would with the dollar burger. I do this often times.
Why don’t you just reverse it, OP and tell us what YOU eat?
Like, what’s a general week look like, foodwise, for you? :tup:
I mean really. No need to be such a cunt about it.
I went to culinary school, and I eat fast food. There are so many pretentious food hippies these days its outrageous. Everyone wants to fight for some cause and end up not really knowing shit about what theyre fighting for. Not saying this guy in particular, but people these days are insane.
I mean, you’re entitled to use the “fast food is bad” scapegoat, as long as you dont buy your “fresh food” from some store chain in a megaplex shopping center. And if you live in the 1st world, theres a 99.9% chance you do. Since I mean, fast food places pull these resources from the same warehouses as people who run around screaming about how healthy and fresh their diet is. The meat and produce at the grocery store is no better, trust me. They spray those veggies and fruites with all kinds of ethylene gas and wax coatings to change the colors, preserve the taste etc etc. Wal-Mart, Food Lion, Publix…they all add dye and color to their red meats and seafood, and usually the fish is pre-frozen. If you claim to eat healthy you should know the people and places that your food come from, otherwise you’re another wannabe healthy food cunt.
I used to be a part of Slow Foods USA. They put a lot of emphasis on buying local ingredients from local suppliers, ie: personally knowing the people who grow the food you eat. We’re talking going to the farm where you get your bacon from and checking out the pigs, eating foods grown withing a 10 mile radius of your house etc etc.
I personally dont care for mcdonalds, not because its shit, but because its just not tasty. You dont really get any nutrients, its all high in salt and sugar and its not worth the money. I love Taco Bell however, the moral of the story is dont be a food snob. The people who are entitled to be such usually arent which make those who are look really silly.
Wait…are you calling me a cunt?
example of food eaten 100 years that we would find disgusting today please
I dunno…do you feel like a cunt after reading what I said?
I kinda just blew through this topic. I’ve heard enough of people trying to talk about whats “good food” and whats “bad food” to last me for a lifetime. None of these people would sneer at a FF chain if they were somewhere in the 3rd world where a soybean/groundbeef hybrid patty would be a luxary. Just saying. Theres no compassion anymore, food is one of the few things that can still bring people together peacefully and you still get people making that into a hill of shit too.
You wouldnt dare touch a fast food resturant. Good for you. Now go to Chilli’s/Applebees/Carabbas/TGIFridays/Buffalo Wild Wings/Hooters/Olive Garden/Chipotle/Firebirds…WHERE THEY USE THE EXACT SAME SHIT.
Well, since the turn of the century, people eat less organ meat, exotic game and scraps ie:
-chitterlings aka pig intestines
-pigs blood (sauce and soup thickener/blood sausage)
-pigs feet
-chicken feet (popular in asia still)
I’m probably forgetting the most popular one.
The eating of liver and tongue however are still very common, they are quite tasty to be such cheap cuts of meat. You find this more commonly in asian and european cuisine tho.
99% of the animal.
Go to your local supermarket and look at the % of actual meat in sausages…
During the summer I struggled to find anything over 65%
True, but now I realize you are talking about US. In Scotland we have Haggis. Place like Africa, Middle East, Asia they still eat that, or atleast save it for later and get a stew going
Well yea.
I didnt want to really consider “traditional dishes” like haggis and slave food that were based on stretching the scraps of animals. I mean the general population more or less. Modernization has made it possible for people of average living to afford the meat of an animal and not the odd pieces. Otherwise I would have thrown in stuff like ox tails and tripe (my grandma eats this).
Farmers market is the place to shop. Stuff there I didnt even know you could purchase. Like actual pigs blood. And they had something that looked a lot like an asshole, but I didnt care enough to ask. In college I did the secret workaround to get food stamps (horrible I know) so I was taking that 400 dollars a month and splurging at the farmers market cooking up all kinds of shit.
lol I think it was safe to assume that when I started my reply with “I dont get what you are saying”
Ok, well I mean there are basic regulations for food handling and processing. There isn’t much I can touch on without assuming because “nature of things down to the core” is extremely vague.
Uhh, this topic you are treading on covers more than just the fast food/convenient food. The whole meat industry is rife with questionable practices in producing and maintaining “quality” with meat. When it comes down to attacking those processes, you are attacking a lot more than just fast food. The majority of foods you encounter probably have treated with plenty of questionable chemicals and additives. You are basically going after anything that doesn’t have an “organic” label to it. At this point I feel like it goes a little too off topic and out of the scope of this discussion. And staying within that scope, I feel like my previous post still stands.
You forget the value of time needed for preparation, gathering of the ingredients, knowledge of how to make it, equipment, and cleaning up. Sometimes thats worth the extra couple of dollars you save if you made it yourself. Sometimes you just have to when you don’t have time or equipment.
EDIT: pretty much got post sniped by GRAHH… even though he wasn’t even responding to you.
WHen was the last time you saw some sit down to a nice steaming plate of Pigs Feet? Yea people down random shit in tube form but I mean really sittin down an eatin a meal composed of something that’s not the norm. It’s almost impossible to even find a place that serves those kinds of meals in the U.S.