Damn, those are nice ass drawings.
In terms of what I’m lacking? Honestly, I feel like it’s all subjects, lol.
I’m still a noob since I really haven’t been drawing long at all (4 months now). The perspective class I’m at the CGMA academy, I can understand why it’s not for beginners. They don’t really teach you fundamentals per-say, but rather how to expand on it. I’m glad I’m keeping up with the class, but man is it difficult, spending all nighters every week to get homework done for both my classes.
I’m currently working two part time jobs since I’d like to take my art classes a bit further (need dat money to afford it).
My community college classes are great, since they don’t cost all that much and I have a teacher who’s able to point out the errors of my drawings. Sadly, I don’t feel as though he’s a great teacher in terms of educating us how to draw, but as long as he can point out exactly what I’m doing wrong, I can easily self teach myself those mistakes.
CGMA on the other hand is quiet amazing. So much so, I’d like to take as many classes as possible from them.
At this point, I do carpal tunnel exercises twice a day so make sure nothing bad happens to me since I’m drawing a good 4 - 8 hours a day. So much so, when I’m in front of my computer not drawing, I feel empty. There’s even nights I have trouble sleeping cause I feel I need to continue drawing… I dunno… going crazy, I think