Convenience foods are simply a means for companies to make money off of people, justifying a high asking price based on the idea that you’re paying the extra money because someone is putting in the extra work and effort to make it easier for you. People may buy into it, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that many convenience foods are overly processed, cheaper to manufacture and treated with less care than most other foods.
Because it’s fast, cheap, filling, and delicious. Most people don’t eat enough fast food on a regular enough basis for it to be “slowly killing themselves.” Most people (me included) treat it like smoking and booze: All in moderation.
I’m not justifying anything. I’m making a point that fast food is not the only thing that shorten lifespans so it’s a dumb reason not to enjoy it. I can go down a list of things that cut your years down, including junk food that doesn’t come from fast food chains.
If you’re not already eating organic products, doing rigorous exercise everyday, getting lots of sleep, and living outside of air polluted areas, you’ve already shortened your lifespan by a lot.
People who say that stuff are like the idiots who run through the pouring rain with a newspaper over their head even though they’re already soak and wet.
When did I ever say that eating a hamburger equates to instanteous death? dumbass. And who cares about what your doctor says, as if your doctor is all-knowing or something. “My doctor this, my doctor that” Lol, you sound like an idiot. No one is saying anything about immediate death, but if one is to continuously consume unhealthy products, it contributes to the gradual deterioration of the body. Potentially, it can lead to a myriad of diseases. The Rain Barrel Effect is something that sums this up well. If you take a barrel and place it in continuos rain, slowly but surely the rain is gonna gather up in the barrel until the point where it begins to overflow. In this, the barrel is the body, and the rain drops are the unhealthy things we put in our body that gather up overtime.
But that doesn’t make sense though, it better to acknowledge those things for the purpose of being aware and knowing what to avoid, rather than shrugging it off by saying “there’s this and that as well, so it doesn’t really matter”
HA! I DID go to a few! Did not eat fast food and I stayed pretty dang late too.
Well of course, you’re absolutely right. Couldn’t agree more.The whole thing just shocked me, I never thought about how widespread these places were before. I don’t see why you wouldn’t make an effort though. I try and exercise and yeah, no one’s perfect but still. I really do wonder how they stay open. Some of those movies man and the facts! Holy shit! The salad is DEADLY! I honestly think it’d be a wiser choice to eat 3 milkyways than have a salad from those places.
Well I’m under contract not to say anything but I’m really Mega Man on the run. Those super heores are scary. I’m going to Smash Bros. where it’s safe.
I’m thoroughly convinced that you are actually a robot or a space alien.
read the bolded dumbshit. You are implying that its that fucking bad. That making the statement that, its not as bad as you think, is sacrilege and unimformed. and then you go as far as to assume that im endorsing the food for everyday consumption.
your fucking stupid. Your implying it with how you phrase your self.
Your example is also flawed because like the Smashbro29 its fucking black and white. Unlike the barrel, if have the ability to fucking drain the water before it overflows.
You should analyze whatever fucking nonsense is it you are posting and think before typing. Dumb shits like you are to fucking easy.
Dude you’re a freakin idiot and you have obvious reading comprehension issues. and no my example isn’t flawed you idiot. My example is based off of the scenario of a person who doesn’t “drain the barrel”, i.e someone who conitnues to put harmful things in their body until the point where it is too late. You seem to not realize that the underlying theme of this thread is based in reference to those who is unaware of the things in their food, which is a large percentage of the public. On top of that, even if someone were to stop, it still doesn’t change the fact that the food is unhealthy you idiot, one doesn’t have to personally die in the long term or instantaneously for that to be true. One “draining the barrel” doesn’t change that fact, that’s something that’s independent to one’s lifestyle choice.
In addition I was giving an example as to the harm eating it may cause based on habit, in reponse to you saying,“it’s not as bad as you think”, because you do sound like an uninformed idiot when you say that. In no way was he exaggerting in his initial post, so you saying that makes you sound uninformed, which is probably the truth. It has nothing to do with it not being as bad as he thinks, when it comes down to it, it’s more harmful and crudier than most people are aware of.
And I stand by my original statement in saying that someone who has read into it, wouldn’t be making such a statement. It’s not like he was exaggerating or being paranoid. So for you to say that suggest that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You got people that give importance to the the taste more than the content and vice versa, that’s how people can eat that
my hair is a fucking bird. blah, blah, blah.
You make claims based on assumption. I made a claim where if the reader had a shred of critical thinking skills he would realize that its not that bad. And if a reader with no real critical thinking skills read it, he would react like you.
See that’s the diffrence between me and you. Try harder dumb shit. Maybe you won’t make yourself look like a fucking flamming bag of shit again.
Lol, mad because you got nothing else to say huh? I’m not surprised seeing as to how stupid you’ve been sounding through this entire thread. All of your claims are just that, claims based in nothing of substance. You have no skills at all, saying that you do doesn’t make it true. Funny how when you get painted into a corner all you can do is try and talk smack to try to hide from the fact that you have nothing to say really. Nor have you at any point in this thread contributed anything of merit. The best you could do is say “it’s isn’t as bad as you think”, and in a situation where it makes no sense as to say it. Checkmate you dung heap
It can’t taste THAT good. I can’t say, I already can’t stand the smell and I have no interest in giving these guys a penny (speaking with my debit card) but hey! As far as I’m concerned you could be totally right! Then again if that were the case it makes me wonder how fancier places stay in business.
- Cause I can’t cook
- I don’t enjoy a good 40% of what my mother/father cook
- I’ve grown accustomed to it
I WILL say that sometimes it IS made half-assed(I’m looking at you Jack-In-The-Box).
your still babbling? I guess the simple concept of critical thinking doesn’t stick. Its OK though, I heard retards like you manage any way. Its also cut that you think your so called claims are of any substance as well.
Please I beg of you, try harder.
Lol, mannikin brains is still trying. If you say you’re smart enough times, maybe it’ll come true. Not. You talk big for someone who can’t even spell correctly. Fire away Charmeleon, lol
Seriously Try Harder!!!
Because there are degrees of taste. I can eat a fucking big mac and enjoy that shit cause it’s still good, same way I can eat some wings at a strip club joint and enjoy it, same way I can eat a fucking overpriced AAA steak in a steak house and enjoy that shit too cause it’s fucking godlike.
Also, different occasions, different purposes. You’re not gonna invite your boss or take a girl out to fucking mickey Ds or KFC
+1 to the guy who said it’s hard not eat it at tournaments. I’ve been playing long tournaments for awhile (FGC and other) and sometimes the time you have to work with can’t sustain anything else. Imo it’s better to just eat the shit than go hungry and lose lol. Speaking on taste, fast food is kind of like the American Cuisine. In the same way that some people hate Chinese or Thai some people hate Fast Food and others love it. I think FF is really an acquired (and unhealthy lol) taste.
lol @ this flamewar btw
When in doubt speak in meme eh. And what’s up with all the question marks? Looks like a desperation move to me. You already got roasted when it came to the heart of what we were talking about, now you wanna play tag huh? Trying to restore your some esteem huh? Go forage for acorns, bird for brains.
Yea, I saw Supersize Me. Lot of the stuff in that film had me cutting down my Mickey D regime to just small burgers and sandwiches. Certainly don’t eat there like I used to when I was employed. Still tastes good for a couple of quarters though, and it’s good when you’re in a hurry.
I think the reason I don’t try to exercise is because my efforts are nullified by bad habits. I may jog during the day, but at night I’ll eat boneless fried chicken, mac & cheese, and butter-drenched broccoli. Anything I did earlier that day becomes moot, and I’m just wasting time.