F.HK~S.HKxxHP Upper. The overhead is slow enough for anyone to hit-confirm it anyway, because the timing on the link is so delayed.
:df::lk::df::mk::df::p: Also works just fine. You can slop that one out easy as long as the inputs are all done nice and fast.
I’m finding Dudley’s cancels to be pretty tight overall. Especially the f.MK, s.HK xx EX MGB. The link is easy but a lot of the time I get regular s.HP in place of the special.
—edit on the f.MK thing. Turns out I was doing the link too soon, getting s.MK instead of s.HK, so obviously the cancel never came out under those conditions.
I’ve been messing around with his… charge move recently, trying to find good applicationes. The most effective I’ve used it is against bads who can’t block it when I cross up on their wake-up. Beyond that… the recovery is so slow, I’m eating a beefy comboy if it whiffs.
Anybody found good uses?
Dudleys standing hard punch is very useful for stopping people. It also does a lot of damage. I <3 it :3.
Can anyone help me on being able to use his target combos during a match? I can do then in practice, but doing them in the heat of battle is tricky for me.
How to deal with an opponent who backdashes on wakeup in response to a meaty move like cr.lk or f+mp, and what to do on wakeup against a shoto character, trying to bait that shoryuken, then they do stuff like cr.lp/cr.lk tech os and distance you away.
Im having trouble against backdashers too, some backdash cannot be punished with ultra either
Backdashers get ULTRA’ed. Who has a back dash that can escape Ultra?
f+mk OS ultra/Jet Upper
Whats a good follow up the f+hk overhead -> mk target combo?
Never do the target combo, just do f+hk and combo off of it with cr.lp/s.hk.
If you just do f+hk and it’s blocked you can follow up with a throw or a low jab.
Thanks for the info.
for target combos…they’re no wait time just input the buttons one right another…just get use to it it wont be difficult
for all dudley users: ** LEARN TO LINK HIS OVERHEAD** this IMO is his best tool
save super when you can…the damage is worth it
gen has a good back dash to escape from being ultra’ed.
If you use ex Cross Counter while not hacing enough health to survive the blow, the announcer will say KO!!! while you’re still flashing. Then you do the cross counter animation of punching 3 times, then you fall to the floor.
Funny shit.
Is there any kind of lead in (other than FA) or follow up to dudley’s target combo #8 (lk, mk, mp, hp)?
What about any other target combos?
let’s get this thread stickied! lots of good info.:woot:
Hey guys I’m having a little difficulty with move execution
I can’t seem to land the Jet Upper > EX cancel
It just seems that the upper connects and then he cancel waayyyyy before the opponent is within hitting range.
If anybody can help me out with this I would greatly appreciate it
:r: + :hp: > Super works. I’m also a fan of LP MGB pressure.
For those people who don’t want to make the switch to Rolling Thunder against fireball characters, Ducking > Ultra 2 works nicely.
So i’m having trouble completing Dudley’s trial 19, and it’s the only one i have left. It’s driving me insane. Connecting the 2nd half of it is not problem (the lp. ssb in super). It’s the first part however that’s getting me. How exactly do you link St. HK into lp. ssb? As much as i try, i don’t see any progress being made, or timing being picked up. Is there something i’m missing?
Here’s some contribution notes:
Jump in rh, cr. fierce, st. rh, ex mgb, ducking upper does 753 stun. Enough to dizzy Seth in one combo. I was tacking on an ultra for around 543 damage against DJ.
This is a goofy set up, but if you have an opponent block a standing mk, you don’t get pushed back and you are at -1 on block. Both of these things are crazy. This is a free throw. Once someone gets savvy to it, try to mix it up with a back swing blow, remember to buffer the super input if you have it. Also, this works the same off of the forward rh, st. mk target combo.
I have been having a lot of luck with forward fierce punch. On counter hit, you can do a cr. jab, st. rh, ex mgb, ducking upper or straight into ultra… Plus it is a good way to close the distance during a footsy battle.
Lastly, if you have your opponent in the corner, you can land an ex cross counter and tack on an ultra after the third hit for a bit extra damage.