I’m useless when I’m pissed up. Just revert to spamming Devil Reverse and Ex headstomp. I would love to split my sober win % and drunk win % just to see how rubbish booze makes me.
This has me obnoxiously narrating while drunk :(. Actually, I’m pretty sure all of my videos are when I’m drunk. Side note: did the hop ultra on the first try while silly and made a dollar.
Marvel must be intense when you’re hella high, lol.
Too bad I dont smoke =.=
This is smart. Bud is bud. No reason to be a snob about it. Good shit is everywhere…but where there isn’t much competition, it gets way to expensive.
What was funny was when I played Smash drunk I was a beast with Yoshi and when I was sober I couldnt win with him to save my life , My friends thought this was always funny.
In 4 I get real bad , I just spam moves over and over again even when I know its stupid and will be punished, and even worse I get stupid aggressive , pretty much relentless to the point where people just turtle and win.
In HD I get better though maybe cuz the speed of the game is faster I guess.
I played sf4 a few weeks pretty trashed. I dont think ive ever played a game so damn intently. To the point that I was swaying to the movement onscreen. Still fun.
I say the burning of your ciga-weed is due to the consistency of the J you’re rolling. If you roll a shitty J, then it won’t stay lit, thus the band-aid you think you’re having by packing it with tobacky. Plus tobacco tastes like shit compared to weed. Spliffs are a euro thing and has never really caught on in the US. At any rate, high times! when playing sf4.
I was pretty drunk tongight playing random online matches.
I realize my execution goes straight to shit and I like to jump around a lot and burn all sorts of meter.
played drunk again the other night… didnt go that well this time. did better on 3s though… lag + parries dont help, but when you drunk you just get pissed off and drink more, so i watched Forrest Griffin fight Tito Ortiz.
Good timz
Drunk me + sf4 = constant yahoo jump with dan
i tend to replace all normals with taunts when im drunk.
I don’t drink personally I stay green. I play about ten times better baked. Probably because my patience level sky rockets. I do notice that I’m more willing to take risks too.
srk needs a like feature similar to face book because crhustle’s post is full of win… and truth
My reactions are 10x better after a bowl. Being less anxious helps too.
Marvel + XBL + Adderall = Me playing for five hours straight, being WAY too serious. My MSS-a was killing Wolverine players like it was 2004 in a shitty mall Tilt.
I play better when high.
When I’m drunk it really depends. Sometimes I’ll play well and other times I’ll be so bad.
Between beers #2-4 I’m better because I am loose and relaxed, but after that I’m crap. Spiced wine and cough syrup oddly improves reaction time, and the colors are pretty.
I don’t stress the game as much. More taunting & laughing.
I’m horrible all the time, but being drunk makes the game more fun, IMO.