Dual Modding my Mad Catz Xbox 360 SE with a Cthulhu Switchless, Imp and DPDT switch

Works too, fuck yeah.

A. Yes, cut and strip the usb cables from from both pcb’s. Data lines green and white go parallel to each other on the outer points of the switch. All power lines go together all ground lines go together.

B. I cut the four direction lines in half. The ground is left untouched. It doesn’t matter what kind of strip you use.

C. I only used the ground from the outgoing cable. There is a padhacking thread that you can find more info on specific controllers. I didn’t have to do anything special to the pcb I used besides making sure the trigger pots were at neutral.

D. I used lamilabel from kinkos

Bomberman now has a tutorial on dual modding with imp/cthulhu here http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?p=6452879&posted=1#post6452879

Since his tutorial is complete I will just post some pics with some basic info.

I decided to mount the imp here.

Since this cthulhu is already mounted I kept the usb jack on and just hacked the cable. I made the blue button in the upper left the system select button.

Hey fundando, nice thread. I cracked open my PS3 TE last night and was weirded out by the PCB differences from the 360 version. The SE fightstick seems to be the same way. Were you able to wire the PS3 home button to work as 360 guide?

Looks great, but got a question.

I want to do this mod, but instead of having a tentacle rape of cables coming out, I would like to do the RJ-45 mod that was mentioned elsewhere on SRK. Would I need a switch to carry this out, and how would everything get wired up? I’m sure a barrier strip would be required?

I’m going to be doing this, obviously, on the 360, and would like the guide button to work as the Home button for the PS3.

EDIT: Someone sent me a message about an howto that would make this happen. It was good, but I should’ve clarified more with what I was looking for.

I was looking for something that:

  1. Wouldn’t require mass amounts of soldering if possible. I can understand if I have to solder points to the 360 board, but I’d like to avoid soldering as much as possible.

  2. Would use a switch and would thus not require me to buy and solder to an Imp board.

  3. Would allow the RJ-45 to handle both the 360 and PS3 when an USB cable is plugged into, so I won’t have to have multiple cables dangling from one stick.

Is this possible?

No I didn’t attemt it mainly bacause I did not want to mess with the pcb too much. I just wired Select to be the guide button.

The RJ-45 How to by acceptablerisk is herehttp://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=178604 very good guide. Although if you are only using it for ps3/360/pc I would recommend just using the single usb cable and an IMP board

  1. You need to get used to soldering, I used to be terrible but I actually learned from a guide on instructables.com and I’m pretty handy with soldering iron nowadays.

2 If you use RJ-45 you don’t have to have a switch as long as you have enough points on the RJ-45 to handle all your controllers

3 If you use a switch or IMP you can use the same USB cable or you can have a different USB cable to handle each system.

Lets say you decide to use pins 1&2 to handle data for the 360. You would wire the output RJ-45 on you stick with D+ and D- on pins 1&2. You would do the same when you make your usb cable for your 360. Then do the same for the ps3 with pins 3&4. And continue using different pins for each system. Read the RJ-45 guide for a better understanding.

I might just be confusing you more. What kind of stick are you modding and what PCB are you adding?

another 360 SE with a PS3 cthulhu and an Imp that I did for linkgt
once again this cthulhu already had a usb jack on it so I just hacked a usb cable I had laying around. This mod would actually be easier with a cthulhu with no usb jack.

Wiring the Guide and Home buttons together isn’t hard at all, Fundando. It’s easier and a better idea than adding a new button just to toggle between the PCBs.

Yeah but I kind of like the big extra button and in general I don’t touch the madcatz pcb itself.

Is this possible on the PS3 version? It seems like you would have to solder to the contact underneath the Home button. I’m willing to try but it’d be better if someone knew if it would work first :slight_smile:

Confusing me a little, but keep going, we’ll get this all figured out.

I will be using an Xbox 360 Madcatz SE Fightstick, and will be adding the Cthulhu Multiconsole. I actually will be using all the capabilities (360, PS3, PSX, Xbox, Gamecube).

Here’s my guide for that, Missing Person: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=184787

Edamame of course it’s possible to solder a wire to the PS3 version’s guide button. I don’t know what the PCB looks like or I’d tell you exactly where to do it.

Ok, I guess since you reiterating what you sent to me on my personal messages, I guess that this is it with adjustments, such as, replacing the Switch with the Imp, and running both sides of the switch to the RJ-45?

Whoops! Thought you were somebody else. Damn you and your overly-specific mod desires. Did you ask Toodles about it yet?

In that case just follow bomberman’s guide http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=184787 if your looking to do less soldering just order you cthulhu with with screw down terminals.

He wants the RJ-45 jack to function not only as the extra consoles’ cables, but also as the main USB cable. I don’t know if that’s possible or not… He should really just do it simpler.

Sure. All of the wires in the RJ-45 jack EXCEPT the D+ and D- lines connect to the Cthulhu. The D+ and D- points on the RJ-45 jack go to the middle of the DPDT or output from the Imp. DPDT or Imp gets connected like normal.

man, it’s time to practice soldering for me

how much VA should the switch be rated to handle?
I was thinking of doing it switchless, but I am thinking putting a hidden switch inside the compartment for a TE stick.

This a really useful thread, bookmarked for when I attempt a dual mod.