All I want to know is…
Who’s the better bro?
All I want to know is…
Who’s the better bro?
I thought DGV stood for Doing Great Violence.
Continuing the Sparticus theme,
I am D G V
I believe Dark Gaiden is the one usually whooping me online
I always imagined it as “Damned Good Vanquisher” cuz that is just what he does. DGV… ya damn right.
Funny read indeed. C, we don’t harass animation companies…we merely keep them honest
Get off Norieaga.
Norieaga, I’ve got your back on this one.
What you wrote wasn’t confusing at all, and your curiosity about the extent to which certain demographics excel at Street Fighter is perfectly innocent and sensible.
In fact, I would venture to guess that most people here have had similar musings. I know that I have.
Also, I agree with you that players of Asian descent “run” fighting games. I think the truth of that observation is manifest. The winners of major international tournaments are nearly always Asian by descent (e.g. Umehara, Choi, Wong). XBox 360 sales in Japan are infinitesimally small, yet the top four or five players in HDR are all Japanese. (After that, the top player is… John Choi.)
Arturo Sanchez and several other dedicated players have embarked on pilgrimages to Japan to improve their games. As far as I know, no one from Japan or South Korea has gone to a Western nation to improve his game.
I mean, hell, people have observed, in this very thread, that DG was bumped out of a HDR tournament by Choi and Umehara.
To deny that Asians are overly represented in the fighting game elite is nearly as odd as claiming that black people don’t dominate basketball.
Some people have really whack ideological/political sensibilities that make them super touchy about racial matters. The PC train runs long and strong.
^ Thank you, you’re fuckin’ awesome. I have no clue what those other guys thought I was saying but I assumed it was pretty clear.
Pretty much all the races are represented among top players. DGV is black, I’m pretty sure NKI and damdai are white as well as Sirlin, Alex Valle is latino (Afrolegends looks latino too but IDK for sure), and of course East Asians like Choi, Wong, etc. The important thing is they’re all American. = J
I believe AfroLegends is Vietnamese or at least part-Vietnamese, based on his real name…
There’s this thread from last year talking about race demographics in fighting games, if you’re interested.
After the spat everyone had, I feel that this is necessary.
Pfft it’s all about them Italians: [media=youtube]9fp67geuhJM[/media]
Dude, we’re just fucking with you. The three posts are just funny. It makes it sound like you’re really surprised that he’s black and that blacks play the games.
It was clear what you really meant, but it was just funny with you chiming in every few posts with:
Damn, at the fudruckers tourney DGV faced off against John Choi again, lost in winners finals, then came back in grand finals and took a set but lost in the 2nd set. Good match though. I was more hype for that than the sf4 3v3.
wow! I wish I could see that match.
Thank god for the stream of fudruckers.
Oh wait THEY ONLY SHOWED SF4:annoy::annoy:
Iplaywinner recorded the stream, check the fuddruckers thread.
We black men LOVE white women.