Dragon Ball FighterZ: Legendary Saiyans Edition

can someone explain to me the tech-sytem? I always hear “up-tech” but I dont know how its performed and with which button?

I guess you’re talking about tech rolls?
That shit gets explained well in the tutorial.

Ok it doesn’t seem that you are plus on up tech with solar flare but it does bring you down to the ground before you can act, so combined with an assist it’s still good

I didn’t realize it because I was mostly in training mode but there are 3 different cooldowns for characters that aren’t currently in use:
DHCing = 4 seconds
assists = 7 seconds
tagging/guard canceling = 11 seconds

All of these CDs are 1 second shorter in Sparking Blast.

as a addition.
when you finish off one of your opponents it gets reset so you can freely use both assist when you think you can kill someone
without to worry to be without them when the next opponent comes in.

Actually going to have some real free time, so if anyone wants to get some matches in, let me know. I’ll be on in 20 minutes

well the set up for it is actually quite easy. Situational, but deff could happen in real matchs. I might upload a video of it eventually I just have so much already to put out so will see. Ill test with tiens though to see if his also does it.

Sparking also lets the assist recover during blockstun iirc


This game is awesome!

That was disgusting, so his M stance somehow doesn’t have a pushbox or something?
*Apparantly Hit is invincible/unhittable during that stance so Trunks just passed through.

I didn’t even notice the beam pushed trunks through Hit.

This was definitely me, i kept pressing buttons to tech out…

I figured that stance probably made him “off screen”. He’s definitely the Wesker/Slayer function of the game. Characters that wear trenchcoats in vs/marvel games are always good.

hahaha thats fuckin news to me too, that seems a lot easier and safer.

I dunno whats happening against hit hes all over thr place

I’m fucking lost vs this character too.

He’s solid and gimmicky at the same time. Wtf arcsys? Yamcha has gimmicks but he sucks at everything else. This man puts you in blockstun anywhere if you ever touch the ground and if you DARE press a button when he’s at frame disadvantage he’s gonna counter or backdash into whiff punish you.

My favorite characters are Hit and Adult Gohan but they have no real synergy. Adult Gohan seems like he will be stronger in the long run so I’m sad to be letting Hit go lol

Can other characters cover both tech options with jump h? Seems yamchas is pretty good. He can also convert off of his since it doesn’t knock down.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TPU1ZJVP28 beam clash quirks and tech