Duckie the Self Aware Duck

This week’s Duckie

Duckie 32

Duckie #33

Happy birthday to my girlfriend Nora!

OOOOH, I FEEL NEW CHARACTERS COMING!!! lol…I like it a lot so far!

R O F F L E S!!!

This is definately in my favorites pile!!!:rofl::clap:

Seriously have you gotten this published yet?

So I gave my friend that website to the coolie duckie website…and apparently, I realized you didn’t finish uploading the comics from the beginning yet. lol, but yeah, hopefully you can get around to that

Sorry man, Due to bandwith restrictions :sad: I can’t put every single Duckie up on the site. But every Duckie ever drawn is right here on this forum. And if you go to the F.A.Q. section of the site there’s a link to another forums Duckie thread that also have all the Duckie, as well as a how to draw a duckie comic post.

I hope he/she had fun reading Duckie anyways :smiley:

Oh and White Shadow, Duckie is STILL not published yet. I’m going to finish up this arch and start preparing to submit it to syndacates. So in a couple of weeks or so.

Hmm, might I suggest using photobucket? You can upload all of them there. Or even using which has no bandwidth limit. It can all be backup websites or something that will give people a chance just to read it.

Oh, they really liked the comic, lol

That’s a really good idea. I have no idea why I hadn’t considered that before. Cheers Chrno.

I also had to edit each page to put them all up as well so it would take quite some time since I’m up to Duckie 34 now. But once this I finish this huge art job I’ll put the time into doing it. Maybe even put up a list of all the Duckies and people can click on a title to go to an external link for the time being.

Thanks man, you’ve given alot of things to think about :slight_smile:

Here’s this weeks Duckie:

Duckie 34

Duckie 35 5 Oct

Hmm, I know this is way off topic…but if you read the garfield comics, the storylines are rarely ever linear. So, making it linear MIGHT sway some readers away, but I do really like it since I’ve been following it for practically all the time. lol.

Hopefully after more characters are established, you can make (in anime terms) “filler comics” just for the fun of it. :slight_smile: Just a thought.

The Filler comics are alot of fun. Most of the Duckie strips are Filler comics so far. I make the linear story lines to establish and test out new characters and situations. That way I can get a feel for them and let them be cemented into the readers mind. And then they can pop up later and it be the norm rather than a what the hell is that thing/character doing here.

But you do have a good point. Fillers are also great to put in between story archs too.

Cheers for the comment man. I always walk away from your posts with alot to think about.

Cheers :smiley:

Normally, dailies have a slightly linear story while Sundays are filler one-shots, from what I recall.

Calvin and Hobbes (One of my favorite comic strips BTW) Would mix it up. A few one shots here and there some ongoing stories. Sometimes the Sundays were used to resolve the dailies Stories. It’s all up to the artist what they do with the space I guess :slight_smile:

Duckie #36

I just noticed that the curve on the Brick Game is supposed to be set the other way. runs

Don’t be afraid to crit. It’s all good. Alot of people spot my screw ups especially in the grammar dept. And heaps of the feedback I get from posting Duckie up really helps to shape the series.

Anyway if you mean the groove in the middle of the Brick Game it’s supposed to be curving forward towards the player. It’s based on my sisters brickgame which was pretty much my brickgame once I had my first game on it.

uhh…I just realized…that you spelled generic wrong. you forgot an e.

Cheers for that Chrno. Completely missed that mistake till you mentioned it. I’ll have to go back and edit the old ones.

Anyways here is Duckie #37

I’ll also be putting a Duckie archive up on my site sometime this week if your friend wants to check it out. I owe you some Duckie mechandise once Duckie (Hopefully) Hits the big time.

Cheers for tuning in folks.


minor crit – you need to give the text more room to breathe, esp in the 1st and 2nd panels.

And now I am suscribed to this incredible-edible thread.

You’ve got some really good humor going there Cpt. N°30’s gotta be my favorite, but the rest are amazing too.

Regarding the “Give the text breathing space” comment, I have a suggestion you might like to try: Try cutting some words so the meaning is still there.
IE, how about replacing:
Ducky! We have to escape from this house before the family returns!
Ducky! We have to escape before the family returns!

Might make the whole panel easier to read. Just a suggestion tho.

Keep up the good work, I had a blast reading your little archive. :tup:

Sometimes the out of test bubbles are interesting…but that’s me, lol