Last known photo of DGV…
Taken this weekend in Southern California…
lmao. We do love them though.
What’s so special about them? I think the just nag alot. Maybe it’s cuz I’m white
Says the guy who was trying to impress a girl with his calculus skills.
AHEM! COUGH! Well I’d prefer a nagging girl to being single. That is ALL! :annoy:
My apologies, its difficult to tell sometimes on a public forum. You may joke at my expense
You will eventually CHANGE that opinion… trust me.
I think you meant to quote the statement before? I doubt Coth would ever prefer women in a relationship over single women. Oohhhhhh I get it. You mean he’ll eventually prefer single men. I gotcha. Coth, if it comes to that point, I’ll still be supportive in that sarcastic assholish way. ; )
^^ I think** this** is Coth’s favorite mathematical equation:
No, I ment he’ll eventually prefer being SINGLE over a “Nagging Girl”.
But your breakdown of the whole situation is much more hilarious, we will go with that.
Is he blue ball rather than blue balls? B====D
I had a brief explanation all typed up, but this whole sub-thread is way off topic, so it probably needs to stop now.
I’ll just say that, to a black man, white women are like high elves. (It’s more complicated than that, of course.)
I married a white woman. So did my Dad (my stepmother). And an uncle of mine who’s over fifty just got married for the first time two months ago. His new wife is white.
Another uncle of mine had a white girlfriend when I was growing up, although he has since gone latina (which is roughly second or third on the black man’s beauty list).
If you ever see The Fellowship of the Ring with an audience again, look at some black dude’s face when Galadriel comes down to the hobbits all surrounded by light. He’ll probably look like he’s hypnotized.
What a funny thread. From talking to DGV, race and now white women. Next we will be talking about world peace. And Coth X all women nag man. It’s what make women well women. But there is something more there. I cant put my finger on it but I have theories at least in my case. And by what MiloDC wrote up my theory is pretty good.
Anyhow keeping this somewhat back on topic what do you guys think make DGV so good? I mean you can practice 24/7, play nothing but good people and still you can lose to anyone and everyone all the time. Do you think he is just very smart in regards to possible outcomes that can come from how he plays. Sort of like playing chess. Which then makes me bring up another point that maybe he is processing thoughts faster than say the average joe. Do you think this is possible? I mean we say everybody can learn something if taught but really do you believe this? I would love to think if someone taught me how to be a doctor I could do it and would be doing it by now but that is not the case. We all are not created equal. I am problaby making this deeper than what it probably is but really what are your thoughts.
subliminal message (I love me some vanilla and strawberry ice cream)
DGV is good because he is dedicated to the game (and he also lives in one of the best places for a SFII scene). With dedication and effort comes experience. As one gains experience, his skill becomes refined.
subliminal message (The fight is all)
By the way, Vintage, I was wondering last night… What button configuration do you use for your SNES controller when you play SFII? I ask because I want to compare it with the config my brother used and passed onto me.
To be as good as DG/Afrolegends/Daigo/Choi/Valle/etc., you have to (1) love the game, (2) put in mad hours, and (3) have natural ability.
Dedication will get you a LONG way, but to be truly cream of the crop, you have to have input from an external source, whether it’s scientific engineering, romantic or artistic inspiration, God, whatever.
All of us meet (1), most of us meet (2), very few of us meet (3).
I adore the Vampire series (Darkstalkers, Night Warriros, Savior, etc.), and I have played it a LOT, but I will never, ever be anywhere within a light year as good as the top players, because my reflexes and manual dexterity just do not match up at all.
Also don’t forget: a fierce, unquenchable thirst for victory.
Two of the whiniest babies ever to grace the SNES Xband network back in the mid 90’s. Oh how they pissed and moaned about tick throws in Super SF2 back then:rofl:
They’re also self proclaimed “pad pros” but that’s a pretty bold statement considering just about everyone was playing on pads back in the Xband days :razzy:
Oh, and they like Jem and the Holograms as well as dubbed Anime.
To be good:
“One must learn the fundamentals to reveal the essence.”
That is the best advice I can give anyone and what someone told me a long time ago.
Also, I hate all of you.