Dumb Question, Who is DGV?

hahah this a funny thread. i like how you called DGV “hyper active”. that would be the best way id describe his playstyle too. besides the words “beastly with ryu”…

So wait, DGV is two twins sharing the same account? They’re black, right?

I forgot who told me over xbox live that, DGV plays HDR on xbox liver over a cabinet setup standing up…and that it was 2 brothers who shared the same account

[video]http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f193/Queti883/?action=view&current=002.flv[/video] here’s Dark Gaiden one half of dgv Making it rain!!

oh yea and here he is again sorry for the lighting it was dark didnt have my flash on!! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Is he African?

lol you never seen a black person before?

Hahahah, no, I’m just curious because of the demographics behind the game. I know Asians run it but I was curious to see how it has been represented by other races.

lol, what?

You’re curious about whether people of other races play games? Are you high?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

why does SRK care about DGV so much?

Remember: Daigo doesnt get to play HD Remix like that.
So who cares who played him in HDR?

Asains dont run shit.
Wtf are you on?

I think you and the other guy *** TOTALLY*** misinterpreted my post.

Yea he has played John Choi before, it wasn’t too long ago, I can’t remember which tournament it was, but DGV lost.

NorCal Regionals 2009

I think you *** TOTALLY*** mistyped your intentions.

Oh wow, I purposely check this particular thread to get my daily dose of “Who is DGV” humor and now…this once funny thread, just went downhill after post #20 or so. I say BGs to derailing this thread!

And for the record, DGV is not black, unless he chooses to be when he color selects with the start button. I don’t know about you guys, but he usually gives me the O.G. DGV treatment by pressing the jab button at the character select screen. That picture you saw that MongoloRobokop posted was a DGV alternative costume available as a DLC only.

Okay, this thread is officially back on track as it was intended to be…funny! :rofl:

If you disagree with that then…
Who wants to start a new thread titled: “Name the color of that fawkin’ tourney player?” :rofl: :rofl:

“…* but I was curious to see how it has been represented by other races*.”

This is confusing, how?

Don’t you know everyone on SRK is black until proven otherwise?

No way man, all lies! He couldn’t be wearing a costume. I met him at Evolution 2009 and he seemed so real. I didn’t see a sagging face or anything of that sort. I mean, who would spend $1,000,000.00 on a costume that realistic.
O yeah, I also got to witness how he executes the difficult commands like the “juice kick” (the parabolic arc hurricane kick). There’s no mistaken, he levitates guys! I dont’ know what sorcery this was but it seemed like the natural kind evoked by green magic.

Who is DGV? I am DGV!! :annoy:

More like I wish I was. :rofl:

Are they really twins?