Dreamcast problem with modded X-Arcade

I came across a $80 X-Arcade Dual a while back and decided to pick it up. It worked fine with my Xbox and DC So I then decided to mod it with two IL Euro Sticks and Happs competition Push buttons. For some reason after the Mod it no longer works on Dreamcast. When I plug it into the adapter the red light goes on meaning that the Stick is plugged into an adapter. But the Sticks and buttons don’t work. I have no idea why the stick works fine on the xbox but not at all on the DC.

When I modified the stick I removed the button 2 buttons on each side. These buttons are not buttons on the DC and on the xbox they register as L and R. I didn’t see the need for the extra buttons so I removed them. I cut them out and used the extra wire to rewire the IL Euro Sticks. I’m thinking that removing the 2 buttons on each side might be the problem. But why would removing buttons that don’t register on a DC gamepad affect anything? Why would it stop the sticks from moving as well? Yet it still works fine on xbox.

If anyone has anything helpful I greatly appreciate it. I used your forums to get know how on how to customize and build sticks. The X-Arcade is just the beginning.

I’d greatly appreciate any help. Just as long as its not throw that garbage stick away lol

This may sound like a silly question, but is your adapter set to joystick and not steering wheel?

Are you talking about that switch thing in the back? I tried it on every setting. I’ll double check and try again.

Something has to be wrong with the DC adaptor itself I guess, even though it sends a signal maybe its not sending a switch signal. Also, why would you remove the side buttons and use those to rewire the stick? Just use the original 4 that they give you.

Some of the wiring wasn’t exactly long enough. So I used to extra wire on the connects that require to wires to be crimped onto one microswitch.

I guess something must be wrong with the DC Adapter. As it works fine with the xbox.

Though they say that their sticks are indestructible, the quality of their adapters suck. On mine the Serial cable part of the adapter gets disconnected even if it’s pushed down slightly or if it’s at an angle.

When it does that does the RED Light on it turn off to signal that its disconnecting or does it stay red all the time?

If it’s disconnected the power gets disconnected too so yeah.

Interesting. My Red light remains on but the Joystick remains unresponsive. Maybe I should give X-Arcade an email.

Emailed X-Arcade. They sent me a replacement adapter and told me to tell them what happens. The new one works fine. So I guess it was a problem with the adapter.

Alright, good thing it was just an adapter problem. Also, I live right outside of philly, we should get some games on.

Does the IL Eurostick swap in with no extra work besides switching to .25" QDs? I already replaced the buttons on mine, but I was thinking of swapping the sticks down the line and maybe closing up the two bottom buttons.

The IL Eurostick swaps right in. Just remove the stock X-Arcade Sticks and put in the IL Euro Sticks. You have to rewire though. The IL Euro uses 22 Gauge Quick Disconnects while the stock X-Arcade use smaller connects. So after installing the stick you have to cut the ends of the wires off and replace the connects with the new connects.

So after unplugging the wires from the X-Arcade sticks and removing them. I cut off the ends and used a wire crimper for the 22 Gauge Quick Disconnects. Put in the IL Euro’s, connect the switches and boom you’re done.

The Happs buttons and IL Euro’s are a lot better. There really is not going back.

I live in Newtown which is in Buckscounty.

does it hgave the default xarcade pcb in it? If so, then swap it out for a ps1 pad and use a converter as xarcades do all kinds of weird shit and lag a lot.


I never really have experienced ANY lag with my X-arcade on my dreamcast. I admit that there is a little on the Playstation especially with MVC2. The Side Buttons Toggle between the D-Pad and Joystick on the controller with the adapter for dreamcast.

I got family who live in Newtown. Lot of big houses around there, not much else.

I only live 30 minutes away from you.

Well what else would you find in Suburbia :rofl:

Not bad. Maybe over summer or something we could catch some games.

Here was my collection last summer its expanded a lot more since.