Dreacast L and R

Sorry if that thread exist anywere else… but i rally cant find… …

I want to find out what to do with my arcade stick. I handmaked one with the original controller of Dreamcast. But I find out that L and R buttons r different. like… i cant press 3 kicks or 3 punchs cause of that …

So… I found many times that ppl say to use one controller … i forgot wich, that this thing is already fixed, but i didnt find that… so… I ask for help to do something with my actuall controller please!

Not really sure what you’re describing, but I haven’t had any trouble with the Mad Catz controllers with the 6 buttons on the face.

l and r dont work right on a stick cuz those 2 buttons are analog while the other 4 are digital. just get a pad that has 6 digital buttons, preferrably one that labels the l and r buttons as “c” and “z”. l and r is almost always analog, while c and z is recognized as digital in games… mad cats are generally the easiest to use

yeah the dreamcast trigger buttons use magnets to complete the circuit, unlike the type of buttons you can solder to.

I know that…I already seen that answer om all this forum…; but I´m looking for a solution, still using my original dreamcast controler, cause here dont exist that mad catz controler…

the gamecube ones are also analog and I have directly soldered to the contacts on the gamecube analog L and R buttons and had no trouble. You can try it on the Dreamcast, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. There should be 2 traces coming out of the L n R button and solder to those. By completing the circuit with a wire, there is next to no resistance so it will register as a very very hard press which will work fine.

But I did it… thas why is working, but its out of timing… someone told me one day that the solution was sold out the analogic receptor… but I want to know how… or if is anyhing else…

i have never seen a modded stick with the official dc pad where l and r act properly. i dont think there is an accurate way of getting the l and ra to behave correctly. you can find mad catz controllers allover the place. i see em all the time in gamestop, babbages and such, used, and on ebay… unfortunately, i dont see the point in doing a stick for dc these days =/ since everything is ported now to ps2

what about the quantim fighter pad? they go for $3 on amazon, opposed to 12 for the mc pad

But u should know that Marvel vs capcom 2 for PS2 sucks, like trash… so or u play in Arcade or in dreamcast.

Well… I´m in Brazil so, I dont have a clue were to find taht joystick… but thx for ur help anyway… I will wait for somene taht maybe know that…

yeah i guess marvel is the only thing heh. i would try and hit some up on ebay… basically, any pads where there are 6 digital buttons ,you will be ok with…

sabre, u ever see one with a quantum pad?

i think quantum pad has programmable buttons so I wouldn’t mess with that. Just go psx and get a dc converter. or mad catz for mad propz if you can find one. The marvel players here all have dc sticks, but I don’t know where they get their pads from.

They suck, I ordered one before for the exact same purpose and the last two face buttons just replicate like a and b i think (just two other face buttons). It makes no sense I know, but don’t find out the hard way.


quick question

if i get a madcatz stick

how could i hook up both a PSX and DC pad to it?

I thought it was possible to solder directly to the Hall effect sensors or whatever on the OEM DC pad, the only issue being lag and that mostly unnoticeable.

well, I havn’t dinked with a dc controller yet. I would jsut buy cheap third party DC controller with full analog rather than dink with it if it hass hall effect sensors in them.

anybody on the “two pcb” question i posted up two posts

To use two pcbs on the same stick use a barrier strip. Connect The pcbs to one side of the stip with the buttons and stick connected to the other side. Also if you do this never plug both pcbs to their systems because you will damage them.

arite… could you explain / provide pics of this barrier strip? could i get one @ radio shack?